Dissection of Official L4D2 Campaigns

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Left 4 Dead 2 Another way that may help understand L4D2 level creation is to see what makes up an official one. This does not mean that developers are limited to or need to use all of these elements in a L4D2 map.

Some notes

  • Since Left 4 Dead builds off of previous versions of the Source engine, this reference article can be used as a way to expand options on how to get a certain task done within a map.
  • This article cannot tell how entities are used specifically and in what situation (such as in what game mode or in an instance). The drawback of taking apart things is losing unique details and properties that emerge, like when entities start connecting to each other.
  • This article frequently relies on decompiled versions of the the map sources since Valve has not provided any sources to L4D2 maps. It is not guaranteed that these tables represent the original ones 1:1.
  • A working and refined nav mesh is crucial in Left 4 Dead maps. Nav-related issues range from show-stopping to minor, low-priority bugs. One should definitely get acquainted with nav mesh editing early-on.
  • Optimization should be taken into consideration from the start, especially when working alone or with a small team. The number of func_detail entities in a single map alone may suggest that a large amount of time is invested in optimization.
  • The entity tables do not take func_instance and func_instance_parms into the consideration. This is because the source maps, with the exception of Dead Line 2, are decompiled maps, which do not retain any information about instances.
  • Instances are used frequently. There are a lot of great instances available to learn and use (From within Hammer: mapsrc\instance).
  • VBSP Normal, sometimes with -localphysx. VVIS -mpi, sometimes with -fast.
  • All maps shipped are compiled in HDR and not LDR. In other words, lump 8 is missing in the compiled map. This is achieved by compiling with the -hdr flag for VRAD while in expert compile mode. This can significantly reduce the size of the map, depending on the lighting.
  • Other compiling parameters for VRAD include -mpi, -textureshadows, -hdr, -StaticPropLighting, -StaticPropPolys, and -final. Please also see lights.rad.
  • Common lighting: light, light_spot, point_spotlight, the skybox, light_directional, light_environment, shadow_control
  • Common light entity-related, only as an effect: beam_spotlight, env_sprite
  • There is a single sky_camera in every map with a 2D skybox (all of them). A L4D2 map without a 3D Skybox will give graphical glitches in the skybox, visually similar to a leaked map.
  • Forced spawning of infected is used sparingly in official maps and mainly depend on proper flow, extensive amount of nav editing and testing, and vscripts to control/tweak the behavior of the AI Director.
  • In regards to flow, the goal area can be determined by the following: info_changelevel, finale attribute and radio, finale attribute and health cabinet, finale and rescue closet attributes (ie. the finale is reachable), finale attribute at center of area (note the quality is questionable - ie. may not be reachable), nav_flow_target (info_target with targetname "nav_flow_target"), or nav_cordon_flow_target. Note that more may need to be set up in order to properly establish flow. An example would be for info_changelevel, where it alone will not determine goal area.
  • Additional entities used or added in an update can be found in the commentary text files. The commentary files mainly consist of info_remarkable, point_commentary_node, env_physics_blocker, and env_player_blocker. These are in the maps folder found in pak01_dir.vpk (See GCFScape).
Note.pngNote:Left 4 DeadLeft 4 Dead 2 in the tables denote entities unique to Left 4 Dead Series.
Todo: confirm again exclusive L4D series ents and what is only in L4D2
Note.pngNote:Entity categories are arbitrary. Feel free to change entity category that makes more sense.

Frequently used nav attributes

Example: Dead Line 2

Entities (ex DL)

Dead Line 2
Entity Name deadline01 deadline02 Category Left 4 Dead Left 4 Dead 2 Notes
ambient_generic Audio and Choreography
ambient_music Audio and Choreography x
beam_spotlight Lighting and Visual Effects
color_correction Lighting and Visual Effects
commentary_dummy Point Function x
commentary_zombie_spawner Point Function x x
env_airstrike_indoors Lighting and Visual Effects x
env_cubemap Lighting and Visual Effects
env_entity_maker Point Function
env_explosion Point Function
env_fade Lighting and Visual Effects Usually for intro and outtro.
env_fire Lighting and Visual Effects
env_fog_controller Lighting and Visual Effects
env_microphone Audio and Choreography
env_outtro_stats Point Function x x
env_physexplosion Point Function
env_player_blocker Point Function x
env_physics_blocker Point Function x
env_physimpact Point Function
env_shake Lighting and Visual Effects
env_shooter Point Function
env_soundscape Audio and Choreography
env_spark Lighting and Visual Effects
env_sprite Lighting and Visual Effects
env_sun Lighting and Visual Effects
env_tonemap_controller Lighting and Visual Effects
env_tonemap_controller_ghost Lighting and Visual Effects x x
env_tonemap_controller_infected Lighting and Visual Effects x x
env_wind Point Function
filter_activator_class Filter
filter_activator_infected_class Filter x x
filter_activator_model Filter x x
filter_activator_name Filter
filter_activator_team Filter
filter_damage_type Filter
filter_health Filter x
filter_melee_damage Filter x
filter_multi Filter
fog_volume Lighting and Visual Effects x x
func_block_charge Brush Function x
func_breakable Brush Function
func_breakable_surf Brush Function
func_brush Brush Function
func_button Brush Function
func_clip_vphysics Brush Function
func_detail Brush Function
func_detail_blocker Brush Function
func_door Brush Function
func_door_rotating Brush Function
func_elevator Brush Function
func_illusionary Brush Function A legacy brush entity still used today.
func_ladder Brush Function
func_lod Brush Function
func_movelinear Brush Function
func_nav_attribute_region Brush Function x x
func_nav_blocker Brush Function x x
func_nav_connection_blocker Brush Function x
func_orator Point Function
func_physbox Brush Function
func_playerinfected_clip Brush Function x x
func_precipitation Brush Function
func_precipitation_blocker Brush Function x x
func_rot_button Brush Function
func_rotating Brush Function
func_timescale Brush Function x
func_tracktrain Brush Function
game_scavenge_progress_display Point Function x
info_ambient_mob Point Info x
info_ambient_mob_end Point Info x
info_ambient_mob_start Point Info x
info_changelevel Point Info x x Treated like brush ent. in Hammer
info_director Point Info x x
info_elevator_floor Point Info x x
info_game_event_proxy Point Info x x
info_gamemode Point Info x x
info_goal_infected_chase Point Info x x
info_landmark Point Info
info_map_parameters Point Info x x
info_map_parameters_versus Point Info x
info_overlay Props and Detail
info_particle_system Lighting and Visual Effects
info_particle_target Lighting and Visual Effects x
info_player_start Point Info
info_projecteddecal Props and Detail
info_remarkable Audio and Choreography x x
info_survivor_position Point Info x x
info_survivor_rescue Point Info x x
info_target Point Info
info_zombie_spawn Point Info x x
infodecal Props and Detail
keyframe_rope Props and Detail
light Lighting and Visual Effects
light_directional Lighting and Visual Effects x x
light_environment Lighting and Visual Effects
light_spot Lighting and Visual Effects
logic_auto Logic
logic_branch Logic
logic_branch_listener Logic
logic_case Logic
logic_choreographed_scene Audio and Choreography
logic_compare Logic
logic_director_query Logic x
logic_relay Logic
logic_script Logic
logic_timer Logic
math_counter Logic
math_remap Logic
momentary_rot_button Brush Function
move_rope Props and Detail
path_track Lighting and Visual Effects
phys_convert Point Function
phys_hinge Point Function
phys_ragdollconstraint Point Function
player_weaponstrip Point Function
point_broadcastclientcommand Point Function
point_clientcommand Point Function
point_commentary_node Point Function
point_hurt Point Function
point_prop_use_target Point Function
point_spotlight Lighting and Visual Effects
point_template Point Function
point_viewcontrol_multiplayer Point Function x x
point_viewcontrol_survivor Point Function x x
postprocess_controller Lighting and Visual Effects x x
prop_car_alarm Props and Detail x x
prop_car_glass Props and Detail x x
prop_door_rotating Props and Detail
prop_door_rotating_checkpoint Props and Detail x x
prop_dynamic Props and Detail
prop_dynamic_override Props and Detail
prop_health_cabinet Props and Detail x x
prop_physics Props and Detail
prop_mounted_machine_gun Props and Detail x
prop_ragdoll Props and Detail
prop_static Props and Detail
prop_wall_breakable Props and Detail x
shadow_control Lighting and Visual Effects
sky_camera Lighting and Visual Effects
sound_mix_layer Audio and Choreography
trigger_active_weapon_detect Trigger x
trigger_auto_crouch Trigger x x
trigger_changelevel Trigger
trigger_finale Trigger x x
trigger_hurt Trigger
trigger_hurt_ghost Trigger x
trigger_look Trigger
trigger_multiple Trigger
trigger_once Trigger
trigger_playermovement Trigger
trigger_push Trigger
upgrade_spawn Weapons x
water_lod_control Point Info
weapon_adrenaline_spawn Weapons x
weapon_ammo_spawn Weapons x x
weapon_autoshotgun_spawn Weapons x x
weapon_chainsaw_spawn Weapons x
weapon_defibrillator_spawn Weapons x
weapon_first_aid_kit_spawn Weapons x x
weapon_gascan_spawn Weapons x x
weapon_grenade_launcher_spawn Weapons x
weapon_hunting_rifle_spawn Weapons x x
weapon_item_spawn Weapons x
weapon_melee_spawn Weapons x
weapon_molotov_spawn Weapons x x
weapon_pain_pills_spawn Weapons x x
weapon_pipe_bomb_spawn Weapons x x
weapon_pistol_magnum_spawn Weapons x
weapon_pistol_spawn Weapons x x
weapon_pumpshotgun_spawn Weapons x x
weapon_rifle_ak47_spawn Weapons x
weapon_rifle_desert_spawn Weapons x
weapon_rifle_spawn Weapons x x
weapon_scavenge_item_spawn Weapons x
weapon_shotgun_chrome_spawn Weapons x
weapon_shotgun_spas_spawn Weapons x
weapon_smg_silenced_spawn Weapons x
weapon_smg_spawn Weapons x x
weapon_sniper_military_spawn Weapons x
weapon_spawn Weapons x
weapon_upgradepack_explosive_spawn Weapons x
weapon_upgradepack_incendiary_spawn Weapons x
weapon_vomitjar_spawn Weapons x

c1: Dead Center

Entities (c1 DeC)

