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CPropDoorRotating |
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is a point entity available in all Source games.
It creates an ordinary hinged door that can be opened by players and NPCs.

entity if you create your own mod. [todo tested in ?]
Hinge Axis
in Hammer is broken. Workaround is to modify the model, setting the origin to the hinge location. [todo tested in ?]

will cause the projectile to hang in midair in front of the player. Repeatedly doing this can cause extreme lag, and eventually lead to a crash. There is currently no known workaround for this. [todo tested in ?]

Supported Models
Only specific models will work properly with this entity. They are:
Half-Life 2: Episode One

is not valid; it is meant for npc_furniture.Most newer games have a model folder called "Props_Doors" where all doors are found, including static props that will not work for prop_door_rotating.
For a door model to be compatible, it must be a physics prop (Seen in Model broswers Info Tab) and the model origin must be on the hinge side of the door, because doors rotate around its origin.
- Name (targetname) <string>
- The name that other entities refer to this entity by, via Inputs/Outputs or other keyvalues (e.g.
Also displayed in Hammer's 2D views and Entity Report.See also: Generic Keyvalues, Inputs and Outputs available to all entities
- Slave name (slavename) <targetname>
- Name of any door(s) that should open and close at the same time as this one. You could also give them all the same name.
- Hardware Type (hardware) <choices>
- The type of mechanism used to open the door (handle, push bar, keypad). The mechanism only appears in the game, not in Hammer.
- 0 - None
- 1 - Lever (i.e. door handle)
- 2 - Push bar
- 3 - Keypad
Note: Keypad hardware only has a model in Half Life 2 EP1 & EP2. In other games it is used to change the lock and unlock door sounds.
- Spawn Position (spawnpos) <choices>
- State the door should begin in. Check the door's angles to see forward/backward orientation.
- 0 - Closed
- 1 - Open forward
- 2 - Open back
- 3 - Ajar
- Ajar Angles (ajarangles) <angle>
- If "Spawn Position" is "ajar", these are the angles to spawn at instead of being open or closed.
- Hinge Axis (axis) <axis>
- [Todo]

