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Class hierarchy

info_node_link is a point entity available in all Source Source games except Left 4 Dead series Left 4 Dead series. It is a manually defined, dynamic connection between two navigation nodes. This could be used to create or destroy a connection in the nodegraph because of some event in your map (a bridge being created/destroyed, etc).


Name (targetname) <string>
The name that other entities refer to this entity by, via Inputs/Outputs or other keyvalues (e.g. parentname or target).
Also displayed in Hammer's 2D views and Entity Report.
See also:  Generic Keyvalues, Inputs and Outputs available to all entities

Start node ID (StartNode) <node_dest>
The node ID of one end of the node connection.
End node ID (EndNode) <node_dest>
The node ID of one end of the node connection.
Initial State (initialstate) <choices>
Makes this connection is available the moment the map loads. If there is something blocking the NPC's path while this is on, the NPC may appear to walk straight into that object/hole.
  • 0 : Off
  • 1 : On
Type of Connection (linktype) <choices>
How NPCs can use this node. Not all NPCs can do all types.
  • 1 : Ground
  • 2 : Jump
  • 4 : Fly
  • 8 : Climb
Allow Pass When Off (AllowUse) <string>
Entity or class to allow passage even when node is off

{{KV|Invert exclusion rules|intn=InvertAllow|boolean|Allowed entity is the only entity NOT allowed when this is set to 'yes'

Icon-Bug.pngBug:Non-functional. Use info_node_link_controller instead if this keyvalue is needed.  [todo tested in ?]


See: NPC Hull. Force human connect : [1]
Force small_centered connect : [2]
Force wide_human connect : [4]
Force tiny connect : [8]
Force wide_short connect : [16]
Force medium connect : [32]
Force tiny_centered connect : [64]
Force large connect : [128]
Force large_centered connect : [256]
Force medium_tall connect : [512]


Turn the link on.
Turn the link off.

See also

  • info_node_link_controller - manages all connections between nodes that intersect the controller's volume. This allows for mass enabling/disabling of all node connections.