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npc_turret_ceiling is a point entity available in Half-Life 2 Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2: Episode One Half-Life 2: Episode One, Half-Life 2: Episode Two Half-Life 2: Episode Two, and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Half-Life 2: Deathmatch.

Ceiling Turret

A Combine turret attached to the ceiling.

Rarely used in Half-Life 2, this turret deploys from the ceiling. Not to be confused with its cousin npc_combine_camera, or its siblings npc_turret_ground and npc_turret_floor. It has 1000 health by default and perfect accuracy, intended to be used as an "insta-kill" punishment/deterrent. For examples of its use, see the tripwire laser room in d3_c17_10b or the ammo-less turrets at the beginning of ep1_c17_00.

Warning.pngWarning:This turret is partially broken or unfinished. The looping engine sound can sometimes stay after death/removal, shooting does not produce a muzzle flash or sound (aside from whizzing), and the turret may have difficulty firing at enemies directly underneath them. Use with caution.
Code Fix: If you have the source code, you can fix most of npc_turret_ceiling's bugs according to the fixes listed on this page.
Note.pngNote:Some keyvalues, flags, inputs, or outputs might not affect an NPC, based on the functionality and coding of the NPC.


Name (targetname) <string>
The targetname that other entities refer to this entity by.


Pitch Yaw Roll (Y Z X) (angles) <angle>
This entity's orientation in the world. Pitch is rotation around the Y axis, yaw is the rotation around the Z axis, roll is the rotation around the X axis.

World Model (model) <string>
The model this entity should appear as. 128-character limit.
Skin (skin) <integer>
Some models have multiple skins. This value selects from the index, starting with 0.
Tip.pngTip:Hammer's model browser automatically updates this value if you use it to view different skins.
Model Scale (modelscale) <float> (in all games since Source 2013)
A multiplier for the size of the model.


Disable Shadows (disableshadows) <boolean>
Prevents the entity from creating cheap render-to-texture shadows, or lightmap shadows if the entity is a prop_static. Does not affect shadow mapping.
Disable Receiving Shadows (disablereceiveshadows) <boolean>
Prevent the entity from receiving dynamic shadows on itself.
Shadow Cast Distance (shadowcastdist) <integer> !FGD
Sets how far the entity casts dynamic shadows. 0 means default distance from the shadow_control entity.
Disable ShadowDepth (disableshadowdepth) <boolean> (in all games since Portal 2)
Used to disable rendering into shadow depth (for projected textures) for this entity.
Disable flashlight (disableflashlight) <boolean> (in all games since Portal 2)
Used to disable projected texture lighting and shadows on this entity.
Projected Texture Cache (shadowdepthnocache) <choices> (in all games since Portal 2)
Used to hint projected texture system whether it is sufficient to cache shadow volume of this entity or to force render it every frame instead.
  • 0 : Default
  • 1 : No cache - render every frame
  • 2 : Cache it - render only once

Render in Fast Reflections (drawinfastreflection) <boolean> (in all games since Portal 2)
If enabled, this entity will render in fast water reflections (i.e. when a water material specifies $reflectonlymarkedentities) and in the world impostor pass.


  • 16 : Efficient - Don't acquire enemies or avoid obstacles
  • 32 : Autostart
  • 64 : Start Inactive
  • 128 : Fast Retire
  • 256 : Out of Ammo


AddContext <string>
Adds to the entity's list of response contexts. See Context.
AddOutput <string>
Assigns a new keyvalue/output on this entity. For keyvalues, some rely on extra necessary code to be ran and won't work if its simply just changed through this input. There is a strict format that must be followed:
// Format of changing KeyValues: "AddOutput [key] [value]"
//// Raw text:
"OnUser1" "!self,AddOutput,targetname new_name"

