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func_tankpulselaser is a brush entity available in Half-Life 2 Half-Life 2, Portal Portal, Portal 2 Portal 2, and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. This entity fires a laser sprite at a specific speed. The laser can set things on fire, although it appears certain NPCs cannot catch on fire (Combine Soldiers, Alyx, among others).

Icon-Bug.pngBug:The WAV which is meant to be played when the laser finds its target and/or ricochets off of a surface is missing, therefore a default bullet sound is played. (These missing WAVs can be found in the Half-Life 2 Leak, however.) The console will address the names of the missing WAVs when fired.  [todo tested in ?]


BaseTank flags

Active : [1]
Player : [2] !FGD
Humans : [4] !FGD
Aliens : [8] !FGD
Only Direct: The tank will only fire if it's target is in direct line of sight. : [16]
Controllable (by player) : [32]
Damage Kick : [64]
Aim at a particular position : [128] !FGD
Aim assistance : [256] !FGD
NPC : [512] !FGD
NPC Controllable : [1024]
NPC Set Controller : [2048]
Allow friendlies to hit player : [4096]
Don't use range as a factor in determining if something is in view cone : [8192] !FGD
Non-solid. : [32768]
Sound on : [65536] !FGD
Perfect accuracy every 3rd shot at player : [131072]


Note.pngNote:For Keyvalues and Inputs affecting brush rendering, see Brush entity/Rendering related keyvalues and inputs

Name (targetname) <string>
The name that other entities refer to this entity by, via Inputs/Outputs or other keyvalues (e.g. parentname or target).
Also displayed in Hammer's 2D views and Entity Report.
See also:  Generic Keyvalues, Inputs and Outputs available to all entities