Dead Center
Entity Name m1_hotel m2_streets m3_mall m4_atrium Category Left 4 Dead Left 4 Dead 2 Notes
ambient_generic 40 9 3 5 Audio and Choreography
beam_spotlight - 21 40 - Lighting and Visual Effects
color_correction 4 2 2 3 Lighting and Visual Effects
env_cubemap 84 27 40 28 Lighting and Visual Effects
env_entity_maker - 2 181 - Point Function
env_explosion - 1 - - Point Function
env_fade 2 - - 6 Lighting and Visual Effects Usually for intro and outtro.
env_fog_controller 9 2 2 2 Lighting and Visual Effects
env_microphone - 1 - - Audio and Choreography
env_outtro_stats - - - 1 Point Function x x
env_physexplosion - 1 - 1 Point Function
env_player_blocker - - 1 4 Point Function x
env_physics_blocker - - - 1 Point Function x
env_shake 24 1 - 1 Lighting and Visual Effects
env_soundscape 62 29 28 20 Audio and Choreography
env_sprite 9 18 1 - Lighting and Visual Effects
env_sun 1 1 - - Lighting and Visual Effects
env_tonemap_controller 1 1 1 1 Lighting and Visual Effects
env_tonemap_controller_ghost 1 1 1 1 Lighting and Visual Effects x x
env_tonemap_controller_infected 1 1 1 1 Lighting and Visual Effects x x
filter_activator_model - 1 - 1 Filter x x
filter_activator_name - - 1 1 Filter
filter_activator_team 3 1 2 2 Filter
filter_damage_type - - 1 - Filter
filter_melee_damage - - 1 - Filter x
filter_multi - - 1 - Filter
fog_volume 15 8 2 2 Lighting and Visual Effects x x
func_block_charge - 2 - - Brush Function x
func_breakable 8 12 431 127 Brush Function
func_brush 195 30 36 2 Brush Function
func_button 2 1 1 2 Brush Function
func_clip_vphysics - 50 - 3 Brush Function
func_detail 701 747 1830 717 Brush Function
func_door - 1 - 6 Brush Function
func_door_rotating - - 9 6 Brush Function
func_illusionary - 1 - - Brush Function A legacy brush entity still used today.
func_elevator 1 - - 1 Brush Function
func_ladder - 77 26 9 Brush Function
func_movelinear 4 - - - Brush Function
func_nav_attribute_region 1 23 - 2 Brush Function x x
func_nav_blocker 9 17 15 5 Brush Function x x
func_orator 1 1 2 1 Point Function
func_precipitation 1 - - - Brush Function
func_playerinfected_clip - 57 - - Brush Function x x
func_rotating - 1 - - Brush Function
func_timescale - - - 1 Brush Function x
game_scavenge_progress_display - - - 1 Point Function x
info_ambient_mob_end - - 2 - Point Info x
info_ambient_mob_start - - 2 - Point Info x
info_changelevel 1 2 2 - Point Info x x Treated like brush ent. in Hammer
info_director 1 1 1 1 Point Info x x
info_elevator_floor 2 - - 2 Point Info x x
info_game_event_proxy 5 8 3 10 Point Info x x
info_gamemode - 3 - 3 Point Info x x
info_goal_infected_chase - - - 1 Point Info x x
info_landmark 1 2 2 1 Point Info
info_map_parameters 1 1 1 1 Point Info x x
info_map_parameters_versus 1 1 1 - Point Info x
info_overlay 156 348 457 226 Props and Detail
info_particle_system 145 8 2 1 Lighting and Visual Effects
info_particle_target 166 12 - - Lighting and Visual Effects x
info_player_start 4 - - - Point Info
info_projecteddecal 10 - - - Props and Detail
info_remarkable 16 16 32 - Audio and Choreography x x
info_survivor_position 4 - - 16 Point Info x x
info_survivor_rescue 6 12 12 - Point Info x x
info_target 2 1 1 1 Point Info
info_zombie_spawn 26 - - 34 Point Info x x
infodecal 14 - 8 7 Props and Detail
keyframe_rope 31 59 - - Props and Detail
light 95 15 3 2 Lighting and Visual Effects
light_directional 1 1 1 1 Lighting and Visual Effects x x
light_environment 1 1 1 1 Lighting and Visual Effects
light_spot 69 30 42 10 Lighting and Visual Effects
logic_auto 6 22 14 7 Logic
logic_branch - 2 - 2 Logic
logic_branch_listener - - - 1 Logic
logic_case 76 13 80 6 Logic
logic_choreographed_scene 1 - - - Audio and Choreography
logic_compare - - 1 - Logic
logic_director_query 3 1 3 - Logic x
logic_relay 43 15 19 22 Logic
logic_script - 1 - - Logic
logic_timer 10 12 77 4 Logic
math_counter 4 - 1 - Logic
move_rope 10 20 - - Props and Detail
path_track 14 1 - 4 Lighting and Visual Effects
player_weaponstrip - 1 - - Point Function
point_hurt 1 - - - Point Function
point_prop_use_target - 1 - 1 Point Function
point_spotlight - - - 2 Lighting and Visual Effects
point_template 47 5 30 21 Point Function
point_viewcontrol_multiplayer - - - 5 Point Function x x
point_viewcontrol_survivor 4 - - - Point Function x x
postprocess_controller 4 2 2 3 Lighting and Visual Effects x x
prop_car_alarm - 2 - - Props and Detail x x
prop_car_glass - 4 - - Props and Detail x x
prop_door_rotating 29 13 39 16 Props and Detail
prop_door_rotating_checkpoint 1 2 2 1 Props and Detail x x
prop_dynamic 72 55 19 25 Props and Detail
prop_dynamic_override - - - 2 Props and Detail
prop_health_cabinet - 1 2 - Props and Detail x x
prop_physics 314 230 288 87 Props and Detail
prop_static 1748 2193 4089 2332 Props and Detail
shadow_control 1 1 1 1 Lighting and Visual Effects
sky_camera 1 1 1 1 Lighting and Visual Effects
trigger_active_weapon_detect - 1 - - Trigger x
trigger_auto_crouch - - 4 - Trigger x x
trigger_finale - - - 1 Trigger x x
trigger_hurt 51 5 1 2 Trigger
trigger_hurt_ghost 7 - - - Trigger x
trigger_look 1 - - - Trigger
trigger_multiple 5 2 3 2 Trigger
trigger_once 19 7 2 1 Trigger
trigger_push 38 4 - 2 Trigger
upgrade_spawn - 17 - 9 Weapons x
weapon_adrenaline_spawn - - - 15 Weapons x
weapon_ammo_spawn 1 7 2 3 Weapons x x
weapon_autoshotgun_spawn - 7 - 1 Weapons x x
weapon_chainsaw_spawn 3 - - - Weapons x
weapon_defibrillator_spawn - - - 1 Weapons x
weapon_first_aid_kit_spawn 9 12 8 8 Weapons x x
weapon_hunting_rifle_spawn - 4 - - Weapons x x
weapon_item_spawn 51 100 148 9 Weapons x
weapon_melee_spawn 8 14 10 9 Weapons x
weapon_molotov_spawn - - - 23 Weapons x x
weapon_pain_pills_spawn 1 - - 31 Weapons x x
weapon_pipe_bomb_spawn - - - 25 Weapons x x
weapon_pistol_magnum_spawn 1 2 - - Weapons x
weapon_pistol_spawn 3 5 - - Weapons x x
weapon_pumpshotgun_spawn - 4 - - Weapons x x
weapon_rifle_ak47_spawn - 5 - 1 Weapons x
weapon_rifle_desert_spawn - 4 - 1 Weapons x
weapon_rifle_spawn - 6 - 1 Weapons x x
weapon_scavenge_item_spawn - - - 35 Weapons x
weapon_shotgun_chrome_spawn 3 2 - 1 Weapons x
weapon_shotgun_spas_spawn - 4 - - Weapons x
weapon_smg_silenced_spawn 1 3 - 1 Weapons x
weapon_smg_spawn - 2 - - Weapons x x
weapon_sniper_military_spawn - 2 - 1 Weapons x
weapon_spawn 6 13 17 8 Weapons x
weapon_vomitjar_spawn - - - 19 Weapons x

c6: The Passing

Entities (c6 TPas)