- Rotation Distance (distance) <float>
- Number of degrees that the door should open, both forward and backward.
- Speed (speed) <integer>
- In degrees/second.
- Fully Open Sound (soundopenoverride) <string>
- Sound played when the door has finished opening.
- Fully Closed Sound (soundcloseoverride) <string>
- Sound played when the door has finished closing.
- Moving Sound (soundmoveoverride) <string>
- Sound played when the door starts to move.
- Locked Sound (soundlockedoverride) <string>
- Optional overrides to the sounds played by the door. Sound played when the player tries to open the door, and fails because it's locked.
- Unlocked Sound (soundunlockedoverride) <string>
- Optional overrides to the sounds played by the door. Sound played when the door is unlocked.
- Delay Before close (returndelay) <integer>
- Number of seconds the door waits until closing by itself. -1 means never auto-close.
- Damage Inflicted When Blocked (dmg) <integer>
- If an entity is blocking the door from moving, inflict this much damage per frame.
- Can Damage Player (candamageplayer) <boolean> (only in
- If set, this door will kill the player blocking it. Used for the large blast doors in infra_c7_m2_bunker.
Note:This replaces the "Damage Inflicted When Blocked" keyvalue in
- Force Closed (forceclosed) <boolean>
- If set, this door will close no matter what. Useful for doors that have to close even if the player tries to block them with objects.
- Open Direction (opendir) <choices>
- Force the door to open only forwards or only backwards. It will normally try to swing away from the entity that opened it, unless it is being blocked on the other side.
- Both directions
- Forward only
- Backward only
- Pressure Delay (PressureDelay) <float> !FGD
- Seconds to delay breaking from pressure. Allows creaking/groaning sounds to play.
Health (shoot open) (health) <integer>- Deprecated.
InQuake and
GoldSrc, if this was set, the door would open when it took this much damage. Nonfunctional in most
Source games; can be emulated by parenting an invisible func_button with spawnflag 512 set, and having the button target this door.
- Glow Distance (glowdist) <integer> (in all games since
- Default is 1024.
- Does the prop glow by default? (glowenabled) <boolean> (in all games since
- Enables the door to glow. Default is set to off.
- Glow Color (glowcolor) <color255> (in all games since
- The color of the glow (if enabled).
- Glow Range (glowrange) <integer> (only in
- Range at which the glow becomes visible. 0 means always visible.
- Glow Range Min (glowrangemin) <integer> (only in
- Range at which the glow stops being visible. 0 means always visible.
- Glow Color Override (R G B) (glowcolor) <color255> (only in
- Change the render color of the glow.
- World Model (model) <model path>
- The model this entity should appear as. 128-character limit.
- Skin (skin) <integer>
- Some models have multiple skins. This value selects from the index, starting with 0. May be overridden by game code.
Tip:Hammer's model browser automatically updates this value if you use it to view different skins.
- Model Scale (modelscale) <float> (in all games since
) (also in
- A multiplier for the size of the model.
Hammer++ with a prop selected in 3D view, hold Ctrl and scroll the mouse wheel to change the modelscale in increments of 0.5. Holding ⇧ Shift will scale it in smaller increments of 0.05.
- Bodygroup (body / SetBodyGroup) <integer>
- Some models have multiple submodels. This value selects from the index, starting with 0. May be overridden by animations and/or game code.
Note:If both body and SetBodyGroup are present (even if set to 0), body will be prioritized.
- Lighting Origin (lightingorigin) <targetname>
- Select an entity (not info_lighting!) from which to sample lighting instead of the entity's origin or $illumposition.
- Disable Shadows (disableshadows) <boolean>
- Prevents the entity from creating cheap render-to-texture shadows, or lightmap shadows if the entity is a prop_static. Does not affect shadow mapping.
- Disable Receiving Shadows (disablereceiveshadows) <boolean>
- Prevent the entity from receiving dynamic shadows on itself.
- Shadow Cast Distance (shadowcastdist) <integer> !FGD
- Sets how far the entity casts dynamic shadows. 0 means default distance from the shadow_control entity.
- Disable Shadow Depth (disableshadowdepth) <boolean> (in all games since
- Used to disable rendering into shadow depth (for projected textures) for this entity.
- Disable flashlight (disableflashlight) <boolean> (in all games since
- Used to disable projected texture lighting and shadows on this entity.
- Projected Texture Cache (shadowdepthnocache) <integer choices> (in all games since
- Used to hint projected texture system whether it is sufficient to cache shadow volume of this entity or to force render it every frame instead.
Choices Expand
- Render in Fast Reflections (drawinfastreflection) <boolean> (in all games since
- If enabled, this entity will render in fast water reflections (i.e. when a water material specifies
) and in the world impostor pass.
Starts Open : [1]
Use Hitboxes for Renderbox : [64] !FGD
Start with collision disabled : [256] !FGD
Starts locked : [2048]
Door silent (No sound, and does not alert NPCs) : [4096]
Use closes : [8192]
Door silent to NPCs (Does not alert NPCs) : [16384]
Ignore player +USE : [32768]
Start Unbreakable : [524288] (in all games since )
Start Breakable : [524288] (in all games since ) (also in
Break on Touch : [16] !FGD
Break on Pressure : [32] !FGD
- Will break after being stood on for
seconds.Note:Some models will break instantly if this is or isn't set. (e.g.
- Open
- Open the door.
- Close
- Close the door.
- Toggle
- Toggle the door between open and closed.
- OpenAwayFrom <targetname>
- Open the door away from the specified entity.
- Lock
- Lock the door.
- Unlock
- Unlock the door.
- SetRotationDistance <float>
- Degrees of rotation that the door will open.
- MoveToRotationDistance <float> (in all games since
) (also in
- Sets the open distance (in degrees) and moves there.
- SetSpeed <float>
- Set the speed at which the door rotates.
Note:Default is 200 in L4D.
- SetAnimation <string> (only in
- Force the door to play an animation. The parameter should be the name of the animation.
- SetAnimationNoReset <string> (only in
- Force the door to play an animation unless the door is already playing the animation. The parameter should be the name of the animation.
- Break !FGD
- Immediately break the door. It will skip the damage models and only spawn the gibs of the current model.
- OnClose
- Fired when the door starts to close.
- OnOpen
- Fired when the door starts to open.
- OnFullyClosed
- Fired when the door finishes closing. Reversed if Start Open flag is set.
- OnFullyOpen
- Fired when the door finishes opening. Reversed if Start Open flag is set.
- OnBlockedClosing
- Fired when the door has been blocked from closing. !activator is whatever blocks the door.
- OnBlockedOpening
- Fired when the door has been blocked from opening. !activator is whatever blocks the door.
- OnUnblockedClosing
- Fired when the door is no longer blocked from closing.
- OnUnblockedOpening
- Fired when the door is no longer blocked from opening.
- OnLockedUse
- Fired when the player tries to open the door but fails because it is locked.
Custom Door Models
- Create
activities. - Add a
$keyvalues block:
blocklos 1
default // Fallbacks if something is missing elsewhere
open Doors.FullOpen1
close Doors.FullClose1
move Doors.Move1
locked DoorHandles.Locked1
unlocked DoorHandles.Unlocked1
hardware0 // First hardware type, by default a handle
locked DoorSound.Null
unlocked DoorSound.Null
hardware1 // Push bar
locked DoorHandles.Locked1
unlocked DoorHandles.Unlocked1
hardware2 // Keypad
locked DoorHandles.Locked2
unlocked DoorHandles.Unlocked2
skin0 // Skin-specific sounds, including a custom surfaceprop.
open Doors.FullOpen4
close Doors.FullClose4
move Doors.Move4
surfaceprop wood // If no skin is specified, surfaceprop is always wood, no matter what's written elsewhere
L4D Series Doors
The Left 4 Dead series introduced a new set of doors that can be broken down by Infected.
Those new doors make use of $collisiontext and new "Pound" and "Damage" listings in door_options
, highlighted below.
Some doors in L4D2, which were ported from L4D, also have the following activities, although they do not seem to work: ACT_DOOR_ANIMTOLOCK

