List of Entities
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Napraviti: dodati entitete koji nedostaju? zabilježite koji su entiteti gdje dostupni.
AI Entiteti
- ai_ally_manager
- ai_battle_line (ne u
- ai_changehintgroup
- ai_changetarget
- ai_citizen_response_system
- ai_goal_actbusy
- ai_goal_actbusy queue
- ai_goal_assault
- ai_goal_follow
- ai_goal_lead
- ai_goal_lead weapon
- ai_goal_police
- ai_goal_standoff
- ai_relationship
- ai_script_conditions
- ai_sound
- ai_speechfilter
- aiscripted_schedule
- assault_assaultpoint
- assault_rallypoint
- info_apc_missile_hint
- info_node
- info_node_air
- info_node_air hint
- info_node_climb
- info_node_hint
- info_node_link
- info_node_link_controller
- info_npc spawn_destination
- info_snipertarget
- logic_choreographed_scene
- path_corner
- path_corner_crash
- path_track
- scripted_scene
- scripted_sentence
- scripted_sequence
- scripted_target
- tanktrain_aitarget
- tanktrain_ai
Entiteti Okoliša
- env_ar2explosion
- env_beam
- env_beverage
- env_blood
- env_bubbles
- env_citadel_energy_core
- env_credits
- env_cubemap
- env_dustpuff
- env_effectscript
- env_embers
- env_entity_dissolver
- env_entity_igniter
- env_entity_maker
- env_explosion
- env_extinguisherjet
- env_fade
- env_fire
- env_firesensor
- env_firesource
- env_flare
- env_fog_controller
- env_funnel
- env_global
- env_gunfire
- env_headcrabcanister
- env_hudhint
- env_laser
- env_lightglow
- env_message
- env_microphone
- env_muzzleflash
- env_particlelight
- env_particlescript
- env_physexplosion
- env_physimpact
- env_player_surface_trigger
- env_portal_laser
- env_rotorshooter
- env_rotorwash
- env_screenoverlay
- env_shake
- env_shooter
- env_smokestack
- env_smoketrail
- env_soundscape
- env_soundscape_proxy
- env_soundscape_triggerable
- env_spark
- env_speaker
- env_splash
- env_sprite
- env_spritetrail
- env_starfield
- env_steam
- env_sun
- env_terrainmorph
- env_texturetoggle
- env_tonemap_controller
- env_wind
- env_zoom
Filtrirajte Entitete
- filter_activator_class
- filter_activator_name
- filter_activator_team
- filter_damage_type
- filter_multi
- filter_enemy
Funkcijski Entiteti
- func_areaportal
- func_areaportalwindow
- func_breakable
- func_breakable_surf
- func_brush
- func_button
- func_capturezone
- func_changeclass
- func_clip_vphysics
- func_combine_ball_spawner
- func_conveyor
- func_detail
- func_door
- func_door_rotating
- func_dustcloud
- func_dustmotes
- func_extinguishercharger
- func_guntarget
- func_healthcharger
- func_illusionary
- func_ladder
- func_ladderendpoint
- func_lod
- func_lookdoor
- func_monitor
- func_movelinear
- func_nobuild
- func_nogrenades
- func_occluder
- func_physbox
- func_physbox_multiplayer
- func_platrot
- func_precipitation
- func_proprespawnzone
- func_recharge
- func_reflective_glass
- func_regenerate
- func_respawnroom
- func_respawnroomvisualizer
- func_rot_button
- func_rotating
- func_smokevolume
- func_tank
- func_tankairboatgun
- func_tankapcrocket
- func_tanklaser
- func_tankmortar
- func_tankphyscannister
- func_tankpulselaser
- func_tankrocket
- func_tanktrain
- func_trackautochange
- func_trackchange
- func_tracktrain
- func_traincontrols
- func_useableladder
- func_vehicleclip
- func_viscluster
- func_wall
- func_wall_toggle
- func_water_analog
Entiteti Igre