The Passing
Entity Name m1_riverbank m2_bedlam m3_port Category Left 4 Dead Left 4 Dead 2 Notes
ai_speechfilter 1 Audio and Choreography
ambient_generic 44 15 21 Audio and Choreography
ambient_music 1 7 7 Audio and Choreography x
beam_spotlight 40 16 13 Lighting and Visual Effects
color_correction 2 2 2 Lighting and Visual Effects
commentary_dummy Point Function x
commentary_zombie_spawner Point Function x x
env_airstrike_indoors Lighting and Visual Effects x
env_cubemap 48 25 35 Lighting and Visual Effects
env_entity_maker 10 - - Point Function
env_explosion Point Function
env_fade 4 4 6 Lighting and Visual Effects Usually for intro and outtro.
env_fire Lighting and Visual Effects
env_fog_controller 3 4 3 Lighting and Visual Effects
env_instructor_hint 8 Point Function x
env_microphone 1 Audio and Choreography
env_outtro_stats 1 Point Function x x
env_physexplosion Point Function
env_player_blocker - 1 Point Function x
env_physics_blocker Point Function x
env_physimpact Point Function
env_shake 3 - 2 Lighting and Visual Effects
env_shooter Point Function
env_soundscape 56 113 53 Audio and Choreography
env_spark 3 1 3 Lighting and Visual Effects
env_sprite 96 77 40 Lighting and Visual Effects
env_sun Lighting and Visual Effects
env_tonemap_controller 1 1 1 Lighting and Visual Effects
env_tonemap_controller_ghost 1 1 1 Lighting and Visual Effects x x
env_tonemap_controller_infected 1 1 1 Lighting and Visual Effects x x
env_wind 3 1 1 Point Function
filter_activator_class Filter
filter_activator_infected_class Filter x x
filter_activator_model - 1 Filter x x
filter_activator_name Filter
filter_activator_team 1 1 1 Filter
filter_damage_type Filter
filter_health Filter x
filter_melee_damage Filter x
filter_multi Filter
fog_volume 4 17 14 Lighting and Visual Effects x x
func_areaportal - 46 7 Brush Function
func_areaportalwindow 35 - 29 Brush Function
func_block_charge Brush Function x
func_breakable 6 - 1 Brush Function
func_breakable_surf Brush Function
func_brush 75 30 48 Brush Function
func_button 8 9 3 Brush Function
func_clip_vphysics 2 - 31 Brush Function
func_detail 1784 990 1101 Brush Function
func_detail_blocker Brush Function
func_door Brush Function
func_door_rotating 2 - Brush Function
func_elevator 1 - 2 Brush Function
func_illusionary 6 Brush Function A legacy brush entity still used today.
func_ladder 60 41 52 Brush Function
func_lod Brush Function
func_movelinear 1 - Brush Function
func_nav_attribute_region 15 7 11 Brush Function x x
func_nav_blocker 11 5 8 Brush Function x x
func_nav_connection_blocker Brush Function x
func_orator Point Function
func_physbox 1 Brush Function
func_playerinfected_clip 9 - 2 Brush Function x x
func_precipitation 1 1 1 Brush Function
func_precipitation_blocker Brush Function x x
func_rot_button Brush Function
func_rotating Brush Function
func_timescale Brush Function x
func_tracktrain Brush Function
game_scavenge_progress_display 1 Point Function x
info_ambient_mob Point Info x
info_ambient_mob_end Point Info x
info_ambient_mob_start Point Info x
info_changelevel 1 1 1 Point Info x x Treated like brush ent. in Hammer
info_director 1 1 1 Point Info x x
info_elevator_floor 4 Point Info x x
info_game_event_proxy 8 9 Point Info x x
info_gamemode 4 4 Point Info x x
info_goal_infected_chase Point Info x x
info_l4d1_survivor_spawn 3 Point Function x
info_landmark 1 2 1 Point Info
info_map_parameters 1 1 1 Point Info x x
info_map_parameters_versus 1 - Point Info x
info_overlay 259 220 Props and Detail
info_particle_system 3 25 Lighting and Visual Effects
info_particle_target 2 - Lighting and Visual Effects x
info_player_start 10 1 Point Info
info_projecteddecal Props and Detail
info_remarkable 36 43 2 Audio and Choreography x x
info_survivor_position 19 20 Point Info x x
info_survivor_rescue 9 - Point Info x x
info_target 5 8 Point Info
info_zombie_spawn 1 2 - Point Info x x
infodecal Props and Detail
keyframe_rope 38 27 Props and Detail
light 189 32 Lighting and Visual Effects
light_directional 1 1 1 Lighting and Visual Effects x x
light_environment 1 1 1 Lighting and Visual Effects
light_spot 86 48 Lighting and Visual Effects
logic_auto 5 11 Logic
logic_branch 1 Logic
logic_branch_listener Logic
logic_case 8 8 Logic
logic_choreographed_scene 23 Audio and Choreography
logic_compare Logic
logic_director_query Logic x
logic_game_event 6 1 Logic x
logic_relay 29 41 Logic
logic_script 1 1 Logic x
logic_timer 4 7 Logic
math_counter Logic
math_remap Logic
momentary_rot_button Brush Function
move_rope 14 25 Props and Detail
path_track 1 Lighting and Visual Effects
phys_convert Point Function
phys_hinge 5 1 Point Function
phys_ragdollconstraint Point Function
player_weaponstrip Point Function
point_broadcastclientcommand 1 - Point Function
point_clientcommand Point Function
point_commentary_node Point Function
point_hurt Point Function
point_prop_use_target 1 1 Point Function
point_spotlight 4 - Lighting and Visual Effects
point_template 39 12 Point Function
point_viewcontrol_multiplayer 2 3 Point Function x x
point_viewcontrol_survivor Point Function x x
postprocess_controller 3 3 Lighting and Visual Effects x x
prop_car_alarm Props and Detail x x
prop_car_glass Props and Detail x x
prop_door_rotating 13 2 Props and Detail
prop_door_rotating_checkpoint 1 2 1 Props and Detail x x
prop_dynamic 52 43 Props and Detail
prop_dynamic_override 440 1 Props and Detail
prop_health_cabinet Props and Detail x x
prop_physics 294 102 Props and Detail
prop_mounted_machine_gun Props and Detail x
prop_ragdoll Props and Detail
prop_static 2764 1908 Props and Detail
prop_wall_breakable 8 - Props and Detail x
shadow_control 1 1 1 Lighting and Visual Effects
sky_camera 1 1 1 Lighting and Visual Effects
sound_mix_layer Audio and Choreography
trigger_active_weapon_detect Trigger x
trigger_auto_crouch 1 - Trigger x x
trigger_changelevel Trigger
trigger_finale 1 Trigger x x
trigger_hurt 1 2 2 Trigger
trigger_hurt_ghost 1 - - Trigger x
trigger_look Trigger
trigger_multiple 1 3 3 Trigger
trigger_once 5 5 Trigger
trigger_playermovement Trigger
trigger_push 1 Trigger
trigger_upgrade_laser_sight 1 Trigger x
upgrade_spawn 11 14 14 Weapons x
water_lod_control 2 2 2 Point Info
weapon_adrenaline_spawn 25 20 6 Weapons x
weapon_ammo_spawn 4 7 5 Weapons x x
weapon_autoshotgun_spawn 1 1 3 Weapons x x
weapon_chainsaw_spawn 3 1 6 Weapons x
weapon_defibrillator_spawn 1 1 4 Weapons x
weapon_first_aid_kit_spawn 14 18 18 Weapons x x
weapon_gascan_spawn Weapons x x
weapon_grenade_launcher_spawn 2 - 6 Weapons x
weapon_hunting_rifle_spawn 2 Weapons x x
weapon_item_spawn 46 33 38 Weapons x
weapon_melee_spawn 12 25 17 Weapons x
weapon_molotov_spawn 25 25 41 Weapons x x
weapon_pain_pills_spawn 19 20 7 Weapons x x
weapon_pipe_bomb_spawn 29 26 32 Weapons x x
weapon_pistol_magnum_spawn 2 3 1 Weapons x
weapon_pistol_spawn - 4 9 Weapons x x
weapon_pumpshotgun_spawn Weapons x x
weapon_rifle_ak47_spawn 1 - 4 Weapons x
weapon_rifle_desert_spawn 2 1 3 Weapons x
weapon_rifle_m60_spawn 2 4 1 Weapons x
weapon_rifle_spawn 1 1 4 Weapons x x
weapon_scavenge_item_spawn 16 16 32 Weapons x
weapon_shotgun_chrome_spawn - - 1 Weapons x
weapon_shotgun_spas_spawn 2 - 2 Weapons x
weapon_smg_silenced_spawn 1 Weapons x
weapon_smg_spawn Weapons x x
weapon_sniper_military_spawn 1 1 3 Weapons x
weapon_spawn 22 21 5 Weapons x
weapon_upgradepack_explosive_spawn 1 1 - Weapons x
weapon_upgradepack_incendiary_spawn 1 1 - Weapons x
weapon_vomitjar_spawn 5 2 1 Weapons x

c2: Dark Carnival

Entities (c2 DaC)

