L4D2 VScripts

Left 4 Dead 2 VScripts are server-side scripts that are run in an in-game virtual machine. They are written in Squirrel, a compiled scripting language similar to Lua. It currently runs Squirrel version 3.0.4.
Director Scripts
The most common use of VScripts in Left 4 Dead 2 is to temporarily influence the behavior of the AI Director. These scripts can range from simple adjustments of infected spawning and prohibiting boss infected, to custom events like onslaughts and gauntlets, and even complex staged panic events and fully custom finales. Most of the events in the official campaigns are mainly implemented this way.
Director Scripts work mainly by writing overriding values of the various variables used by the Director into a DirectorOptions
Only one Director Script can be running at a time. Executing a new one will terminate any previous running one and remove any values it set in DirectorOptions
Entity Scripts ↓
Another common use is to attach a script to an entity. The script provides easy access to read and modify many of the entity's properties, and even to write new KeyValues. This allows for controlling entities in ways that would be very complicated or impossible to with the entity I/O system in Hammer.
Any entity is capable of running a script, and has the ability to set a specified think function to run every 0.1 seconds, as well as executing script code as an entity output.
Some entities also have specialized functions for VScripts, with the most prominent being point_script_use_target, which allows for turning other entities into fully programmable timed buttons.
Global Scripts ↓
Scripts can also be made to run on map load, based on game mode and optionally map name. These scripts are commonly used to create pure script addons and modify global Director options for mutations.
Global scripts can have script hook functions added that get called from the game at certain events, like when players/objects take damage.
There are many utility functions and features readily available for these scripts, including a resource and building system, and custom panic wave spawning. Please see Valve's Expanded Mutation System tutorial for more information.
Other Uses
All scripts can access functions for many features, including spawning entities either from precompiled lists or programmatically, spawning infected, a HUD system, storing data across levels and to disk, and much more.
Please see L4D2 Vscript Examples for more examples and ideas.
Script Files
The scripts are loaded from text files with the file extensions .nut
and .nuc
, where .nuc
denotes encryption of plaintext .nut
. Custom scripts are read from \left 4 dead 2\left4dead2\scripts\vscripts\, as well as \scripts\vscripts\ when packed into a .vpk
- Official
script files are located in scripts/vscripts in multiple locations
- left 4 dead 2\left4dead2\pak01_dir.vpk
- left 4 dead 2\left4dead2_dlc1\pak01_dir.vpk
- April 22, 2010 The Passing update
- left 4 dead 2\left4dead2_dlc2\pak01_dir.vpk
- October 5, 2010 The Sacrifice update
- left 4 dead 2\left4dead2_dlc3\pak01_dir.vpk
- March 22, 2011 Cold Stream Beta / L4D1 Transition Project update
- left 4 dead 2\update\pak01_dir.vpk
- This is where mutations were updated/replaced bi-weekly.
- left 4 dead 2\sdk_content\scripting\scripts\vscripts\
- Plaintext versions of many of the scripts introduced in the EMS update.
Decrypting NUC Files
.nuc files are ICE encrypted .nut files. The encryption key is SDhfi878. You can use VICE to decode them.
You may find decrypted mutation vscripts here.
Loading VScripts
VScripts are loaded in a variety of ways, depending on their context. They can also be manually loaded with the console command script_execute filename
Director Scripts
- info_director inputs
- BeginScript <scriptlist>
- Executes generic Director scripts, whether for onslaught events or changing spawning behavior.
- They are placed in the
script scope.
- EndScript
- Ends the currently running local script, then resets the Director options to either map-specific values, or default values.
- ScriptedPanicEvent <scriptlist>
- With the given scripts, set up the structure of a scripted panic event.
- They are placed in the
script scope.

- As a trigger_finale finale starts, it loads a script of this format:
. - They are placed in the
script scope.
Entity Scripts
- Keyvalue
- Entity Scripts (vscripts) <scriptlist>
- As an entity is preparing itself before it spawns, the VScript path names in that keyvalue will be ran. (See Entity Scripts for more info.)