- worldspawn
- game_end
- game_player_equip
- game_player_team
- game_ragdoll_manager
- game_score
- game_text
- game_ui
- game_weapon_manager
- game_zone_player
Informacijski Entiteti
- info_camera_link
- info_constraint_anchor
- info_hint
- info_intermission
- info_ladder_dismount
- info_landmark
- info_lighting
- info_mass center
- info_no_dynamic_shadow
- info_node
- info_node_air
- info_node_air hint
- info_node_climb
- info_node_hint
- info_node_link
- info_node_link_controller
- info_npc_spawn_destination
- info_null
- info_observer_point
- info_overlay
- info_particle_system
- info_player_combine
- info_player_deathmatch
- info_player_logo
- info_player_rebel
- info_player_start
- info_projecteddecal
- info_snipertarget
- info_target
- info_target_gunshipcrash
- info_teleporter_countdown
- info_teleport_destination
- infodecal
Entiteti Stavke (
Half-Life 2)
- item_ammo_357
- item_ammo_357_large
- item_ammo_ar2
- item_ammo_ar2_altfire
- item_ammo_ar2_large
- item_ammo_crate
- item_ammo_crossbow
- item_ammo_pistol
- item_ammo_pistol_large
- item_ammo_smg1
- item_ammo_smg1_grenade
- item_ammo_smg1_large
- item_battery
- item_box_buckshot
- item_dynamic resupply
- item_healthcharger
- item_healthkit
- item_healthvial
- item_item_crate
- item_rpg_round
- item_suit
- item_suitcharger
Svjetlosni Entiteti
- light
- light_spot
- light_dynamic
- env_projectedtexture
- point_spotlight
- light_environment
- light_directional
- light_deferred_global
- light_deferred
- env_cascade_light (u svim igrama od
- newLight_Point
- newLight_Spot
Logički Entiteti
- logic_achievement
- logic_active_autosave
- logic_auto
- logic_autosave
- logic_branch
- logic_branch_listener
- logic_case
- logic_choreographed_scene
- logic_collision_pair
- logic_compare
- logic_coop_manager
- logic_director_query
- logic_eventlistener
- logic_game_event
- logic_lineto
- logic_measure_movement
- logic_mirror_movement
- logic_multicompare
- logic_navigation
- logic_playerproxy
- logic_playmovie
- logic_random_outputs
- logic_register_activator
- logic_relay
- logic_scene_list_manager
- logic_script
- logic_timer
- logic_timescale
- logic_versus_random
Razni Entiteti
- ambient_generic
- cycler
- gibshooter
- keyframe_rope
- keyframe_track
- material_modify_control
- math_colorblend
- math_counter
- math_remap
- momentary_rot_button
- move_keyframed
- move_rope
- move_track
- script_intro
- script_tauremoval
- shadow_control
- sky_camera
- test_sidelist
- test_traceline
- vgui_screen
- water_lod_control
NPC Entiteti
- combine_mine
- npc_alyx
- npc_antlion
- npc_antlion_template_maker
- npc_antlionguard
- npc_barnacle
- npc_barney
- npc_breen
- npc_citizen
- npc_combine_camera
- npc_combine_s
- npc_combinedropship
- npc_combinegunship
- npc_crabsynth
- npc_cranedriver
- npc_crow
- npc_cscanner
- npc_dog
- npc_eli
- npc_fastzombie
- npc_fisherman
- npc_gman
- npc_headcrab
- npc_headcrab_black
- npc_headcrab_fast
- npc_helicopter
- npc_ichthyosaur
- npc_kleiner
- npc_manhack
- npc_metropolice
- npc_monk
- npc_mortarsynth
- npc_mossman
- npc_pigeon
- npc_poisonzombie
- npc_rollermine
- npc_seagull
- npc_sniper
- npc_stalker
- npc_strider
- npc_turret_ceiling
- npc_turret_floor
- npc_turret_ground
- npc_vortigaunt
- npc_zombie
- npc_zombie_torso
- cycler_actor
- generic_actor
- info_npc_spawn_destination
