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func_smokevolume is a brush entity available in all Source Source games.

Smoke generated by func_smokevolume in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Entity description

A brush entity that spawns smoke particles within its volume, commonly used for large, localised areas of fog. Use the trigger texture or the fog texture.

Warning.pngWarning:Smoke volumes should be used sparingly as they can decrease performance in heavily detailed scenes, or scenes with high amounts of action. Particle systems may be cheaper to use, depending on CPU usage restraints.
Warning.pngWarning:Smoke volumes shouldn't be placed in the same volume as a func_precipitation, otherwise the engine may freeze at the end of loading the level. It is probably caused by some particle coding that do not accept these two types of sprites to render at once (in the same volume).
Note.pngNote:The default material is particle/smoke_grenade1, which does not exist. However, particle/particle_smokegrenade does.
Note.pngNote:There is a minimum size the brush has to meet - it seems to be 48x48 units. If any side is smaller than 48 units the particles do not spawn. This can be worked around by placing the larger than desired size into the ground
Note.pngNote:In Left 4 Dead 2 Left 4 Dead 2, it does not seem to appear in survival mode


Particle Color1 (R G B) (Color1) <color255>
How dim particles can be.
Particle Color2 (R G B) (Color2) <color255>
How bright particles can be.
Note.pngNote:Darker particle colors will appear nearly invisible without being close to a bright light source.
Material (material) <material>
The material to use for the particles
Particle Draw Width (units) (ParticleDrawWidth) <float>
The size of the particles, in units/inches. (Typical Values: 128,175,200,500,512)
Particle Spacing Distance (units) (ParticleSpacingDistance) <float>
The distance between the particles inside the volume. The lower the number, the denser the particles, and the more overdraw there will be. It is best to keep it as high as you can without it looking bad. (Typical Values: 125,150,200 and sometimes 80 or 480)
Density Ramp Speed (seconds) (DensityRampSpeed) <float>
Time to go from density 0 to density 1, in seconds.
Rotation Speed (degrees/sec) (RotationSpeed) <float>
The speed that the particles should rotate, in degrees per second. (Typical Values: 3,10)
Movement Speed (units/sec) (MovementSpeed) <float>
The speed that the particles should move around, in units/inches per second.
Density [0..1] (Density) <float>
Particle density, from 0 to 1. (Typical Values: .1-.5)
Max Draw Distance (0 is unlimited) (MaxDrawDistance) <float>
Name (targetname) <string>
The name that other entities refer to this entity by, via Inputs/Outputs or other keyvalues (e.g. parentname or target).
Also displayed in Hammer's 2D views and Entity Report.
See also:  Generic Keyvalues, Inputs and Outputs available to all entities


  • 1 : Emissive
Makes sprites render fullbright. Normally the brightness is affected by light nearby.


SetRotationSpeed <float>
Set the particle rotation speed (in degrees per second).
SetMovementSpeed <float>
Set the particle movement speed (in inches per second).
SetDensity <float>
Set the particle density. It should be a range from 0 to 1.