- Input
- RunScriptFile <script>
- Inserts the given script into the entity's scope, then runs it.
Entity Scripts are placed in the _<unique ID>_<entity name>
script scope.
Global Scripts
- Mode scripts
- A script with the same name as the current game mode. Loaded when a new mode is set.
- They are placed in the
script scope. Tip:The
command can also set gamemodes. For example,map <map name> mutation12
loads the Realism Versus mode script,mutation12.nuc
.Note:Adding a script for a mode will enable Scripted Mode.
- Map-specific mode scripts
- Per-map scripts when the map is loaded in the specified game mode. They are in the name format: [mapname]_[modename].nut.
- They are placed in the
script scope.
- Addon scripts
- These scripts vary in context, but they all share one big attribute: they don't override files with the same name, but instead load alongside them. They are executed in the order below, each after its respective base script (without
suffix). A script is considered an "addon script" if it's named as:mapspawn_addon.nut
(runs twice) -g_MapScript
(runs twice) -DirectorScript
Scripting Environment
Please see Left 4 Dead 2/Script Functions for built in classes and functions.
When a script is loaded, it is placed into a table, or Script Scope. Global and Director Scripts are put into set scopes, while a unique scope is generated for each Entity Script. Please see Vscript Fundamentals for more information.
Table Structure
DirectorScript = // Base Director Scope.
DirectorOptions // Base DirectorOptions table.
MapScript = // Script scope for either map scripts or trigger_finale scripts
BaseScriptedDOTable // Default DirectorOptions for Scripted mode
ChallengeScript = // Script scope for mode scripts
DirectorOptions // Filled with BaseScriptedDOTable, MutationOptions and MapOptions; if identical keys are present then the most-right table gets precedence.
MutationState // Filled with MapState overwriting previous values
MutationOptions // Initial values used if defined in mode script
LocalScript = // Script scope for scripts executed through info_director 'BeginScript' or 'ScriptedPanicEvent' inputs
DirectorOptions // DirectorOptions for current Director Script (like onslaughts). Only available when a script is active
MapOptions // Initial values used if defined in map script
MapState // Initial values used if defined in map script
g_MapScript // Global reference to the Map Script scope (DirectorScript.MapScript).
g_ModeScript // Global reference to the Mode Script scope (DirectorScript.MapScript.ChallengeScript).
SessionOptions // Global reference to g_ModeScript.DirectorOptions (Scripted mode only).
SessionState // Global reference to g_ModeScript.MutationState (Scripted mode only).
g_rr // Scope holding the Response Rule system.
g_RoundState // TODO
Some of the tables have delegation set up, so that if a key isn't present in it, it is read from its delegate (usually parent) table instead.
The tables are delegated like this (delegates on the right):
- The Director Scope
(DirectorScript.MapScript.ChallengeScript or DirectorScript.MapScript.LocalScript) < DirectorScript.MapScript < DirectorScript < ::
- DirectorOptions
DirectorScript.MapScript.ChallengeScript.DirectorOptions (Scripted mode only) < DirectorScript.MapScript.LocalScript.DirectorOptions (when Director Script active) < DirectorScript.MapScript.DirectorOptions < DirectorScript.DirectorOptions
- See GetDirectorOptions in director_base.nut.
Entity Scripts
Use script scope _<unique ID>_<entity name>
Adding a script to the Entity Scripts KeyValue of a server-side entity loads the script as an Entity Script. The script is executed when the entity spawns, and loads into a unique script scope made up of an unique identifier followed by the entity name or class name.
A think function can be set with the thinkfunction
KeyValue, the specified script function every 0.1 seconds. While it has the potential to become expensive, a programmer is able to limit the amount of code executed. Functions can also be manually called through the I/O system with the input RunScriptCode function_name(argument, …)
Entity Scripts have a self
reference to their owning entity handle, allowing the script easy access to control the entity through its class methods. There are also hook functions available depending on the entity class. Both methods and hooks are documented here.
Some entities have additional script functionality:
- point_script_use_target - Has both methods and hooks for controlling the button.