Dark Carnival
Entity Name m1_highway m2_fairgrounds m3_coaster m4_barns m5_concert Category Left 4 Dead Left 4 Dead 2 Notes
ambient_generic 9 17 15 30 26 Audio and Choreography
ambient_music - 1 - - 8 Audio and Choreography x
beam_spotlight 22 48 8 26 94 Lighting and Visual Effects
color_correction 3 2 3 3 3 Lighting and Visual Effects
env_cubemap 63 48 68 19 14 Lighting and Visual Effects
env_entity_maker 3 - - - Point Function
env_explosion - - - - - Point Function
env_fade 4 1 - - 3 Lighting and Visual Effects Usually for intro and outtro.
env_fog_controller 2 2 3 2 2 Lighting and Visual Effects
env_microphone - - - - 1 Audio and Choreography
env_outtro_stats - - - - 1 Point Function x x
env_physexplosion - - - 1 - Point Function
env_player_blocker 2 - - - Point Function x
env_physics_blocker - - - - Point Function x
env_shake - - - - Lighting and Visual Effects
env_shooter - - - 1 - Point Function
env_soundscape 88 38 41 23 8 Audio and Choreography
env_spark - 1 - - Lighting and Visual Effects
env_sprite 162 97 11 11 13 Lighting and Visual Effects
env_sun - - - - - Lighting and Visual Effects
env_tonemap_controller 1 1 1 1 1 Lighting and Visual Effects
env_tonemap_controller_ghost 1 1 1 1 1 Lighting and Visual Effects x x
env_tonemap_controller_infected 1 1 1 1 1 Lighting and Visual Effects x x
env_wind 2 1 1 2 1 Point Function
filter_activator_model - 1 - - - Filter x x
filter_activator_name - - - - - Filter
filter_activator_team 2 1 1 1 1 Filter
filter_damage_type - - - 1 Filter
filter_health - - - 7 Filter x
filter_melee_damage - - - 2 Filter x
filter_multi - - - 1 Filter
fog_volume 2 2 3 2 4 Lighting and Visual Effects x x
func_block_charge - - - 3 13 Brush Function x
func_breakable - 3 4 1 Brush Function
func_brush 75 18 58 13 4 Brush Function
func_button 1 4 3 4 3 Brush Function
func_clip_vphysics - 1 - - Brush Function
func_detail 596 1627 2917 897 466 Brush Function
func_detail_blocker 26 3 - 2 Brush Function
func_door - 3 - 6 Brush Function
func_door_rotating - 15 - 6 9 Brush Function
func_illusionary - - - - Brush Function A legacy brush entity still used today.
func_elevator - - - - Brush Function
func_ladder 32 74 75 86 27 Brush Function
func_lod - - - 3 Brush Function
func_movelinear - 9 - - Brush Function
func_nav_attribute_region 28 25 5 5 3 Brush Function x x
func_nav_blocker 10 18 5 24 7 Brush Function x x
func_orator 1 1 1 1 1 Point Function
func_precipitation - - - Brush Function
func_physbox - - 4 - - Brush Function
func_playerinfected_clip - 53 2 1 7 Brush Function x x
func_rot_button - 8 - - Brush Function
func_rotating - 2 - 2 Brush Function
func_timescale - - - Brush Function x
func_tracktrain - 1 - Brush Function
game_scavenge_progress_display - - - Point Function x
info_ambient_mob_end - - - Point Info x
info_ambient_mob_start - - - Point Info x
info_changelevel 1 2 2 2 1 Point Info x x Treated like brush ent. in Hammer
info_director 1 1 1 1 1 Point Info x x
info_elevator_floor - - Point Info x x
info_game_event_proxy 10 3 3 5 4 Point Info x x
info_gamemode 2 4 2 2 3 Point Info x x
info_goal_infected_chase - - - - 2 Point Info x x
info_landmark 1 2 2 2 1 Point Info
info_map_parameters 1 1 1 1 1 Point Info x x
info_map_parameters_versus 1 1 1 - - Point Info x
info_overlay 136 210 92 175 100 Props and Detail
info_particle_system 21 52 87 66 20 Lighting and Visual Effects
info_particle_target 12 97 77 44 10 Lighting and Visual Effects x
info_player_start 4 1 1 1 1 Point Info
info_projecteddecal - - - - Props and Detail
info_remarkable 42 36 - Audio and Choreography x x
info_survivor_position 12 9 5 4 12 Point Info x x
info_survivor_rescue 7 18 6 2 3 Point Info x x
info_target - 20 2 1 4 Point Info
info_zombie_spawn - - Point Info x x
infodecal - - 13 - - Props and Detail
keyframe_rope - 72 - 1 - Props and Detail
light 34 165 154 57 8 Lighting and Visual Effects
light_directional 1 1 1 1 1 Lighting and Visual Effects x x
light_environment 1 1 1 1 1 Lighting and Visual Effects
light_spot 69 35 102 16 42 Lighting and Visual Effects
logic_auto 12 6 4 4 2 Logic
logic_branch 3 - Logic
logic_branch_listener - - - Logic
logic_case 8 1 - 1 5 Logic
logic_choreographed_scene 1 - - - - Audio and Choreography
logic_compare - - - Logic
logic_director_query 1 Logic x
logic_relay 27 16 13 13 45 Logic
logic_script - 6 - 3 Logic
logic_timer 6 2 1 3 2 Logic
math_counter - - - - 7 Logic
momentary_rot_button - 6 - 4 - Brush Function
move_rope - 15 - 16 44 Props and Detail
path_track 4 - Lighting and Visual Effects
phys_convert - - - 1 Point Function
player_weaponstrip - - - Point Function
point_broadcastclientcommand - 1 - - - Point Function
point_hurt - - - Point Function
point_prop_use_target 1 - Point Function
point_spotlight - - 77 - - Lighting and Visual Effects
point_template 10 3 4 6 12 Point Function
point_viewcontrol_multiplayer 2 - - - 2 Point Function x x
point_viewcontrol_survivor 4 - - - Point Function x x
postprocess_controller 3 2 2 2 3 Lighting and Visual Effects x x
prop_car_alarm 3 - - Props and Detail x x
prop_car_glass 6 - - Props and Detail x x
prop_door_rotating 30 7 11 3 2 Props and Detail
prop_door_rotating_checkpoint 1 2 2 2 1 Props and Detail x x
prop_dynamic 37 59 24 51 10 Props and Detail
prop_dynamic_override - - 1 15 Props and Detail
prop_health_cabinet - 2 - 1 2 Props and Detail x x
prop_physics 282 594 80 213 65 Props and Detail
prop_static 2043 2216 1061 1404 777 Props and Detail
shadow_control 1 1 1 1 1 Lighting and Visual Effects
sky_camera 1 1 1 1 1 Lighting and Visual Effects
trigger_active_weapon_detect - - - - - Trigger x
trigger_auto_crouch - - 2 - - Trigger x x
trigger_finale - - - - 1 Trigger x x
trigger_hurt - - 4 - 4 Trigger
trigger_hurt_ghost - - - Trigger x
trigger_look - - - Trigger
trigger_multiple 5 2 1 2 5 Trigger
trigger_once 2 4 6 4 2 Trigger
trigger_push - - 5 1 7 Trigger
upgrade_spawn 8 34 48 - 1 Weapons x
water_lod_control 2 - - - - Point Info
weapon_adrenaline_spawn 5 1 7 5 12 Weapons x
weapon_ammo_spawn 5 7 5 6 4 Weapons x x
weapon_autoshotgun_spawn 2 1 1 1 1 Weapons x x
weapon_chainsaw_spawn 5 - - - - Weapons x
weapon_defibrillator_spawn 7 1 1 1 1 Weapons x
weapon_first_aid_kit_spawn 14 13 14 14 14 Weapons x x
weapon_gascan_spawn - - - - 3 Weapons x x
weapon_grenade_launcher_spawn 2 1 1 1 1 Weapons x
weapon_hunting_rifle_spawn 2 - - Weapons x x
weapon_item_spawn 60 101 66 43 11 Weapons x
weapon_melee_spawn 16 24 24 10 12 Weapons x
weapon_molotov_spawn 9 7 9 10 18 Weapons x x
weapon_pain_pills_spawn 8 3 5 9 9 Weapons x x
weapon_pipe_bomb_spawn 18 7 11 10 21 Weapons x x
weapon_pistol_magnum_spawn 1 - - Weapons x
weapon_pistol_spawn 2 15 - - Weapons x x
weapon_pumpshotgun_spawn - 1 - - Weapons x x
weapon_rifle_ak47_spawn 1 1 - 1 Weapons x
weapon_rifle_desert_spawn 2 1 1 1 1 Weapons x
weapon_rifle_spawn 2 1 1 1 1 Weapons x x
weapon_scavenge_item_spawn 16 - - Weapons x
weapon_shotgun_chrome_spawn 2 - 1 1 Weapons x
weapon_shotgun_spas_spawn - - - Weapons x
weapon_smg_silenced_spawn 1 1 1 1 Weapons x
weapon_smg_spawn - - - Weapons x x
weapon_sniper_military_spawn 1 1 1 1 2 Weapons x
weapon_spawn 12 18 12 9 10 Weapons x
weapon_upgradepack_explosive_spawn 1 1 1 1 1 Weapons x
weapon_upgradepack_incendiary_spawn 1 1 1 1 1 Weapons x
weapon_vomitjar_spawn 4 2 1 1 2 Weapons x

c3: Swamp Fever

Entities (c3 SF)

