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This entity is not in the Counter-Strike: Source FGD by default.
See below for instructions on making it available.
Class hierarchy

func_monitor is a brush entity available in all Source Source and Source 2 Source 2 games except Left 4 Dead series Left 4 Dead series. It displays a real-time scene captured from a point_camera somewhere else in the world.

In Source Source for the entity to work, the surface(s) on which the camera view will be displayed must have a material with $basetexture _rt_Camera. Stock materials that work are dev\dev_combinemonitor* and dev\dev_tvmonitor*.

A broadcast from Dr. Breen.
Icon-Bug.pngBug:Cameras may fail to network properly in multiplayer. See below for a code fix. Fixed in Team Fortress 2 Team Fortress 2.  [todo tested in ?]
Note.pngNote:Unless you set up multiple render textures in your mod's binaries, only one point_camera can be rendered at any one time. The first camera in the map will appear on all monitors. Multiple cameras at once are technically possible, as long as you ensure that only one func_monitor is in the PVS at any given time, although this will not work in splitscreen (but will work in online multiplayer).
Cpp.pngCode:To enable monitors in your non-HL2 mod, you must:
  • Include the entity's client .cpp file (found in \client\hl2\).
  • Include the entity's server .cpp and .h files (found in \server\hl2\).
  • #define USE_MONITORS at the top of \client\viewrender.cpp and \client\view.cpp.
  • Fix a multiplayer bug in CPointCamera::CPointCamera() by setting m_bActive to true.


Name (targetname) <string>
The name that other entities refer to this entity by, via Inputs/Outputs or other keyvalues (e.g. parentname or target).
Also displayed in Hammer's 2D views and Entity Report.
See also:  Generic Keyvalues, Inputs and Outputs available to all entities

Camera name (target) <targetname>
The camera to render.


SetCamera <targetname>
Sets the camera to use for this monitor. Takes the name of a point_camera entity in the map.
Enables the entity if it is disabled, and disables if it is enabled.
Make the entity visible and solid.
Make the entity invisible and non-solid.

FGD Code

@SolidClass base(func_brush) = func_monitor : "A monitor that renders the view from a given point_camera entity." [ target(target_destination) : "Camera name" // Inputs input Toggle(void) : "Toggle - If on, turn off, if off, turn on." input Enable(void) : "Enable." input Disable(void) : "Disable." input SetCamera(string) : "Sets the camera to use for this monitor. Takes the name of a point_camera entity in the map." ]

See also