Category: English
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Portal to top-level pages in English. Other languages are also available.
See also Category:English speakers for a list of users who speak and/or understand the English language.
This category has the following 200 subcategories, out of 294 total.
(previous page) (next page)A
- Abstract Coding (14 P)
- Abstract Mapping (53 P)
- AI Programming (37 P)
- Akella games (empty)
- Apex Legends (empty)
- Authoring Tools (1 P)
- Base Entities (3 P)
- Black Mesa entities (156 P)
- Black Mesa level design (2 P)
- BrainBread entities (1 P)
- Choreography creation (9 P)
- Counter-Strike 2 Workshop Tools (17 P)
- CPointEntity (136 P)
- Cubemaps (12 P)
- Custom FGDs (14 P)
- Dark Messiah level design (empty)
- Day of Defeat Level Design (6 P)
- Dedicated Server (46 P)
- En/To be translated (1 P)
- Engine branches templates (4 P)
- Entity icons (Source 2) (4 F)
- Entity Templates (9 P)
- Episode One Base Entities (empty)
- External Sites (20 P)
- Filters (25 P)
- Formatting templates (29 P)
- Game Instructor icons (8 F)
- Gameinfo (35 P)
- (3 P)
- GoldSrc FGDs (24 P)
- GoldSrc Level Design (22 P)
- GoldSrc RAD files (7 P)
- Graphics API (6 P)
- Gunman Chronicles entities (13 P)
- Half-Life 2 level design (empty)
- Half-Life Entities (171 P)
- Hammer entity icons (Source) (empty)
- Hammer Menus (Source 2) (1 P)
- Hammer Toolbars (10 P)
- Hammer Tools (20 P)
- Help Available (39 P)
- Help Wanted (52 P)
- HL2DM level design (1 P)
- HLA SDK (1 P)
- Hubs (33 P)
- Input Templates/Source 2 (empty)
- IO System (26 P)
- Jabroni Brawl: Episode 3 (2 P)
- Keyvalue Templates/Source 2 (9 P)
- Left 4 Dead 2 Weapons (24 P)
- Left 4 Dead Projects (16 P)
- Left 4 Dead series entities (86 P)
- Left 4 Dead Weapons (8 P)
- Level Design FAQ (44 P)
- Level Design Tutorials (empty)
- Level Design/Source 2 (4 P)
- Liblist (74 P)
- Lighting (58 P, 1 F)
- Mac OS X games (1 P)
- Modelling Glossary (empty)
- Mouse button icons (6 F)
- Multi use templates (5 P)
- Multiplayer Mods (106 P)
- Nightdive Studios games (empty)
- Non-internal entity (empty)
- Orphans (751 P)
- Output Templates/Source 2 (1 P)
- Package covers (5 F)
- Pages with Alien Swarm bugs (1 P)
- Pages with Portal 2 bugs (3 P)
- Paranoia entities (15 P)
- Playable Steam Deck games (11 P)
- PlayStation 3 games (3 P)
- Plugins (6 P)
- Portal 2 entities (79 P)
- Portal 2 Level Design (108 P)
- Portal 2 NPCs (6 P)
- Portal 2 Tutorials (61 P)
- Portal level design (empty)
- Postal III entities (4 P)
- POV cleanup (44 P)
- Released Packages (empty)
- Remasters and Remakes (5 P)
- Respawn Entertainment games (empty)
- Ricochet Entities (10 P)
- Ricochet Level Design (1 P)
- Round-Preserved Entities (53 P)
- Single Player Mods (157 P)
- Single use templates (12 P)
- Sky List Templates (34 P)
- Sound System (70 P)
- Source 1 FGDs (56 P)
- Source 1 RAD files (20 P)
- Source 2 base console commands (10 P)
- Source 2 base entities (97 P)
- Source 2 FGDs (5 P)
- Source 2 mods (empty)
- Source base console commands (88 P)
- Source base console variables (105 P)
Pages in category " English"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 4,358 total.
