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weapon_melee_spawn is a point entity available in Left 4 Dead 2 Left 4 Dead 2. Is is a spawn point for any melee weapon.


Melee Weapon (melee_weapon) <string>
Options: 'Any' or a comma-delimited string of melee weapon script names. Leave blank for none.
The names of the spawnable melee weapons have to be included in the text field. Names are:
  • Any – director will place any melee weapon listed in the Missionfile's "meleeweapons" string.
  • baseball_bat
  • cricket_bat
  • crowbar
  • electric_guitar
  • fireaxe
  • frying_pan
  • golfclub
  • katana
  • knife
  • machete
  • pitchfork
  • shovel
  • tonfa
You may also list multiple specific melee weapons separated by a comma, and the director will select from among that subset of weapons: crowbar,fireaxe,machete
Tip.pngTip:You may even have additional custom melee weapons by crating a working weapon model and then creating a melee weapon script in "scripts/melee". Copy an existing one as a base and modify it to make it easier for you.
The name of that script, without extention, is the name to use in the missionfile to allow it at all, and the weapon_melee_spawn entity.
Count (count) <integer>
Max number of weapons given before disappearing.
Weapon Skin (weaponskin) <integer>
Some weapons have multiple versions of their textures, called skins. Set this to a number other than -1 to make the given weapon use that skin instead of the default.
Glow Range (glowrange) <float>
Set a custom glow range for this spawner. 0 means use the default range.
Glow Backface Multiple (glowbackfacemult) <float> !FGD
If this object has a glow effect, multiply the effect by this much on the sides of the object that are facing away from the viewer.


Enable Physics : [1]
Must Exist : [2]
Infinite items (overrides count) : [8]
Absorb any dropped weapon type : [4]

Todo: golfclub

See also