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Rain particles created by func_precipitation in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

func_precipitation is a brush entity available in all Source Source games. It creates rain, snow, or ash inside its volume.

Class hierarchy
Icon-Important.pngImportant:This is a preserved entity in Day of Defeat: SourceTeam Fortress 2.
  • On a new round entities with this classname will intentionally not reset. You can use logic_auto to emulate resetting it.
  • Killing it removes it forever, as it is not respawned on a new round.
  • It cannot be spawned with a point_template.
  • Parenting this with non preserved entities may have undesirable effects.


Name (targetname) <string>
The name that other entities refer to this entity by, via Inputs/Outputs or other keyvalues (e.g. parentname or target).
Also displayed in Hammer's 2D views and Entity Report.
See also:  Generic Keyvalues, Inputs and Outputs available to all entities

Density (0-100%) (renderamt) <integer>
This is the amount of particles that fall down from the top side of the brush. However, distance from first particle to second depends on a brush volume size!
Color (R G B) (rendercolor) <color255>
Color added to sprites which are rendered transparently (probably rain and snow particles)
Precipitation Type (preciptype) <integer choices>
Precipitation type
Note.pngNote:The "Particle" precipitation types are generated using the PCF files of a game, allowing users to alter the look of the precipitation in more ways than just the used material.


Alpha <integer> !FGD
Changes the density of the rain, and may add additional particle effects like fog or leafs. It accepts inputs from -1 to 255.

Related Console Commands

There are a number of console commands that control precipitation rendering. See the Precipitation issues page for details on various issues and workarounds involving this entity.

Warning.pngWarning:func_precipitation brushes should not overlap func_smokevolume brushes, as it can freeze the game. The exact cause of this is not clear.
Note.pngNote:The precipitation created by this entity is not GPU-accelerated. In resource-intensive multiplayer games such as Team Fortress 2, it's recommended to use a particle system to create weather effects rather than relying on this entity.

See also