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info_survivor_position is a point entity available in Left 4 Dead series Left 4 Dead series. It defines a point where specific survivors can be moved to and locked/unlocked in place by the info_director through the info_directors input/outputs.
It is useful for creating introduction sequences that make use of cameras, as it allows you to guarantee where a survivor will not only be standing, but also allows you pick any animation to play, and to use point_viewcontrol_survivor so that it can zoom in on a particular suvivors head, regardless of the difference in height for each survivor. This is important for creating professional looking cutscenes. Such as map intro and outro sequences.

Warning.pngWarning:This is not a spawnpoint for survivors. It can be used as such if the locations are forced via ForceSurvivorPosition, but if that has not been set up, all players will spawn around info_player_start!
Icon-Important.pngImportant:For ForceSurvivorPosition input to have an effect player entities must exist which might not be the case when outputs like OnMapSpawn, OnCoop etc. are fired. Using OnGameplayStart output of info_director is reliable for this in the first loaded map in the given session, but on level transition or when using changelevel command OnGameplayStart fires before player entities exist.


Name (targetname) <string>
The name that other entities refer to this entity by, via Inputs/Outputs or other keyvalues (e.g. parentname or target).
Also displayed in Hammer's 2D views and Entity Report.
See also:  Generic Keyvalues, Inputs and Outputs available to all entities

Order (Order) <integer>
Index of spot based on order people got on board. (1-4)
Survivor Name (SurvivorName) <string>
Force this survivor to use this position (Zoey, Louis, etc.)
Survivor Intro Sequence (SurvivorIntroSequence) <string>
Sequence to play when the intro starts
Game Mode (GameMode) <string>
Use this position for a particular game mode only (coop,versus,survival,scavenge)
Survivor Concept (SurvivorConcept) <string>
Response rule concept to play when survivor is moved here
Icon-Bug.pngBug:Doesn't seem to work[confirm]. Not even used in any official map. FireConceptToAny input of info_director is used in official campaigns to start intro conversation.  [todo tested in?]
Hide Weapons (HideWeapons) <boolean>
Hide Survivor's weapon while locked to this position.
Pitch Yaw Roll (Y Z X) (angles) <angles>
Eye angles that will be set for survivor teleported on this survivor position


SetViewControl <targetname>
If a survivor is assigned to this position, set his view to a point_viewcontrol

Related inputs of info_director

Make each survivor stand at an info_survivor_position.
Note.pngNote:Also hides HUD, except Survival and Scavenge specific HUD overlays.
Allow survivors to move freely again.
Note.pngNote:Also enables HUD again.

Related inputs of player

TeleportToSurvivorPosition <targetname>
Teleport a player to an info_survivor_position entity, then freezes them. To unfreeze them, use the ReleaseSurvivorPositions input from info_director or the player's ReleaseFromSurvivorPosition input.
Unfreezes and releases the player from an info_survivor_position entity if they are at one.

Related inputs of trigger_finale

Teleports the survivors to a set of info_survivor_position entities. Used to make the survivors stand still on the escape vehicle or hide them. Required for the credits/stats to correctly count who escaped and who died in the finale.

See also