Swamp Fever
Entity Name m1_plankcountry m2_swamp m3_shantytown m4_plantation Category Left 4 Dead Left 4 Dead 2 Notes
ambient_generic 10 2 4 2 Audio and Choreography
ambient_music 5 - - - Audio and Choreography x
beam_spotlight 3 - 4 - Lighting and Visual Effects
color_correction 3 2 2 3 Lighting and Visual Effects
commentary_dummy Point Function x
commentary_zombie_spawner Point Function x x
env_airstrike_indoors Lighting and Visual Effects x
env_cubemap 44 13 56 24 Lighting and Visual Effects
env_detail_controller - - 1 - Point Function
env_entity_maker Point Function
env_explosion Point Function
env_fade 4 1 - 3 Lighting and Visual Effects Usually for intro and outtro.
env_fire - - 4 Lighting and Visual Effects
env_fog_controller 3 1 1 2 Lighting and Visual Effects
env_microphone Audio and Choreography
env_outtro_stats - - - 1 Point Function x x
env_physexplosion Point Function
env_physimpact 3 Point Function
env_player_blocker 1 1 - 2 Point Function x
env_physics_blocker Point Function x
env_shake - 1 - - Lighting and Visual Effects
env_shooter Point Function
env_soundscape 51 15 50 57 Audio and Choreography
env_spark Lighting and Visual Effects
env_sprite 17 1 17 1 Lighting and Visual Effects
env_sun - - - 1 Lighting and Visual Effects
env_tonemap_controller 1 1 1 1 Lighting and Visual Effects
env_tonemap_controller_ghost 1 1 1 1 Lighting and Visual Effects x x
env_tonemap_controller_infected 1 1 1 1 Lighting and Visual Effects x x
env_wind 1 1 1 1 Point Function
filter_activator_class Filter
filter_activator_infected_class Filter x x
filter_activator_model Filter x x
filter_activator_name Filter
filter_activator_team 1 1 - 2 Filter
filter_damage_type Filter
filter_health Filter x
filter_melee_damage Filter x
filter_multi Filter
fog_volume 3 2 9 7 Lighting and Visual Effects x x
func_block_charge 6 Brush Function x
func_breakable 3 - 52 5 Brush Function
func_breakable_surf Brush Function
func_brush 51 7 12 47 Brush Function
func_button 4 1 2 2 Brush Function
func_clip_vphysics 2 Brush Function
func_detail 1008 521 1524 651 Brush Function
func_detail_blocker 27 7 6 1 Brush Function
func_door 4 Brush Function
func_door_rotating - - 1 Brush Function
func_elevator Brush Function
func_illusionary 1 1 1 Brush Function A legacy brush entity still used today.
func_ladder 139 4 39 51 Brush Function
func_lod Brush Function
func_movelinear - 2 Brush Function
func_nav_attribute_region 24 12 - 16 Brush Function x x
func_nav_blocker 11 1 19 14 Brush Function x x
func_nav_connection_blocker Brush Function x
func_orator 1 1 1 1 Point Function
func_physbox 5 Brush Function
func_playerinfected_clip 48 - 3 Brush Function x x
func_precipitation 2 - 1 Brush Function
func_precipitation_blocker Brush Function x x
func_rot_button Brush Function
func_rotating Brush Function
func_timescale Brush Function x
func_tracktrain 1 Brush Function
game_gib_manager - - 1 - Point Function x
game_scavenge_progress_display Point Function x
info_ambient_mob Point Info x
info_ambient_mob_end 3 - 4 Point Info x
info_ambient_mob_start 3 - 4 Point Info x
info_changelevel 1 1 1 1 Point Info x x Treated like brush ent. in Hammer
info_director 1 2 2 1 Point Info x x
info_elevator_floor Point Info x x
info_game_event_proxy 8 1 2 5 Point Info x x
info_gamemode 4 - 2 1 Point Info x x
info_goal_infected_chase 1 - - 1 Point Info x x
info_landmark 1 2 2 1 Point Info
info_map_parameters 1 1 1 1 Point Info x x
info_map_parameters_versus 1 1 1 - Point Info x
info_overlay 150 62 89 112 Props and Detail
info_particle_system 28 6 47 Lighting and Visual Effects
info_particle_target Lighting and Visual Effects x
info_player_start - 4 1 Point Info
info_projecteddecal Props and Detail
info_remarkable 17 16 15 10 Audio and Choreography x x
info_survivor_position 12 4 4 8 Point Info x x
info_survivor_rescue 12 7 5 6 Point Info x x
info_target 4 5 - 1 Point Info
info_zombie_border 2 Point Info x
info_zombie_spawn Point Info x x
infodecal 10 7 80 Props and Detail
keyframe_rope 33 9 12 Props and Detail
light 24 5 18 35 Lighting and Visual Effects
light_directional 1 1 1 1 Lighting and Visual Effects x x
light_environment 1 1 1 1 Lighting and Visual Effects
light_spot 26 7 33 36 Lighting and Visual Effects
logic_auto 9 4 8 2 Logic
logic_branch Logic
logic_branch_listener Logic
logic_case 7 2 2 1 Logic
logic_choreographed_scene 1 Audio and Choreography
logic_compare Logic
logic_director_query Logic x
logic_relay 30 2 4 7 Logic
logic_script 1 Logic
logic_timer 4 Logic
math_counter Logic
math_remap Logic
momentary_rot_button Brush Function
move_rope 24 13 5 36 Props and Detail
path_track 2 - - 1 Lighting and Visual Effects
phys_convert Point Function
phys_hinge 3 Point Function
phys_ragdollconstraint Point Function
player_weaponstrip Point Function
point_broadcastclientcommand - 1 Point Function
point_clientcommand Point Function
point_commentary_node Point Function
point_hurt Point Function
point_prop_use_target 1 Point Function
point_spotlight - 8 Lighting and Visual Effects
point_template 10 4 3 7 Point Function
point_viewcontrol_multiplayer 2 - - 1 Point Function x x
point_viewcontrol_survivor 4 Point Function x x
postprocess_controller 3 2 2 3 Lighting and Visual Effects x x
prop_car_alarm Props and Detail x x
prop_car_glass Props and Detail x x
prop_door_rotating 10 3 14 10 Props and Detail
prop_door_rotating_checkpoint 1 2 2 1 Props and Detail x x
prop_dynamic 32 6 18 1 Props and Detail
prop_dynamic_override 6 3 53 Props and Detail
prop_health_cabinet Props and Detail x x
prop_physics 332 33 267 198 Props and Detail
prop_mounted_machine_gun - - - 1 Props and Detail x
prop_ragdoll Props and Detail
prop_static 1995 1218 1699 2006 Props and Detail
prop_wall_breakable - 2 84 Props and Detail x
shadow_control 1 1 - 1 Lighting and Visual Effects
sky_camera 1 1 1 1 Lighting and Visual Effects
sound_mix_layer Audio and Choreography
trigger_active_weapon_detect Trigger x
trigger_auto_crouch - - 1 - Trigger x x
trigger_changelevel - 1 1 1 Trigger
trigger_finale - - - 1 Trigger x x
trigger_hurt 3 - - 5 Trigger
trigger_hurt_ghost 1 Trigger x
trigger_look - 1 Trigger
trigger_multiple 1 2 - 1 Trigger
trigger_once 2 2 1 1 Trigger
trigger_playermovement Trigger
trigger_push 2 Trigger
upgrade_spawn 11 8 9 Weapons x
water_lod_control 2 2 2 2 Point Info
weapon_adrenaline_spawn 10 1 1 2 Weapons x
weapon_ammo_spawn 4 2 4 6 Weapons x x
weapon_autoshotgun_spawn 2 - 1 5 Weapons x x
weapon_chainsaw_spawn - 5 - Weapons x
weapon_defibrillator_spawn 1 - 1 2 Weapons x
weapon_first_aid_kit_spawn 13 10 13 22 Weapons x x
weapon_gascan_spawn - - 11 Weapons x x
weapon_grenade_launcher_spawn 1 3 1 1 Weapons x
weapon_hunting_rifle_spawn - - 1 3 Weapons x x
weapon_item_spawn 94 37 37 38 Weapons x
weapon_melee_spawn 25 10 18 11 Weapons x
weapon_molotov_spawn 9 3 3 15 Weapons x x
weapon_pain_pills_spawn 11 2 1 5 Weapons x x
weapon_pipe_bomb_spawn 12 1 4 12 Weapons x x
weapon_pistol_magnum_spawn - 1 - 1 Weapons x
weapon_pistol_spawn 10 2 1 3 Weapons x x
weapon_pumpshotgun_spawn Weapons x x
weapon_rifle_ak47_spawn 1 - - 1 Weapons x
weapon_rifle_desert_spawn 2 - 2 2 Weapons x
weapon_rifle_spawn 2 - 1 3 Weapons x x
weapon_scavenge_item_spawn 16 - - - Weapons x
weapon_shotgun_chrome_spawn 1 - 1 1 Weapons x
weapon_shotgun_spas_spawn - - - 2 Weapons x
weapon_smg_silenced_spawn 1 - 1 1 Weapons x
weapon_smg_spawn Weapons x x
weapon_sniper_military_spawn 1 - 1 3 Weapons x
weapon_spawn 13 22 12 1 Weapons x
weapon_upgradepack_explosive_spawn 1 - 1 1 Weapons x
weapon_upgradepack_incendiary_spawn 1 - 1 1 Weapons x
weapon_vomitjar_spawn 1 - 2 1 Weapons x

c4: Hard Rain

Entities (c4 HR)

