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Item ammo crate.png

item_ammo_crate is a point entity available in Half-Life 2 Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2: Episode One Half-Life 2: Episode One, Half-Life 2: Episode Two Half-Life 2: Episode Two, and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Half-Life 2: Deathmatch. This entity places a large crate containing an unlimited supply of a certain type of ammo (specified by Ammo Type). The player can open it as many times as desired, by pressing the +use key (E by default), and get a complete refill of the specified ammo type.

PlacementTip.gifPlacement Tip:This entity should not be placed in areas with many opponents, since this crate provides the player with a big advantage against any opponents in the area.


Name (targetname) <string>
The name that other entities refer to this entity by, via Inputs/Outputs or other keyvalues (e.g. parentname or target).
Also displayed in Hammer's 2D views and Entity Report.
See also:  Generic Keyvalues, Inputs and Outputs available to all entities

Ammo Type (AmmoType) <choices>
Decides which ammo will be inside the crate. Warning: the fgd defaults to pistol, which are only available in EP2.
Value Ammo Type Comment
0 item_ammo_pistol (only in Half-Life 2: Episode Two)
1 item_ammo_smg1
2 item_ammo_ar2
3 item_rpg_round
4 item_box_buckshot (only in Half-Life 2: Episode Two)
5 weapon_frag
6 item_ammo_357 Uses SMG crate, but provides correct ammo. Can confuse players!
7 item_ammo_crossbow Uses SMG crate, but provides correct ammo. Can confuse players!
8 item_ammo_ar2_altfire Exact same crate as regular AR2 ammo. Can confuse players!
9 item_ammo_smg1_grenade (only in Half-Life 2: Episode Two) Different crate model, with grenades inside, but icon is still SMG. Can confuse players!


Fires when +used by the player.

See also