- logic_script - Can pass multiple entity names to the script as an array called
. - point_template
- env_entity_maker
- info_item_position
The script can be reloaded with console command ent_fire <name of entity> runscriptfile <relative vscript path>
. This is useful for quick script reloading.
I/O system Interaction
Any script can use the EntFire()
and DoEntFire()
functions to fire outputs to map entities. Since the activator
and caller
arguments in DoEntFire()
take a script handle, it can be used to fire an output to an entity using the !self or !activator keyword, even without having to know its name, as long as the entity handle is available.
EntFire( "church_bell_relay", "Trigger", 0 ); // Fires an output to the Trigger input of the named entity.
player <- null;
while(player = Entities.FindByClassname(player, "player")) // Iterate through the script handles of the players.
DoEntFire("!self", "speakresponseconcept", "PlayerLaugh", 0, null, player); // Make each player laugh.
Conversely, the CBaseEntity::ConnectOutput()
and DisconnectOutput()
functions can be used to call a script function when the specified entity output fires.
In addition, arbitrary VScript code can be run from the I/O system, using the RunScriptCode
input available in all entities. The code will run in the current entities script scope.

.Global Scripts
Naming a script file with a game mode name makes it a mode specific script which executes every time a map is loaded in the specified mode. If a Mode Script exists, a map specific script with the map name followed by an underscore and the mode name can also be loaded.
Mode Scripts
Use script scope g_ModeScript
- Initial values for the
table. MutationOptions
- Initial values for the
Map Scripts
Use script scope g_MapScript
- Map specific values for the
table. MapOptions
- Map specific values for the
Scripted Mode
Adding a Mode Script will enable Scripted Mode for the game mode. This works on the base game modes included in the game as well.
Scripted Mode loads utility functions into the g_MapScript
scope, disables the hardcoded setting of 2 on the MaxSpecials
Director option, and enables game event callbacks and script hook functions. It also seems to break the finale tank music in Dark Carnival.
Available Functions
- A table for storing session specific variables. Not preserved across level transitions.
- Active Director Options for the game mode.
- DirectorOptions
- A table of named variables that override the AI Director behavior.
- Entity handle
- Also known as EHANDLE. Todo: Looks like some sort of pointer reference to an entity.
- Script handle
- An entity instance with accessors and mutators to the C++ entity object. Also known as HScript.
- Script scope
- The table where the variables, functions and classes of a VScript are placed.
Director Options
Please see L4D2 Director Scripts for a table of available options.
Third-Party Tools
VSLib (VScript Library) is a simple, lightweight library for L4D2's VScript mutation system. It greatly simplifies coding VScripts by taking care of a lot of tedious work for you. It is used in several popular mods like Rayman1103's Admin System and Stranded. Read more about VSLib.
See also
- VSLib
- L4D2 Vscript Examples
- L4D2 Director Scripts
- L4D2 Script Functions
- Decrypted Mutation Vscripts
- L4D2 Level Design/Boss Prohibition
- Custom Finales Contains all original finale scripts as reference.
- Extended Mutation System
- Left 4 Dead 2 Tool Updates
External links
- Alternative Tool
- Alternative Documentation
- Director Scripts - .nuc files (Steam forums)
- It's the vscript'ing documentation FAQ! (Steam forums)
- Tutorial - Writing a Mini Game - Tic Tac Toe - Part One (Steam Forums)
- Writing a Mini Game - Tic Tac Toe - Part One - Author's Website
- l4d2 - Vscript example - Tic-Tac-Toe - Video of early Prototype
- l4d2 - Vscript example - Tic-Tac-Toe - updated - Video of current version with "brutally misanthropic AI"
- Mutation scripts (Steam forums)
- Squirrel Binary for Windows
- Squirrel (programming language) - Wikipedia Article on Squirrel
Squirrel: The Programming Language - Documentation and Sample Code
- The AI Systems of Left 4 Dead by Michael Booth (PDF)
"Creating a "Money"/Point System" - Swarm Armory
- Deciphered Official Scripts