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This entity is Obsolete. Its use is discouraged, and it may only exist/function in older engine branches.
Class hierarchy

func_wall is a brush entity available in all Source Source games. Legacy support only. Use func_brush instead. This is obsolete entity from Half-Life provided for backwards compatibility. Has been deprecated by the func_brush entity with its Solidity property set to Always Solid.

Icon-Bug.pngBug:Left 4 Dead 2 clientside ragdolls pass through this entity while they correctly collide with func_brush  [todo tested in?]
Note.pngNote:This is a preserved entity in Counter-Strike: SourceHalf-Life 2: DeathmatchDay of Defeat: SourcePortalTeam Fortress 2Left 4 DeadLeft 4 Dead 2Portal 2Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
  • On a new round entities with this classname will intentionally not reset. You can use logic_auto to emulate resetting it.
  • Killing it removes it forever, as it is not respawned on a new round.
  • It cannot be spawned with a point_template.
  • Parenting this with non preserved entities may have undesirable effects.

Note.pngNote:For Keyvalues and Inputs affecting brush rendering, see Brush entity/Rendering related keyvalues and inputs


  •  [1] : Start Off Obsolete
    Leftover from Quake Quake and GoldSrc GoldSrc; see Use input notes, below.


Use  Obsolete
Leftover from Quake Quake and GoldSrc GoldSrc, where using or targeting a func_wall would toggle between +0 to +9 and +A to +J texture sets. Use env_texturetoggle or material_modify_control instead.

See Also