do not seem to work. Only workaround seems to be manually adding I/O connections to the door in hammer, or play a specific sequence when used while locked.$collisiontext
"model" "Props_downtown\door_interior_128_01_dm01_02" //Spawns a debris model.
"health" "100"
"fadetime" "10"
"base" "Door.Standard"
"allowstatic" "1"
"blocklos" "1"
"dmg.bullets" "0" //Bullets will no longer damage this door. In L4D2 this is only used on the last damage model.
"open" "Doors.FullOpen1"
"close" "Doors.FullClose1"
"move" "Doors.Move1"
"locked" "DoorHandles.Locked1"
"unlocked" "DoorHandles.Unlocked1"
"pound" "Doors.Wood.Pound1" //Sound that plays when infected attack the door to break it down.
"surfaceprop" "wood" //Overwrites Surfaceprop.
"damage1" "props_downtown\door_interior_128_01_DM01_01" //What the first damage model is.
"damage2" "props_downtown\door_interior_128_01_DM02_01" //What the second damage model is.
"damage3" "props_downtown\door_interior_128_01_DM03_01" //What the third damage model is.
The "Damage1", "Damage2" and "Damage3" lines determine what models will be used for the broken stages of this door model.

See also
- func_door (sliding, brush-based)
- func_door_rotating (brush-based)
- prop_door_rotating_checkpoint
- Door creation
- WiseDoor - example use and illustration of doors.