(previous page) (next page)$
- $additive
- $allowdiffusemodulation
- $allowrootlods
- $alpha
- $alphatest
- $alwayscollapse
- $ambientboost
- $animation
- $animblocksize
- $append
- $appendsource
- $attachment
- $basetexture
- $bbox
- $blendmodulatetexture
- $body
- $bodygroup
- $bonemerge
- $bonesaveframe
- $bumpmap
- $burning
- $cbox
- $cdmaterials
- $cmdlist
- $collapsebones
- $collisionmodel
- $collisiontext
- $color
- $constantdirectionallight
- $declaresequence
- $definemacro
- $definevariable
- $desaturatewithbasealpha
- $detail
- $distancealpha
- $emissiveblend
- $envmap
- $envmapmask
- $fresnelrangestexture
- $halflambert
- $hbox
- $hboxset
- $ignorez
- $ikchain
- $jigglebone
- $jointsurfaceprop
- $layertint1
- $lightwarptexture
- $lod
- $maxfogdensityscalar
- $maxverts
- $model (QC)
- $model (VMT)
- $modelname
- $moss enable
- $mostlyopaque
- $multipass
- $no draw
- $nocull
- $notint
- $opaque
- $phong
- $pointsamplemagfilter
- $poseparameter
- $prepend
- $proceduralbones
- $renamematerial
- $rimlight
- $scale
- $seamless scale
- $sectionframes
- $sequence
- $specmap texture
- $ssbump
- $staticprop
- $surfaceprop
- $texture2
- $texturegroup
- $translucent
- $treesway
- $unlockdefinebones
- $upaxis
- A Frayed Stitch in Time
- Template:A or an
- Template:Abbr
- Template:ABSGametypeLib
- Template:ABSGametypeLib:ko
- Abstract Mapping
- Template:Abstract mapping ideas:de
- Template:Abstract mapping ideas:es
- Template:Abstract mapping ideas:ru
- Template:Abstract mapping ideas:zh-cn
- Template:Abstract mapping ideas:zh-tw
- Template:Abstract Mapping:zh-cn
- Template:ACategory
- Accessing Other Entities
- Activate()
- Template:Activator
- Template:Activator:zh-cn
- Acttable t
- Adapting PBR Textures to Source
- Adding a Dynamic Scope
- Adding a dynamic sky to your mod
- Adding a new weapon to your mod
- Adding an experience system
- Adding chapters to your mod
- Adding Convars to the Multiplayer Advanced Tab
- Adding Credits To Your Map
- Adding Ironsights
- Adding Light
- Adding Lua
- Adding New Ammotypes
- Talk:Adding New Ammotypes
- Adding PBR to Your Mod
- Adding Point Entities
- Adding Prop Models
- Adding Proximity Voice
- Adding Python
- Adding the Game Instructor
- Adding Water
- Adding Your Logo to the Menu
- Additional game parameters
- AddOutput
- AddOutput (Source 2)
- Template:Adj
- Adobe Photoshop
- Advanced crosshair cvars
- Advanced Lighting
- Advisor
- Template:Ae
- Afraid of Monsters
- Aftershock
- Template:Ag
- Template:Ag2
- Template:Ag2 topicon
- Template:Age
- Template:Age of Chivalry
- Ai addon builder
- Ai battle line
- Ai changehintgroup
- Ai citizen response system
- Ai goal actbusy
- Ai goal actbusy queue
- Ai goal assault
- Ai goal follow
- Ai goal injured follow
- Ai goal lead
- Ai goal lead weapon
- Ai goal operator
- Ai goal patrol
- Ai goal police
- Ai goal standoff
- AI Learning: CombineSoldier
- Ai moveprobe debug
- Ai network
- Ai npc eventresponsesystem
- Ai relationship
- Ai script conditions
- Ai speechfilter
- Airlock
- Aiscripted schedule
- Akella
- Albedo
- Alias
- Template:Alien Swarm
- Alien Swarm
- Template:Alien Swarm Deferred
- Alien Swarm Deferred
- Alien Swarm engine branch
- Alien Swarm Level Creation/Your first Alien Swarm map
- Alien Swarm Mapper's Reference
- Alien Swarm Sky List
- Alien Swarm/Authoring Tools
- Template:Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop
- Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop
- Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop/Authoring Tools
- Alpha
- Template:Also
- Valve Developer Community:Alternative Languages
- Template:Altnames
- Alyx Vance
- Ambient generic
- Ambient generic (GoldSrc)