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VVIS VVIS or Valve Visible Information Set is the command-line tool that takes a compiled BSP map and embeds visibility data into it. VVIS tests which visleaves can see each other and which cannot. See Visibility optimization for a more detailed explanation.

VVIS will:


vvis [options...] <bsp file>

For example:

"Half-Life 2\bin\vvis.exe" -tmpout sdk_trainstation_01

This will generate and embed a visibility chart, writing portal data out to .\tmp\sdk_trainstation_01.prt.


Use these in combination with expert compile mode or a batch file:


Only do a quick first pass. Does not actually test visibility.
-radius_override <int>
Force a maximum vis radius, in units, regardless of whether an env_fog_controller specifies one.
Don't sort (an optimization) portals.
Read portals from \tmp\<mapname>.
Write portals to \tmp\<mapname>.


32 vCore machine running VVIS with only 16 cores used (even though 32 threads were specified)
32 vCore machine running VVIS with all cores used (patched vvis used)
Run as an idle-priority process.
Control the number of threads used. Defaults to the # of processors (times 2 for Hyperthreading/SMT CPU's) on your machine. Maximum is 16 threads. With a patched vvis_dll you can reach 32 threads. Left 4 Dead 2 fixtoolthreads is a patch for VVIS (and VRAD) that supports unlimited threads and fixes a thread scaling issue.
-verbose (-v)
Turn on verbose output
Don't bring up graphical UI on vproject errors.
Use VMPI to distribute computations.
-mpi_pw <string>
Use a password to choose a specific set of VMPI workers.
-vproject <string>
-game <string>
Override the VPROJECT environment variable.

Console Output

VVIS prints various information about the compile process to the console. Note that output from older versions of the tool can be different.

number portalclusters
The effective number of visleaves in the map (visleaves clustered together with func_viscluster count as one).
number numportals
The number of portals connecting the the above visleaves.
BasePortalVis: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (time taken in seconds)
Rough visibility calculations that are used to trivially weed out unseen areas from the final calculations.
PortalFlow: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (time taken in seconds)
Runs the actual visibility algorithm to determine which visleaves can see each other. Not run with -fast.
Optimized: number visible clusters (percentage)
Compression of the visibility data.
Total clusters visible: number
The total number of occurrences of visleaves being able to see each other in the calculated data.
Average clusters visible: number
The average number of leaves you can potentially see from each visleaf.
Building PAS...
Calculates the Potentially Audible Set.
Average clusters audible: number
The average number of leaves you can potentially hear into from each visleaf.
visdatasize: number compressed from number
Size of the visibility data in bytes. Max size is 16 MB in Source 2013.

See also