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ai_behavior_assault.cpp // just a copy of info_target for now
Assault rallypoint.png

assault_rallypoint is a point entity available in all Source Source games except Left 4 Dead series Left 4 Dead series.

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January 2024

It specifies a point used to rally NPCs for assault behavior. Used with either an ai_goal_assault or the Assaultinput available on some NPCs. All assaults begin at an assault_rallypoint. NPCs move to these points when cued for an assault, optionally waiting here, before commencing the assault by heading to an assault_assaultpoint.

Limitations and bugs

  • A rallypoint can only serve one NPC per assault. If multiple NPCs are required to assault at the same time, each needs their own rallypoint. There may be a solution to this but it is not yet documented. Use of wildcards can make the assignment of individual NPCs to individual rallypoints easier.
  • NPCs will always turn to face in the direction the entity is set to when arriving at a rally point. This is might look unnatural in some cases.


Name (targetname) <string>
The name that other entities refer to this entity by, via Inputs/Outputs or other keyvalues (e.g. parentname or target).
Also displayed in Hammer's 2D views and Entity Report.
See also:  Generic Keyvalues, Inputs and Outputs available to all entities

Priority (priority) <integer>
How appealing the rallypoint will be. When an NPC receives the Assault input, it will select a suitable rallypoint from those available to it, preferring the one with the highest Priority value. If the Priority is the same between any rallypoints, the closest one will be chosen.
Assault Point (assaultpoint) <targetname>
The first assault_assaultpoint in the chain to move to as the assault begins.
Assault Delay (assaultdelay) <float>
The amount of time to wait here once the assault cue has been given, before moving to the first assault_assaultpoint.
Rally Sequence (rallysequence) <string>
Set a specific animation sequence for NPCs waiting to begin the assault, overriding the wait activity of the NPC.
Force Crouch (forcecrouch) <boolean>
NPCs using this assault point are forced into crouching while holding it.
Urgent (urgent) <boolean>
If set, NPCs will consider movement to this rally point as Urgent Navigation (ignoring prop_physics blockers, eventually teleporting).
Should Point Lock (lockpoint) <boolean> (in all games since Alien Swarm) !FGD
Should this point be considered unusable by other NPCs once one has "claimed" it?[confirm]
  • 0: No
  • 1: Yes


Fires when the NPC arrives.