// Format of adding an Output: "AddOutput {targetname}:{inputname}:{parameter}:{delay}:{max times to fire, -1 means infinite}"
//// Raw text:
"OnUser1" "!self,AddOutput,OnUser1:SetParent:!activator:0.0:-1"
// Arguments can be left blank, but the empty blank should still be contained.
//// Raw text:
"OnUser1" "!self,AddOutput,OnUser1:ClearParent::0.0:-1"
Removes all contexts from this entity's list.
Removes this entity from the the movement hierarchy, leaving it free to move independently.
FireUser1 to FireUser4
Fires the respectiveOnUseroutputs; see User Inputs and Outputs.
Removes this entity and any entities parented to it from the world.
Functions the same as Kill, although this entity and any entities parented to it are killed on the same frame, being marginally faster thanKillinput.
RemoveContext <string>
Remove a context from this entity's list. The name should match the key of an existing context.
SetParent <string>
Move with this entity. See Entity Hierarchy (parenting).
SetParentAttachment <string>
Change this entity to attach to a specific attachment point on its parent. The entity will teleport so that the position of its root bone matches that of the attachment. Entities must be parented before being sent this input.
SetParentAttachmentMaintainOffset <string>
As above, but without teleporting. The entity retains its position relative to the attachment at the time of the input being received.
Use  !FGD
Same as a player invoking +use; no effect in most cases.
SetTeam <integer> !FGD
Changes this entity's team.
TeamNum <integer> !FGD
This input changes value for TeamNum property.
Icon-Bug.pngBug:Console command ent_info shows this input in any Source Engine game, but only in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (and games based on it) this input exists and works.
DispatchResponse <string> !FGD
Dispatches a response to the entity. See Response and Concept.
DispatchEffect <string> (removed since Left 4 Dead) !FGD
Dispatches a special effect from the entity's origin; See also List of Client Effects. Replaced by the particle system since Left 4 Dead.
RunScriptFile <script> (in all games since Left 4 Dead 2) (also in Team Fortress 2)
Execute a VScript file from disk, without file extension. The script contents are merged with the script scope of the receiving entity.
RunScriptCode <string> (in all games since Left 4 Dead 2) (also in Team Fortress 2)
Execute a string of VScript source code in the scope of the entity receiving the input. String quotation may be needed when fired via console.
Icon-Bug.pngBug:In Hammer, using string arguments will corrupt the VMF file's structure, making the file unviewable for the next Hammer session.
Note.pngFix:Remove the string argument manually with a text editor.
Note.pngNote:Team Fortress 2 Backtick characters ` are replaced with quotation marks at runtime, allowing quotation marks to be used when normally not possible.
CallScriptFunction <string> (in all games since Left 4 Dead 2) (also in Team Fortress 2) !FGD
Calls a VScript function defined in the scope of the receiving entity.
TerminateScriptScope  (only in Team Fortress 2) !FGD
Destroys the script scope of the receving entity.
SetLocalOrigin <coordinates> (in all games since Alien Swarm) !FGD
Send this entity to a spot in the map. If the entity is parented to something, it will be offset from the parent by this amount.
SetLocalAngles <angles> (in all games since Alien Swarm) !FGD
Set this entity's angles.

Skin <integer>
Changes the model's skin to the specified number.
SetBodyGroup <integer>
Set the model's body group.
AlternativeSorting <boolean>
Uses an alternative method for telling which objects are in front of others. Use if this object draws incorrectly when seen through transparent things.
SetModelScale <string> (only in Source 2013)
Sets the model scale. Takes two values separated by a space. The first is the target model scale. The second value is the number of seconds the change in scale will be spread over. If there is no second value, the model will scale instantly.
Warning.pngWarning:Negative or extremely high values can cause crashes!


Turn dynamic shadows off for this entity. Identical to applying  EF_NOSHADOW.
Turn dynamic shadows on for this entity.
DisableReceivingFlashlight  (in all games since Portal 2)
This object will not receive light or shadows from projected textures.
EnableReceivingFlashlight  (in all games since Portal 2)
This object may receive light or shadows from projected textures.


DisableDrawInFastReflection  (in all games since Portal 2)
Turns off rendering of this entity in reflections when using $reflectonlymarkedentities in water material.
EnableDrawInFastReflection  (in all games since Portal 2)
Turn on rendering of this entity in reflections when using $reflectonlymarkedentities in water material.

DisableDraw  (in all games since Portal 2)
Add the EF_NODRAW flag to this entity. Some entities manage this on their own so be aware you can override that value.
EnableDraw  (in all games since Portal 2)
Remove the EF_NODRAW flag from this entity. Some entities manage this on their own so be aware you can override that value.


OnUser1 to OnUser4
These outputs each fire in response to the firing of the like-numbered FireUser1 to FireUser4 Input; see User Inputs and Outputs.
OnKilled  (only in Left 4 Dead)
This output fires when the entity is killed and removed from the game.

Fired when this object catches fire.
Turret is becoming active and dangerous.
Turret is becoming inactive and harmless.

See also