Hard Rain
Entity Name m1_milltown_a m2_sugarmill_a m3_sugarmill_b m4_milltown_b m5_milltown_escape Category Left 4 Dead Left 4 Dead 2 Notes
ambient_generic 14 12 13 13 17 Audio and Choreography
ambient_music - - - - - Audio and Choreography x
beam_spotlight 10 4 20 24 18 Lighting and Visual Effects
color_correction 3 2 2 2 3 Lighting and Visual Effects
env_cubemap 241 37 37 244 241 Lighting and Visual Effects
env_entity_maker 5 - - 5 5 Point Function
env_explosion - - - - - Point Function
env_fade 4 3 3 3 3 Lighting and Visual Effects Usually for intro and outtro.
env_fire - 2 2 1 1 Lighting and Visual Effects
env_fog_controller 2 2 3 3 3 Lighting and Visual Effects
env_microphone - - - - Audio and Choreography
env_outtro_stats - - - - 1 Point Function x x
env_physexplosion - - - - Point Function
env_player_blocker 10 5 5 11 10 Point Function x
env_physics_blocker - - - - 3 Point Function x
env_shake 1 - 2 - 1 Lighting and Visual Effects
env_shooter - - - - Point Function
env_soundscape 100 48 50 102 105 Audio and Choreography
env_spark - - 1 - - Lighting and Visual Effects
env_sprite 29 15 16 28 24 Lighting and Visual Effects
env_sun 1 1 1 - - Lighting and Visual Effects
env_tonemap_controller 1 1 1 1 1 Lighting and Visual Effects
env_tonemap_controller_ghost 1 1 1 1 1 Lighting and Visual Effects x x
env_tonemap_controller_infected 1 1 1 1 1 Lighting and Visual Effects x x
env_wind 1 1 2 3 3 Point Function
filter_activator_model - - - - Filter x x
filter_activator_name - - - - - Filter
filter_activator_team 1 1 1 1 2 Filter
filter_damage_type - - - - - Filter
filter_health - - - Filter x
filter_melee_damage - - - Filter x
filter_multi - - - Filter
fog_volume 19 7 18 20 21 Lighting and Visual Effects x x
func_block_charge - 1 1 - - Brush Function x
func_breakable - 30 30 - - Brush Function
func_breakable_surf - 2 2 - - Brush Function
func_brush 71 46 46 68 70 Brush Function
func_button 1 3 2 1 2 Brush Function
func_clip_vphysics - - - Brush Function
func_detail 2239 864 881 2261 2258 Brush Function
func_detail_blocker 7 5 5 7 7 Brush Function
func_door - - Brush Function
func_door_rotating - - Brush Function
func_illusionary - - - - Brush Function A legacy brush entity still used today.
func_elevator - 1 1 - Brush Function
func_ladder 71 49 49 66 66 Brush Function
func_lod - 2 2 Brush Function
func_movelinear - - - Brush Function
func_nav_attribute_region 38 6 5 36 39 Brush Function x x
func_nav_blocker 4 4 4 1 2 Brush Function x x
func_orator 1 1 1 1 1 Point Function
func_physbox - - - - Brush Function
func_playerinfected_clip 3 - - 3 3 Brush Function x x
func_precipitation 1 1 1 1 1 Brush Function
func_precipitation_blocker 4 6 6 4 4 Brush Function x x
func_rot_button - - - Brush Function
func_rotating - - Brush Function
func_timescale - - - Brush Function x
func_tracktrain - - Brush Function
game_scavenge_progress_display - - - Point Function x
info_ambient_mob_end - - - Point Info x
info_ambient_mob_start - - - Point Info x
info_changelevel 1 - 1 - - Point Info x x Treated like brush ent. in Hammer
info_director 1 1 1 1 1 Point Info x x
info_elevator_floor - 2 2 Point Info x x
info_game_event_proxy 15 8 8 7 10 Point Info x x
info_gamemode 4 3 3 3 3 Point Info x x
info_goal_infected_chase - - - 1 1 Point Info x x
info_landmark 1 2 2 2 2 Point Info
info_map_parameters 1 1 1 1 1 Point Info x x
info_map_parameters_versus - - - - - Point Info x
info_overlay 219 129 129 219 219 Props and Detail
info_particle_system 4 1 18 20 22 Lighting and Visual Effects
info_particle_target 3 - 11 14 14 Lighting and Visual Effects x
info_player_start - - 1 - - Point Info
info_projecteddecal - - - - Props and Detail
info_remarkable 14 28 35 21 6 Audio and Choreography x x
info_survivor_position 12 8 8 8 8 Point Info x x
info_survivor_rescue 22 18 18 22 22 Point Info x x
info_target - - - - 3 Point Info
info_zombie_spawn - 8 - Point Info x x
infodecal 8 4 4 8 8 Props and Detail
keyframe_rope 83 62 62 83 83 Props and Detail
light 15 11 15 16 12 Lighting and Visual Effects
light_directional 1 1 1 1 1 Lighting and Visual Effects x x
light_environment 1 1 1 1 1 Lighting and Visual Effects
light_spot 11 13 18 13 7 Lighting and Visual Effects
logic_auto 23 5 9 22 22 Logic
logic_branch 5 - - 5 5 Logic
logic_branch_listener - - - - - Logic
logic_case 20 4 5 13 13 Logic
logic_choreographed_scene 1 - - - - Audio and Choreography
logic_compare 1 - - - Logic
logic_director_query 7 - 2 2 2 Logic x
logic_relay 30 19 31 33 33 Logic
logic_script - - 1 1 1 Logic
logic_timer 11 8 8 8 8 Logic
math_counter 2 1 - - - Logic
math_remap 1 1 - - - Logic
momentary_rot_button - - - Brush Function
move_rope 35 18 18 35 35 Props and Detail
path_track - Lighting and Visual Effects
phys_convert - - - Point Function
phys_ragdollconstraint 8 - - 8 8 Point Function
player_weaponstrip - - - Point Function
point_broadcastclientcommand - - 1 1 1 Point Function
point_hurt - - - - Point Function
point_prop_use_target 1 1 1 - - Point Function
point_spotlight - - - - Lighting and Visual Effects
point_template 13 8 11 10 12 Point Function
point_viewcontrol_multiplayer 2 2 2 1 1 Point Function x x
point_viewcontrol_survivor 4 - - - - Point Function x x
postprocess_controller 4 2 3 4 5 Lighting and Visual Effects x x
prop_car_alarm 5 - - 5 5 Props and Detail x x
prop_car_glass 10 - - 10 10 Props and Detail x x
prop_door_rotating 42 13 13 43 43 Props and Detail
prop_door_rotating_checkpoint 1 2 2 2 1 Props and Detail x x
prop_dynamic 22 17 17 18 19 Props and Detail
prop_dynamic_override - 12 8 - - Props and Detail
prop_health_cabinet 2 1 1 2 2 Props and Detail x x
prop_physics 248 108 108 257 257 Props and Detail
prop_static 1719 1458 1460 1728 1721 Props and Detail
prop_wall_breakable - 7 7 - - Props and Detail x
shadow_control 1 1 1 1 1 Lighting and Visual Effects
sky_camera 1 1 1 1 1 Lighting and Visual Effects
sound_mix_layer 1 1 2 1 2 Audio and Choreography
trigger_active_weapon_detect - - - - - Trigger x
trigger_auto_crouch - - - - Trigger x x
trigger_changelevel - 1 - 1 1 Trigger
trigger_finale - - - - 1 Trigger x x
trigger_hurt 1 - 1 1 1 Trigger
trigger_hurt_ghost 1 - - 1 1 Trigger x
trigger_look - - - - Trigger
trigger_multiple 1 4 1 7 3 Trigger
trigger_once - 1 1 - - Trigger
trigger_push - 1 1 - 3 Trigger
upgrade_spawn 11 3 3 11 11 Weapons x
water_lod_control 2 2 2 2 2 Point Info
weapon_adrenaline_spawn 10 9 9 5 5 Weapons x
weapon_ammo_spawn 5 5 5 4 4 Weapons x x
weapon_autoshotgun_spawn 2 3 3 1 1 Weapons x x
weapon_chainsaw_spawn - - - - - Weapons x
weapon_defibrillator_spawn 3 3 3 3 3 Weapons x
weapon_first_aid_kit_spawn 18 13 13 18 18 Weapons x x
weapon_gascan_spawn - - - - Weapons x x
weapon_grenade_launcher_spawn 2 2 2 1 1 Weapons x
weapon_hunting_rifle_spawn 1 2 2 1 1 Weapons x x
weapon_item_spawn 321 144 144 321 321 Weapons x
weapon_melee_spawn 23 26 26 16 16 Weapons x
weapon_molotov_spawn 14 19 19 7 7 Weapons x x
weapon_pain_pills_spawn 14 13 13 11 11 Weapons x x
weapon_pipe_bomb_spawn 9 17 17 7 7 Weapons x x
weapon_pistol_magnum_spawn - - - - Weapons x
weapon_pistol_spawn 2 3 3 2 2 Weapons x x
weapon_pumpshotgun_spawn - - - Weapons x x
weapon_rifle_ak47_spawn 1 1 1 - - Weapons x
weapon_rifle_desert_spawn 3 2 2 1 1 Weapons x
weapon_rifle_spawn 3 2 2 1 1 Weapons x x
weapon_scavenge_item_spawn 16 16 16 Weapons x
weapon_shotgun_chrome_spawn 1 1 1 - - Weapons x
weapon_shotgun_spas_spawn - - - Weapons x
weapon_smg_silenced_spawn 1 - - - - Weapons x
weapon_smg_spawn - - - Weapons x x
weapon_sniper_military_spawn 1 1 1 1 1 Weapons x
weapon_spawn 25 11 11 23 23 Weapons x
weapon_upgradepack_explosive_spawn 1 2 2 1 1 Weapons x
weapon_upgradepack_incendiary_spawn 1 2 2 1 1 Weapons x
weapon_vomitjar_spawn 2 5 5 2 2 Weapons x

c5: The Parish

Entities (c5 TPar)

