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physics_cannister is a point entity available in all Source Source games. It is a physically simulated gas canister (with a misspelled entity name) that can have its cap shot off, at which point gas will start escaping, causing the canister to fly around. If it takes enough damage, it will explode.

A fire extinguisher turned into a physics_cannister by adding a nozzle attachment to the top. Thrust will be applied along the blue line.
A gif of a physics cannister (in an official Half-Life 2 map) having its cap shot off and flying into a wall, then it being shot again causing it to explode.
Icon-Bug.pngBug:This entity exists in Left 4 Dead 2, but it remains unused and no fitting prop for it exists. It works if a model is added; however, once the thrusting is finished, it interacts glitchily when stood on. It pushes you off the canister prop in unpredictable ways, and the survivor bots keep melee bashing into it when standing nearby.
Icon-Bug.pngBug:This entity also exists in Portal seriesTeam Fortress 2Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, also unused and with the default prop missing.
Confirm:is it just as glitchy there as in L4D2?
Note.pngNote:The model should have a nozzle attachment point, which is where gas will escape and thrust will be produced from.
The thrust will be simulated along the Z axis, visualized as the blue line of the attachment in HLMV.

Usable models in Half-Life 2:

  • models/props_c17/canister01a.mdl
  • models/props_c17/canister02a.mdl
  • models/props_c17/canister_propane01a.mdl (only in Half-Life 2: Episode OneHalf-Life 2: Episode Two)


Name (targetname) <string>
The name that other entities refer to this entity by, via Inputs/Outputs or other keyvalues (e.g. parentname or target).
Also displayed in Hammer's 2D views and Entity Report.
See also:  Generic Keyvalues, Inputs and Outputs available to all entities

Explosion Damage (expdamage) <string>
The amount of damage done by the explosion created when the canister blows up.
Explosion Radius (expradius) <string>
The radius of the explosion to create when the canister blows up.
Health (health) <integer>
The amount of damage the canister takes before exploding.
Thrust (thrust) <string>
When the cap has been blown off, and the escaping gas is thrusting the canister about, this is the amount of thrust generated.
Fuel Seconds (fuel) <string>
The amount of time that gas leaks from the canister before being considered empty.
Smoke Color (R G B) (rendercolor) <color255>
Color of the smoke.
Smoke Alpha (0 - 255) (renderamt) <integer 0–255>
Transparency of the smoke.
Thruster Sound (gassound) <sound>
The sound played when the gas is escaping from the canister.


Relationship (Relationship) <string> !FGD
<string|targetname or classname> <string|disposition> <int|rank>
Changes whether this entity likes or dislikes certain other things. Used like the ai_relationship entity, with this entity as the subject.
Values for disposition are:
  • D_HT: Hate
  • D_FR: Fear
  • D_LI: Like
  • D_NU: Neutral
Physics Impact Damage Scale (physdamagescale) <float>
Multiplier for damage amount when this entity is hit by a physics object. With a value of 0 the entity will take no damage from physics.


Start Asleep : [1]
Explode : [2]

Confirm:What is this supposed to do? The canister will explode with or without this flag.


Start gas escaping from the canister.
Stop gas escaping from the canister.
Force the canister to explode.
Wakes up the canister, if it is sleeping.


KilledNPC  !FGD
Tells the entity it killed something. Despite the name, this can include a player. This input will be automatically sent by the victim when they die.
physdamagescale <float>
Scales damage energy when this character is hit by a physics object. With a value of 0 the NPC will take no damage from physics.


Fired when gas starts to escape from the canister.
Fired when this entity becomes awake (collision/force is applied).