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env_smoketrail with default settings in action
Class hierarchy

env_smoketrail is a point entity available in all Source Source games. It creates a smoke trail.


Name (targetname) <string>
The name that other entities refer to this entity by, via Inputs/Outputs or other keyvalues (e.g. parentname or target).
Also displayed in Hammer's 2D views and Entity Report.
See also:  Generic Keyvalues, Inputs and Outputs available to all entities

Sprite Opacity (opacity) <float>
Opacity of the sprites (range from 0 - 1).
Spawn Rate (spawnrate) <float>
Number of particles to emit each second.
Particle Life Time (lifetime) <float>
Number of seconds until each particle dies.
Start Color (startcolor) <color255>
Starting color of the emitted particles.
End Color (endcolor) <color255>
Ending color of the emitted particles.
Emitter Life Time (emittime) <float>
Number of seconds until the env_smoketrail stops emitting particles. 0 means never stop emitting particles.
Icon-Bug.pngBug:A value of 0 means it will never emit particles in Counter-Strike: Source. Only if the KV is deleted will it emit indefinitely.  [todo tested in ?]
Minimum Random Speed (minspeed) <float>
Minimum randomly-directed speed to use for emitted particles.
Maximum Random Speed (maxspeed) <float>
Maximum randomly-directed speed to use for emitted particles.
Minimum Directed Speed (mindirectedspeed) <float>
Minimum speed along the env_smoketrail's forward direction (x axis) to use for emitted particles.
Maximum Directed Speed (maxdirectedspeed) <float>
Maximum speed along the env_smoketrail's forward direction (x axis) to use for emitted particles.
Starting particle size (startsize) <float>
Starting particle size.
Ending particle size (endsize) <float>
Ending particle size.
Spawn radius (spawnradius) <float>
Distance from env_smoketrail at which particles are emitted.
Fire Sprite (firesprite) <sprite> Obsolete
Not present in code. Sprite to use for fire particles.
Smoke Puff (smokesprite) <sprite> Obsolete
Not present in code. Sprite to use for smoke puffs.