The Parish
Entity Name m1_waterfront m2_park m3_cemetery m4_quarter m5_bridge Category Left 4 Dead Left 4 Dead 2 Notes
ambient_generic 8 4 21 57 49 Audio and Choreography
ambient_music 5 - - 1 - Audio and Choreography x
beam_spotlight 10 16 17 18 8 Lighting and Visual Effects
color_correction 3 2 2 2 3 Lighting and Visual Effects
commentary_dummy - - 4 1 - Point Function x
commentary_zombie_spawner 13 6 9 1 Point Function x x
env_airstrike_indoors - - - 141 - Lighting and Visual Effects x
env_cubemap 41 30 28 75 30 Lighting and Visual Effects
env_entity_maker 1 - 10 3 Point Function
env_explosion - - 1 - - Point Function
env_fade 1 4 - - 4 Lighting and Visual Effects Usually for intro and outtro.
env_fire 1 1 3 - 1 Lighting and Visual Effects
env_fog_controller 2 2 3 2 2 Lighting and Visual Effects
env_microphone - - - - - Audio and Choreography
env_outtro_stats - - - - 1 Point Function x x
env_physexplosion - - - - Point Function
env_player_blocker 5 1 Point Function x
env_physics_blocker - - - - Point Function x
env_physimpact - - 1 - Point Function
env_shake 1 - 2 21 3 Lighting and Visual Effects
env_shooter - - - - Point Function
env_soundscape 55 56 51 88 8 Audio and Choreography
env_spark - - - - 5 Lighting and Visual Effects
env_sprite 10 18 34 15 2 Lighting and Visual Effects
env_sun 1 1 1 1 1 Lighting and Visual Effects
env_tonemap_controller 1 1 1 1 1 Lighting and Visual Effects
env_tonemap_controller_ghost 1 1 1 1 1 Lighting and Visual Effects x x
env_tonemap_controller_infected 1 1 1 1 1 Lighting and Visual Effects x x
env_wind 1 1 2 1 1 Point Function
filter_activator_class - - - 1 - Filter
filter_activator_infected_class - 1 - - - Filter x x
filter_activator_model - - - - Filter x x
filter_activator_name - - - - - Filter
filter_activator_team 2 1 2 4 2 Filter
filter_damage_type - - - - - Filter
filter_health - - - Filter x
filter_melee_damage - - - Filter x
filter_multi - - - Filter
fog_volume 5 4 13 13 1 Lighting and Visual Effects x x
func_block_charge - - - - 4 Brush Function x
func_breakable - 3 6 30 - Brush Function
func_breakable_surf 2 - - Brush Function
func_brush 20 20 67 40 22 Brush Function
func_button 2 2 - 5 2 Brush Function
func_clip_vphysics - - - - 5 Brush Function
func_detail 983 969 980 1276 945 Brush Function
func_detail_blocker 10 73 9 Brush Function
func_door - 2 - - - Brush Function
func_door_rotating - - Brush Function
func_elevator - 1 - - 1 Brush Function
func_illusionary 1 1 19 45 2 Brush Function A legacy brush entity still used today.
func_ladder 34 83 114 75 70 Brush Function
func_lod - - 1 - - Brush Function
func_movelinear - - - Brush Function
func_nav_attribute_region 13 6 58 6 3 Brush Function x x
func_nav_blocker 8 10 44 9 38 Brush Function x x
func_nav_connection_blocker - - - - 1 Brush Function x
func_orator 1 1 1 3 2 Point Function
func_physbox - - - - Brush Function
func_playerinfected_clip 6 3 - 18 6 Brush Function x x
func_precipitation Brush Function
func_precipitation_blocker Brush Function x x
func_rot_button - - - Brush Function
func_rotating - - Brush Function
func_timescale - - - Brush Function x
func_tracktrain - - 1 - Brush Function
game_scavenge_progress_display - - - Point Function x
info_ambient_mob - 7 - - - Point Info x
info_ambient_mob_end 3 - 3 3 - Point Info x
info_ambient_mob_start 3 - 3 3 - Point Info x
info_changelevel 1 2 2 2 1 Point Info x x Treated like brush ent. in Hammer
info_director 1 1 1 1 1 Point Info x x
info_elevator_floor - - - - 2 Point Info x x
info_game_event_proxy 4 9 9 4 5 Point Info x x
info_gamemode 3 2 3 2 1 Point Info x x
info_goal_infected_chase - - - - 1 Point Info x x
info_landmark 1 2 2 2 1 Point Info
info_map_parameters 1 1 1 1 1 Point Info x x
info_map_parameters_versus 1 - 1 1 - Point Info x
info_overlay 184 243 338 349 108 Props and Detail
info_particle_system 27 16 72 178 31 Lighting and Visual Effects
info_particle_target - - 6 - 55 Lighting and Visual Effects x
info_player_start - 1 11 2 1 Point Info
info_projecteddecal - - - - Props and Detail
info_remarkable 8 31 33 11 Audio and Choreography x x
info_survivor_position 8 8 4 8 8 Point Info x x
info_survivor_rescue 3 6 12 21 - Point Info x x
info_target - 6 4 15 7 Point Info
info_zombie_spawn - - Point Info x x
infodecal - - 1 8 3 Props and Detail
keyframe_rope 19 52 99 58 56 Props and Detail
light 2 4 4 6 6 Lighting and Visual Effects
light_directional 1 1 1 1 1 Lighting and Visual Effects x x
light_environment 1 1 1 1 1 Lighting and Visual Effects
light_spot 11 13 25 64 7 Lighting and Visual Effects
logic_auto 11 7 22 27 28 Logic
logic_branch 1 2 8 3 1 Logic
logic_branch_listener - 1 - - - Logic
logic_case 9 4 16 54 28 Logic
logic_choreographed_scene 1 - - - - Audio and Choreography
logic_compare - - - Logic
logic_director_query 1 - 2 1 1 Logic x
logic_relay 28 24 34 57 52 Logic
logic_script 1 - - - - Logic
logic_timer 4 3 9 7 Logic
math_counter - - - Logic
math_remap - - - Logic
momentary_rot_button - - - Brush Function
move_rope 28 29 31 64 6 Props and Detail
path_track - - - 2 1 Lighting and Visual Effects
phys_convert - - - Point Function
phys_hinge 4 4 - 8 Point Function
phys_ragdollconstraint 13 8 - 6 Point Function
player_weaponstrip - - - Point Function
point_broadcastclientcommand - 1 - - 1 Point Function
point_clientcommand 1 1 1 1 1 Point Function
point_commentary_node 11 13 10 13 10 Point Function
point_hurt - - 1 - Point Function
point_prop_use_target - 1 - - - Point Function
point_spotlight - - - - Lighting and Visual Effects
point_template 7 10 20 14 9 Point Function
point_viewcontrol_multiplayer 1 2 - - 1 Point Function x x
point_viewcontrol_survivor 4 - - - - Point Function x x
postprocess_controller 3 2 2 2 3 Lighting and Visual Effects x x
prop_car_alarm 1 - 8 3 - Props and Detail x x
prop_car_glass 2 - 16 6 - Props and Detail x x
prop_door_rotating 9 8 4 37 - Props and Detail
prop_door_rotating_checkpoint 1 2 2 2 1 Props and Detail x x
prop_dynamic 32 30 122 55 201 Props and Detail
prop_dynamic_override - 1 1 - 38 Props and Detail
prop_health_cabinet - - - 1 - Props and Detail x x
prop_physics 237 112 291 382 114 Props and Detail
prop_mounted_machine_gun - - - - 1 Props and Detail x
prop_ragdoll - 2 - - - Props and Detail
prop_static 2164 2897 3639 3087 1724 Props and Detail
prop_wall_breakable - - - Props and Detail x
shadow_control 1 1 1 1 1 Lighting and Visual Effects
sky_camera 1 1 1 1 1 Lighting and Visual Effects
sound_mix_layer Audio and Choreography
trigger_active_weapon_detect - - - - - Trigger x
trigger_auto_crouch - - 8 - - Trigger x x
trigger_changelevel - - Trigger
trigger_finale - - - - 1 Trigger x x
trigger_hurt 1 - 2 20 7 Trigger
trigger_hurt_ghost 1 - - - 6 Trigger x
trigger_look - - - 13 - Trigger
trigger_multiple - 2 1 2 8 Trigger
trigger_once 5 3 9 20 5 Trigger
trigger_playermovement - - - - 5 Trigger
trigger_push - 1 1 4 - Trigger
upgrade_spawn 1 - 7 18 - Weapons x
water_lod_control 2 - 2 2 2 Point Info
weapon_adrenaline_spawn 1 10 - 2 5 Weapons x
weapon_ammo_spawn 3 6 2 4 4 Weapons x x
weapon_autoshotgun_spawn 1 2 - 3 2 Weapons x x
weapon_chainsaw_spawn - - 7 - - Weapons x
weapon_defibrillator_spawn 1 1 2 1 1 Weapons x
weapon_first_aid_kit_spawn 13 14 12 16 10 Weapons x x
weapon_gascan_spawn - - - - - Weapons x x
weapon_grenade_launcher_spawn 1 1 5 1 3 Weapons x
weapon_hunting_rifle_spawn 1 Weapons x x
weapon_item_spawn 28 70 69 157 34 Weapons x
weapon_melee_spawn 24 22 23 26 13 Weapons x
weapon_molotov_spawn 2 15 2 6 9 Weapons x x
weapon_pain_pills_spawn 2 10 6 2 8 Weapons x x
weapon_pipe_bomb_spawn 5 8 3 4 6 Weapons x x
weapon_pistol_magnum_spawn - 1 - - - Weapons x
weapon_pistol_spawn 5 1 3 10 - Weapons x x
weapon_pumpshotgun_spawn 1 1 - - - Weapons x x
weapon_rifle_ak47_spawn 1 2 - - - Weapons x
weapon_rifle_desert_spawn 1 3 - 2 1 Weapons x
weapon_rifle_spawn 1 2 - 1 2 Weapons x x
weapon_scavenge_item_spawn - 16 - - - Weapons x
weapon_shotgun_chrome_spawn 1 1 - - 1 Weapons x
weapon_shotgun_spas_spawn 1 - - Weapons x
weapon_smg_silenced_spawn 1 3 - 1 1 Weapons x
weapon_smg_spawn 1 - - - - Weapons x x
weapon_sniper_military_spawn 1 2 - 2 1 Weapons x
weapon_spawn 10 13 25 20 14 Weapons x
weapon_upgradepack_explosive_spawn 1 1 - 1 1 Weapons x
weapon_upgradepack_incendiary_spawn 1 1 2 1 1 Weapons x
weapon_vomitjar_spawn 1 1 - 2 1 Weapons x

c7: The Sacrifice

Entities (c7 TS)

