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Env wind.png

env_wind is a point entity available in all Source Source games. It creates wind throughout an entire map, which affect physics props, swaying trees, and dust.

Icon-Important.pngImportant:This is a preserved entity in Counter-Strike: SourceHalf-Life 2: DeathmatchDay of Defeat: SourcePortalTeam Fortress 2Left 4 DeadLeft 4 Dead 2Portal 2Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
  • On a new round entities with this classname will intentionally not reset. You can use logic_auto to emulate resetting it.
  • Killing it removes it forever, as it is not respawned on a new round.
  • It cannot be spawned with a point_template.
  • Parenting this with non preserved entities may have undesirable effects.
Note.pngNote:Wind direction is determined by env_wind's yaw value.
Note.pngNote:In most games, this entity is required for $treesway to have any effect, unless $treeswaystatic (only in Team Fortress 2 branchGarry's ModCounter-Strike: Global OffensiveMapbase) is used.
Icon-Bug.pngBug:The wind effect in the client game will not reset when a new map is loaded which does not contain an env_wind entity.  [todo tested in ?]
Tip.pngTip:In Black Mesa Black Mesa this entity can be spawned via point_template and killed with Kill input. This allows you to change the wind globally or turn it off completely by spawning new env_wind and killing via Kill input the previous env_wind.


Name (targetname) <string>
The name that other entities refer to this entity by, via Inputs/Outputs or other keyvalues (e.g. parentname or target).
Also displayed in Hammer's 2D views and Entity Report.
See also:  Generic Keyvalues, Inputs and Outputs available to all entities

Min normal speed (minwind) <integer>
Minimum speed of the wind while idling.
Max normal speed (maxwind) <integer>
Maximum speed of the wind while idling.
Min gust speed (mingust) <integer>
Minimum speed of wind gusts.
Max gust speed (maxgust) <integer>
Maximum speed of wind gusts.
Min gust delay (mingustdelay) <integer>
Minimum time delay between random gusts.
Max gust delay (maxgustdelay) <integer>
Maximum time delay between random gusts.
Gust Duration (gustduration) <integer>
How long will the wind gust for.
Max gust dir change (degrees) (gustdirchange) <integer>
Maximum amount that the wind's direction changes due to a gust.
Radius (windradius) <float> (only in Left 4 Dead series)
The radius this entity applies wind effects to. -1 for global effect.


SetWindDir <integer> (only in Garry's Mod) !FGD
Set the wind's direction to this.
Enable  (only in Portal 2: Community Edition)
Turns the wind on.
Disable  (only in Portal 2: Community Edition)
Turns the wind off.


Fired when a wind gust begins.
Icon-Bug.pngBug:env_wind gusts can seemingly pile up and fire this output multiple times when a player first loads into a multiplayer map.
PlacementTip.pngWorkaround:Use AddOutput to add OnGustStart effects when players are already connected
Todo: Needs more testing, only observed in Team Fortress 2
  [todo tested in ?]
Fired when a wind gust ends.

See also