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CNPC_CombineCamera |
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is a point entity available in Half-Life 2 series.
A ceiling-mounted camera.
This is the more popular cousin of npc_turret_ceiling. A "glow" sprite, initially green, is attached to the rotating camera portion, and changes colors if it detects enemies within its radius. (specified below)
The model is equipped with a turret gun above the camera, but it never shoots.

- Name (targetname) <string>
- The name that other entities refer to this entity by, via Inputs/Outputs or other keyvalues (e.g.
Also displayed in Hammer's 2D views and Entity Report.See also: Generic Keyvalues, Inputs and Outputs available to all entities
- Inner radius (innerradius) <integer>
- The camera will only lock onto enemies that are within the inner radius.
- Outer radius (outerradius) <integer>
- The camera will flash amber when enemies are within the outer radius, but outside the inner radius.
- Min req'd damage for hurting camera (minhealthdmg) <integer>
- Default target (defaulttarget) <targetname>
- The default target is the entity that the camera follows when it has no other target to track.

Wait Till Seen : [1]
Gag (No IDLE sounds until angry) : [2]
Fall to ground (unchecked means *teleport* to ground) : [4]
Drop Healthkit : [8]
Efficient - Don't acquire enemies or avoid obstacles : [16]
Always Become Angry On New Enemy : [32]
Ignore Enemies (Scripted Targets Only) : [64]
Start Inactive : [128]
Long Visibility/Shoot : [256]
Fade Corpse : [512]
Think outside PVS : [1024]
Template NPC (will not spawn, used by npc_template_maker but not point_template) : [2048]
Do Alternate collision for this NPC (player avoidance) : [4096]
Don't drop weapons : [8192]
- Disable
- Disables the camera. If open, the camera closes.
- Enable
- Enables the camera. If closed, the camera opens.
- Toggle
- Toggle - If open, close. If closed, open.
- SetAngry
- Causes the camera to become angry as if it has seen something to get angry about.
- SetIdle
- Causes the camera to calm down if it is angry.
- ActivateSpeedModifier !FGD
- DisableSpeedModifier !FGD
- Break
- Smash into pieces. If this is not possible, disappear.
- BecomeRagdoll (in all games since
- Remove itself and instantly become a ragdoll with zero force (just go limp). OnDeath, etc. outputs will NOT be fired.
- ForceInteractionWithNPC <string> <string> (in all games since
- Force the NPC to use a dynamic interaction with another NPC. Syntax is <targetname> <dynamic interaction>.
- ForgetEntity <targetname>
- Clears out the NPC's knowledge of a named entity.
- UpdateEnemyMemory (in all games since
- Update (or create) this NPC's memory of of the given entity.
- GagEnable
- GagDisable
- Gagged NPCs won't speak (or moan, caw, etc.) unless made to be a choreographed scene.
- HolsterWeapon (in all games since
- UnholsterWeapon (in all games since
- Force the NPC to holster or unholster their weapon. Ignored if the NPC is scripting or if the NPC doesn't use weapons.
- HolsterAndDestroyWeapon (in all games since
- Same as
, except the weapon is destroyed once it has been concealed.
- IgnoreDangerSounds <float>
- Ignore danger sounds for the specified number of seconds.
- InsideTransition !FGD
- OutsideTransition !FGD
- SetBodyGroup <integer>
- HACK: Sets this NPC's body group (from 0–n).
- SetEnemyFilter <string>
- SetHealth <integer>
- Set the NPC's health.
- SetMaxLookDistance <float> (only in
- Sets the maximum look distance for the NPC. Defaults are 2048 and 6000 for long range NPCs.
- SetRelationship <string|targetname or classname> <string|disposition> <int|rank>
- Changes whether this NPC likes or dislikes certain others. Used like the ai_relationship entity, with this NPC as the subject.
- Values for
: HateD_FR
: FearD_LI
: LikeD_NU
: Neutral
- SetSquad <string>
- Change the name of this NPC's squad. Leaving the parameter blank will remove the NPC from any existing squad.
- StartScripting
- StopScripting
- Enter/exit scripting state, where NPCs ignore a variety of stimulus that would make them break out of their scripts. They ignore danger sounds, ignore +Use, don't idle speak or respond to other NPCs' idle speech, and so on.
- Wake
- Wakes up the NPC if it is sleeping.
- KilledNPC !FGD
- Tells the entity it killed something. Despite the name, this can include a player. This input will be automatically sent by the victim when they die.
- physdamagescale <float>
- Scales damage energy when this character is hit by a physics object. With a value of 0 the NPC will take no damage from physics.
- OnFoundPlayer <targetname>
- Fired when the player is spotted within the inner radius.
- OnFoundEnemy <targetname>
- Fired when a non-player enemy is spotted within the inner radius.