The Passing
Entity Name c7m1_docks c7m2_barge c7m3_port Category Left 4 Dead Left 4 Dead 2 Notes
ai_speechfilter - Audio and Choreography
ambient_generic 14 Audio and Choreography
ambient_music - Audio and Choreography x
beam_spotlight 25 Lighting and Visual Effects
color_correction 6 Lighting and Visual Effects
commentary_dummy - - - Point Function x
commentary_zombie_spawner - - - Point Function x x
env_airstrike_indoors - - - Lighting and Visual Effects x
env_cubemap 37 Lighting and Visual Effects
env_detail_controller 1 Lighting and Visual Effects
env_entity_maker - - - Point Function
env_explosion - Point Function
env_fade 7 Lighting and Visual Effects Usually for intro and outtro.
env_fire - Lighting and Visual Effects
env_fog_controller 6 Lighting and Visual Effects
env_instructor_hint - - - Point Function x
env_microphone - - - Audio and Choreography
env_outtro_stats - - Point Function x x
env_physexplosion - Point Function
env_player_blocker - Point Function x
env_physics_blocker - Point Function x
env_physimpact - Point Function
env_shake 1 - Lighting and Visual Effects
env_shooter - Point Function
env_soundscape 37 Audio and Choreography
env_spark - Lighting and Visual Effects
env_sprite 30 Lighting and Visual Effects
env_sun 1 Lighting and Visual Effects
env_tonemap_controller 1 1 1 Lighting and Visual Effects
env_tonemap_controller_ghost 1 1 1 Lighting and Visual Effects x x
env_tonemap_controller_infected 1 1 1 Lighting and Visual Effects x x
env_weaponfire 4 Point Function x x
env_wind 1 Point Function
filter_activator_class - Filter
filter_activator_infected_class 1 Filter x x
filter_activator_model - - Filter x x
filter_activator_name - Filter
filter_activator_team 3 Filter
filter_damage_type - - - Filter
filter_health - - - Filter x
filter_melee_damage - - - Filter x
filter_multi - - - Filter
fog_volume 16 Lighting and Visual Effects x x
func_areaportal 1 Brush Function
func_areaportalwindow 35 - Brush Function
func_block_charge - Brush Function x
func_breakable 37 - Brush Function
func_breakable_surf - - - Brush Function
func_brush 46 Brush Function
func_button - Brush Function
func_button_timed 2 Brush Function
func_clip_vphysics - - Brush Function
func_detail 453 Brush Function
func_detail_blocker 35 Brush Function
func_door Brush Function
func_door_rotating - Brush Function
func_elevator - Brush Function
func_illusionary 13 Brush Function A legacy brush entity still used today.
func_ladder 118 Brush Function
func_lod - Brush Function
func_movelinear 2 - Brush Function
func_nav_attribute_region 1 Brush Function x x
func_nav_avoidance_obstacle 7 Brush Function x x
func_nav_blocker 22 Brush Function x x
func_nav_connection_blocker - Brush Function x
func_occluder 14 Point Function
func_orator 1 1 1 Point Function
func_physbox - Brush Function
func_playerinfected_clip - - - Brush Function x x
func_precipitation - - - Brush Function
func_precipitation_blocker - - - Brush Function x x
func_rot_button - - - Brush Function
func_rotating - - - Brush Function
func_timescale - - - Brush Function x
func_tracktrain 1 Brush Function
game_scavenge_progress_display - - - Point Function x
info_ambient_mob - - - Point Info x
info_ambient_mob_end - - - Point Info x
info_ambient_mob_start - - - Point Info x
info_changelevel 1 2 1 Point Info x x Treated like brush ent. in Hammer
info_director 1 1 1 Point Info x x
info_elevator_floor - Point Info x x
info_game_event_proxy 9 Point Info x x
info_gamemode 1 1 1 Point Info x x
info_goal_infected_chase 1 Point Info x x
info_l4d1_survivor_spawn - - - Point Function x
info_landmark 1 2 1 Point Info
info_map_parameters 1 1 1 Point Info x x
info_map_parameters_versus 1 1 1 Point Info x
info_overlay 134 Props and Detail
info_particle_system 45 Lighting and Visual Effects
info_particle_target - - Lighting and Visual Effects x
info_player_start 1 Point Info
info_projecteddecal - - - Props and Detail
info_remarkable 14 8 4 Audio and Choreography x x
info_survivor_position 17 Point Info x x
info_survivor_rescue 18 - Point Info x x
info_target 32 Point Info
info_zombie_spawn 12 - Point Info x x
infodecal - Props and Detail
keyframe_rope 78 Props and Detail
light 29 Lighting and Visual Effects
light_directional - Lighting and Visual Effects x x
light_environment 1 1 1 Lighting and Visual Effects
light_spot 68 Lighting and Visual Effects
logic_auto 3 Logic
logic_branch - Logic
logic_branch_listener - Logic
logic_case 4 Logic
logic_choreographed_scene 1 Audio and Choreography
logic_compare - Logic
logic_director_query - Logic x
logic_game_event - Logic x
logic_relay 20 Logic
logic_script - Logic x
logic_timer 4 Logic
logic_versus_random 1 Logic x x
math_counter - Logic
math_remap - Logic
momentary_rot_button - Brush Function
move_rope 14 Props and Detail
path_corner 4 Lighting and Visual Effects Could be decompile error of info_lighting.
path_track 3 Point Function
phys_convert - - - Point Function
phys_hinge - - - Point Function
phys_ragdollconstraint - - - Point Function
player_weaponstrip - - - Point Function
point_broadcastclientcommand - - - Point Function
point_clientcommand - - - Point Function
point_commentary_node - - - Point Function
point_hurt - - - Point Function
point_prop_use_target 1 Point Function
point_spotlight - - - Lighting and Visual Effects
point_template 10 Point Function
point_viewcontrol_multiplayer 3 Point Function x x
point_viewcontrol_survivor 4 Point Function x x
postprocess_controller 3 Lighting and Visual Effects x x
prop_car_alarm - Props and Detail x x
prop_car_glass - Props and Detail x x
prop_door_rotating 10 Props and Detail
prop_door_rotating_checkpoint 1 Props and Detail x x
prop_dynamic 10 Props and Detail
prop_dynamic_override - Props and Detail
prop_fuel_barrel 20 Props and Detail x x
prop_health_cabinet - Props and Detail x x
prop_physics 286 Props and Detail
prop_mounted_machine_gun - Props and Detail x
prop_ragdoll - Props and Detail
prop_static 1324 Props and Detail
prop_wall_breakable - - Props and Detail x
shadow_control 1 1 1 Lighting and Visual Effects
sky_camera 1 1 1 Lighting and Visual Effects
sound_mix_layer - - - Audio and Choreography
trigger_active_weapon_detect - - - Trigger x
trigger_auto_crouch 8 - Trigger x x
trigger_changelevel - - - Trigger
trigger_finale - - 1 Trigger x x
trigger_hurt 12 Trigger
trigger_hurt_ghost 4 Trigger x
trigger_look - - - Trigger
trigger_multiple 2 Trigger
trigger_once 25 Trigger
trigger_playermovement - Trigger
trigger_push 1 Trigger
trigger_upgrade_laser_sight - Trigger x
upgrade_spawn 8 Weapons x
water_lod_control 1 1 1 Point Info
weapon_adrenaline_spawn - Weapons x
weapon_ammo_spawn 5 Weapons x x
weapon_autoshotgun_spawn - Weapons x x
weapon_chainsaw_spawn 8 Weapons x
weapon_defibrillator_spawn - Weapons x
weapon_first_aid_kit_spawn 16 Weapons x x
weapon_gascan_spawn - Weapons x x
weapon_grenade_launcher_spawn 5 - Weapons x
weapon_hunting_rifle_spawn - Weapons x x
weapon_item_spawn 52 Weapons x
weapon_melee_spawn 35 Weapons x
weapon_molotov_spawn 5 Weapons x x
weapon_pain_pills_spawn 2 Weapons x x
weapon_pipe_bomb_spawn 33 Weapons x x
weapon_pistol_magnum_spawn 4 Weapons x
weapon_pistol_spawn 4 Weapons x x
weapon_pumpshotgun_spawn 1 Weapons x x
weapon_rifle_ak47_spawn 1 - Weapons x
weapon_rifle_desert_spawn - Weapons x
weapon_rifle_m60_spawn 5 Weapons x
weapon_rifle_spawn 1 Weapons x x
weapon_scavenge_item_spawn 25 Weapons x
weapon_shotgun_chrome_spawn - - Weapons x
weapon_shotgun_spas_spawn 1 - Weapons x
weapon_smg_silenced_spawn - Weapons x
weapon_smg_spawn 1 Weapons x x
weapon_sniper_military_spawn 1 Weapons x
weapon_spawn 66 Weapons x
weapon_upgradepack_explosive_spawn - - Weapons x
weapon_upgradepack_incendiary_spawn - - Weapons x
weapon_vomitjar_spawn - Weapons x

c8: No Mercy

Entities (c8 NM)

c9: Crash Course

Entities (c9 CC)

c10: Death Toll

Entities (c10 DT)

c11: Dead Air

Entities (c11 DA)

c12: Blood Harvest

Entities (c12 BH)

c13: Cold Stream

Entities (c13 CS)

See also

External links