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class hierarchy
CGamePlayerZone defined in maprules.cpp

game_zone_player is a brush entity available in all Source Source games. It is used to count the number of players, dead or alive, within the volume of the brush.

Tip.pngTip:This entity fires per client, making it useful for multiplayer maps which wants to globally fire per client outputs to each individual player all on the same tick.


Name (targetname) <string>
The targetname that other entities refer to this entity by.


Count the number of players in the zone, and fire the corresponding outputs.


OnPlayerInZone <void>
Fired whenever a count finds a player inside the zone. (!activator is the player.)
OnPlayerOutZone <void>
Fired whenever a count finds a player outside the zone. (!activator is the player.)
PlayersInCount <integer>
Fired after a count, and contains the number of players found inside the zone.
PlayersOutCount <integer>
Fired after a count, and contains the number of players found outside the zone.

See Also