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This entity is not in the Counter-Strike: SourceDay of Defeat: SourceTeam Fortress 2Left 4 DeadLeft 4 Dead 2Counter-Strike: Global Offensive FGD by default.
See below for instructions on making it available.
Class hierarchy
Ai sound.png

ai_sound is a point entity available in all Source Source games. This entity makes abstract sounds or smells that can be sensed by NPCs, but not by the player. This can be used to cause reactions in nearby NPCs. An entity called soundent appears to help with managing AI sounds when the game runs.


Name (targetname) <string>
The name that other entities refer to this entity by, via Inputs/Outputs or other keyvalues (e.g. parentname or target).
Also displayed in Hammer's 2D views and Entity Report.
See also:  Generic Keyvalues, Inputs and Outputs available to all entities

Volume (volume) <integer>
How far away this sound can be heard. This is a radius.
Duration (duration) <float>
How long the sound persists each time it plays.
Sound Type (soundtype) <choices>
The type of sound or smell will determine the reaction of NPCs that sense it. Some of these are not in the FGD, so their associated number must be typed manually.
Literal Value Description
1 Combat: Will cause most NPCs to become alert
2 World: Will cause most NPCs to become alert
4 Player: Feign player audible
8 Danger: Will cause most NPCs to move away from the position of the sound
16 Bullet Impact
32 Carcass
64 Meat
128 Garbage
256 Thumper: causes antlions to run away briefly
512 !FGD Bugbait: get nearby antlions' attention
1024 !FGD Physics Danger: Scares off npc_metropolice, npc_combine_s, and npc_antlion
2048 !FGD Sniper Danger: Scares npc_snipers into their hole
4096 Move Away: Pushes away npc_metropolice, npc_citizen, npc_combine_s, npc_alyx, npc_barney, npc_fisherman
8192 !FGD Player Vehicle: Makes NPCs hear the player & makes npc_metropolice turn towards the sound (only used by prop_vehicle_airboat
16384 Player Companion Readiness: Low
32768 Player Companion Readiness: Medium
65536 Player Companion Readiness: High
Additional sound context (optional) (soundcontext) <choices>
Optional settings specifying such things as who can or cannot hear the sound. Many of these are not in the FGD and some of them have not been fully tested.
Literal Value Description
1048576 !FGD Sound is from Sniper
2097152 !FGD Gunfire (use with combat sound type)
4194304 !FGD Mortar (pending explosion)
8388608 Only Combine hear/smell
16777216 !FGD React to source (faces the ai_sound instead of location proxy)
33554432 !FGD Explosion (use with combat sound type)
67108864 Exclude Combine (Combine don't hear/smell)
134217728 !FGD Danger approach (react with danger if you see the ai_sound, just face if otherwise, shouldn't work with location proxy)
268435456 !FGD Only allies (npc_citizen, etc.) hear/smell
Location Proxy (locationproxy) <targetname>
If you specify an entity here, the sound will be made at that entity's location (!player is an option).


InsertSound <integer> Obsolete
Insert a sound in the AI sound list at a specified volume (1-100) which influences detection radius.
Make the Sound.