- monster_generic
- npc_apcdriver
- npc_bullseye
- npc_enemyfinder
- npc_furniture
- npc_heli_avoidbox
- npc_heli_avoidsphere
- npc_heli_nobomb
- npc_launcher
- npc_maker
- npc_missiledefense
- npc_particlestorm
- npc_spotlight
- npc_template_maker
- npc_vehicledriver
Fizički Entiteti
- phys_ballsocket
- phys_constraint
- phys_constraintsystem
- phys_convert
- phys_hinge
- phys_keepupright
- phys_lengthconstraint
- phys_magnet
- phys_motor
- phys_pulleyconstraint
- phys_ragdollconstraint
- phys_ragdollmagnet
- phys_slideconstraint
- phys_spring
- phys_thruster
- phys_torque
- physics_cannister
Entiteti Igrača
Točkasti Entiteti
- point_anglesensor
- point_angularvelocitysensor
- point_antlion_repellant
- point_apc_controller
- point_bugbait
- point_camera
- point_clientcommand
- point_commentary_node
- point_devshot_camera
- point_enable_motion_fixup
- point_hurt
- point_message
- point_playermoveconstraint
- point_servercommand
- point_spotlight
- point_teleport
- point_template
- point_tesla
- point_viewcontrol
- vehicle_viewcontroller
Prop Entiteti
- prop_combine_ball
- prop_detail
- prop_door_rotating
- prop_dynamic
- prop_dynamic_ornament
- prop_dynamic_override
- prop_physics
- prop_physics_multiplayer
- prop_physics_override
- prop_ragdoll
- prop_static
- prop_thumper
- prop_vehicle
- prop_vehicle_airboat
- prop_vehicle_apc
- prop_vehicle_cannon
- prop_vehicle_crane
- prop_vehicle_driveable
- prop_vehicle_jeep
- prop_vehicle_prisoner_pod
Entiteti Okidača
- trigger_autosave
- trigger_changelevel
- trigger_finale
- trigger_gravity
- trigger_hurt
- trigger_impact
- trigger_look
- trigger_multiple
- trigger_once
- trigger_physics_trap
- trigger_playermovement
- trigger_proximity
- trigger_push
- trigger_remove
- trigger_rpgfire
- trigger_soundscape
- trigger_teleport
- trigger_transition
- trigger_vphysics_motion
- trigger_waterydeath
- trigger_weapon_dissolve
- trigger_weapon_strip
- trigger_wind
Entiteti Oružja
- weapon_357
- weapon_alyxgun
- weapon_annabelle
- weapon_ar2
- weapon_brickbat
- weapon_bugbait
- weapon_citizenpackage
- weapon_citizensuitcase
- weapon_crossbow
- weapon_crowbar
- weapon_extinguisher
- weapon_frag
- weapon_paintgun
- weapon_physcannon
- weapon_physgun
- weapon_pistol
- weapon_portalgun
- weapon_rpg
- weapon_shotgun
- weapon_smg1
- weapon_stunstick
Vidi Također
Valve Games:

Valve Games:

- List of base entities
- List of CS:S entities
- List of Half-Life: Source entities
- List of HL2 entities
- List of HL2DM entities
- List of DoD:S entities
- List of Half-Life Deathmatch: Source entities
- List of EP1 entities
- List of EP2 entities
- List of Portal Entities
- List of TF2 entities
- List of L4D entities
- List of L4D2 entities
- List of Alien Swarm entities
- List of Portal 2 Entities
- List of CS:GO entities
Valve Games:
Source 2

Mods and Third-Party Games:

- List of Black Mesa entities
- List of DM entities
- List of Dreamball Entities
- List of Empires Entities
- List of INFRA entities
- List of Portal 2: Community Edition Entities
- List of Portal: Revolution Entities
- List of SE1 entities
- List of TeamSpen's Hammer Addons Entities
All TeamSpen's Hammer Addons' entities are included inPortal 2: Community Edition.
- List of The Ship entities
- List of VTMB entities
- List of Zombie Panic! Source Entities