Pulse Speed (PulseSpeed) <float>
How fast does pulse travel.
Pulse Color (PulseColor) <color255>
Color of the pulse.
Pulse Width (PulseWidth) <float>
Width of the pulse. The sprite for the laser is laser.vmt, therefore smaller widths are encouraged.
Pulse Life (PulseLife) <float>
How long the pulse lasts in seconds.
Pulse Lag (PulseLag) <float>
How far behind is pulse tail in seconds.
Pulse Fire Sound (PulseFireSound) <sound>
Sound played when pulse fires. Sounds may be cut partway through if firing rapidly. Does not loop after ammo has run out or use of entity has stopped.
BaseTank keyvalues
Bullets (bullet) <choices>
Ammo type. Be aware that some games will use Ammo type instead.
Literal value Description
0 None
1 Pistol
2 SMG1
3 AR2 (shows pistol/smg1 bullets?)
4 Laser (does nothing)
Ammo type (ammotype) <choices>
Ammo type. Be aware that some games will use Bullets instead.
Value Description
Pistol Pistol
CombineHeavyCannon Combine Heavy Cannon (Episode 2 autogun)
Control Volume (control_volume) <targetname>
Name of a trigger the player must be inside to control the tank.
(Team) Master (master) <string>
Not used for Source. Provided for backwards compatibility with multisource or game_team_master.
Yaw rate (yawrate) <string>
How fast tank can look left or right.
Yaw range (yawrange) <string>
How far tank can turn left or right.
Yaw tolerance (yawtolerance) <string>
Additional left-right range. If the gun tries to turn beyond Yaw range + Yaw tolerance, the gun will snap back to the maximum Yaw range.
Pitch rate (pitchrate) <string>
How fast tank can look up or down
Pitch range (pitchrange) <string>
How far tank can turn up or down
Pitch tolerance (pitchtolerance) <string>
Additional up-down range. If the gun tries to turn beyond Pitch range + Pitch tolerance, the gun will snap back to the maximum Pitch range.
Barrel Length (barrel) <string>
Solid length of the tank barrel. Any part of the barrel beyond this length may clip through objects.
Barrel Horizontal (barrely) <string>
How wide the barrel is, horizontally.}
Barrel Vertical (barrelz) <string>
How wide the barrel is, vertically.
Smoke Sprite (spritesmoke) <sprite>
Smoke sprite to emit when gun fires.
Icon-Bug.pngBug:Transparency may not work.  [todo tested in ?]
Flash Sprite (spriteflash) <sprite>
Flash sprite to emit when gun fires.
Sprite scale (spritescale) <string>
Sprite scale for both sprites above.
Rotate Start Sound (rotatestartsound) <sound>
Sound to play when tank starts to turn.
Rotate Loop Sound (rotatesound) <sound>
Sound to play when tank is turning.
Rotate Stop Sound (rotatestopsound) <sound>
Sound to play when tank stops turning.
Rate of Fire (firerate) <string>
Number of bullets to fire in a second.
Damage Per Bullet (bullet_damage) <string>
How much a single bullet hurts everything except the player. If 0, takes amount from the type of bullet/damage.
Damage Per Bullet Vs Player (bullet_damage_vs_player) <string>
How much a single bullet hurts the player only. If 0, takes amount from the type of bullet/damage.
Firing persistence (persistence) <string>
How many seconds to keep firing at target's last known position after losing LOS (for NPCs).
Firing persistence2 (persistence2) <string>
After Firing persistence is over, how many seconds to periodically fire at target's last known position (for NPCs).
Bullet accuracy (firespread) <choices>
How accurately the gun can fire.
  • 0: Perfect Shot
  • 1: Small cone
  • 2: Medium cone
  • 3: Large cone
  • 4: Extra-large cone
Minimum target range (minRange) <string>
Minimum range to target something (for NPCs). If a target is closer than this amount, the NPC will probably switch to any weapon they have on them.
Maximum target range (maxRange) <string>
Maximum range to target something (for NPCs).
Confirm:This may actually be the distance for aim assistance instead?
Gun Base Attachment (gun_base_attach) <string>
If Parent is specified, this is the attachment point on the parent to aim from.
Gun Barrel Attachment (gun_barrel_attach) <string>
If Parent is specified, this is the attachment point on the parent to fire from. If you specify this, you'll want to specify the Gun Base Attachment too.
Gun Yaw Pose Param (gun_yaw_pose_param) <string>
If Parent and Gun Pitch Pose Param are specified, then the gun itself will be invisible and the tank will steer a gun on the parent using the pose parameters.
Gun Yaw Pose Center (gun_yaw_pose_center) <float>
The center yaw pose parameter of the gun on the parent.
Gun Pitch Pose Param (gun_pitch_pose_param) <string>
If Parent and Gun Yaw Pose Param are specified, then the gun itself will be invisible and the tank will steer a gun on the parent using the pose parameters.
Gun Pitch Pose Center (gun_pitch_pose_center) <float>
The center pitch pose parameter of the gun on the parent.
Ammunition Count (ammo_count) <integer>
Amount of ammo when player is using. -1 = unlimited ammo.
Lead Target (LeadTarget) <boolean>
Aim ahead to hit moving targets (for NPCs).
NPC Man Point (npc_man_point) <targetname>
Point where NPC must stand to use.
Post-NPC Attack Grace Period (playergraceperiod) <float>
If specified, NPC's manning this func tank won't fire at the player, after firing at a non-player, for this amount of time.
Ignore Grace Upto (ignoregraceupto) <float>
The player grace period is ignored if the player is under this distance from the tank.
Player Lock Time (playerlocktimebeforefire) <float>
The tank must be aiming right on the player for this amount of time before it's allowed to fire.
Effect Handling (effecthandling) <choices>
Produce these sound and particle effects when firing.
  • 0: Use Individual Settings.
  • 1: AR2
  • 2: Combine Cannon


BaseTank inputs
Turn the tank on.
Turn the tank off (go dormant).
SetFireRate <float>
How fast to fire (0 = don't fire).
SetDamage <integer>
Set the Damage Per Bullet keyvalue.
SetTargetPosition <vector>
World position (coordinates) that to aim at
SetTargetDir <vector>
Direction (pitch yaw roll) to aim at.
SetTargetEntityName <targetname>
"Set the entity I should follow/attack to the closest entity matching this name."[Clarify]
SetTargetEntity <entity>
"Set the entity I should follow/attack to the passed in entity. This requires an output which passes an entity through the output."[Clarify]
Clear the entity memory of any targets it was told to attack.
FindNPCToManTank <string>
Find a nearby capable NPC to man this tank.
Start searching for capable NPCs to man this tank.
Stop searching for capable NPCs to man this tank.
Force the NPC manning this tank (if any) to leave.
SetMaxRange <float>
Set the max range of the tank.
Confirm:Maximum distance a shot can go?


BaseTank outputs
Fires when the tank fires its bullets.
Fires when target is newly in range and can be shot.
Fires when when target goes out of range.
DO NOT USE. Exists in code, but never coded to fire at any point.
Fires when an NPC starts to control this tank. Players do NOT fire this input.
Fires when a Player starts to control this tank. NPCs do NOT fire this input.
Fires when the NPC controller of the tank stops controlling it. Players do NOT fire this input.
Fires when the Player controller of the tank stops controlling it. NPCs do NOT fire this input.
Fires once when the tank spawns, or is done waiting to fire between rounds. Useful for playing a reloading/charging/searching sound possibly.