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$specmap_texture is a material shader parameter available in Black Mesa Black Mesa.

New specular shader, example in bs_c3m0d. You can see how the floor reflects the red light source, the same for the floodlight.

This shader is used for surfaces to give PBR style shiny speculars. Works with VertexLitGeneric and LightmappedGeneric. This shader works only with deferred rendering lighting entities which are using SpecularMultiplier parameter (in the game code or as the property), the entities are: NewLight_Point, NewLight_Spot, npc_zombie_hev (flashlight), prop_barrel_cactus, prop_barrel_cactus_semilarge, prop_barrel_interloper, prop_barrel_interloper_small, env_cascade_light, bmortar, npc_plantlight, npc_plantlight_stalker, player (flashlight).

This shader is mainly used for LightmappedGeneric, because this is the only option to have gloss effect on world geometry and bmodel. For VertexLitGeneric mainly used $phong, because new lights are also support this shader; this shader works with baked lights and have a lot of parameters.

Confirm:Is the this is full ?
Warning.pngWarning:This shader is pretty expensive for GPU. May not cause FPS drops, but it will heat up your GPU very much. Use wisely.
Note.pngNote:Doesn't work if $phong is enabled.
Icon-Bug.pngBug:If alpha tested material has a specular, and beneath it, there is also a material with the same shader, and in combination with new lights or a flashlight, this all will cause artifacts appear. This occurred after Crowbar Collective fixed the outline artifacts for alpha tested materials. Example (use full screen mode to watch).
Note.pngNote:env_cascade_light doesn't work with this shader (at least on bmodels and world geometry).
Black Mesa Level Creation

Parameters and Effects

Defines a specularmap texture that will use specular.
An example.

Controls the color and saturation of the specularity. If all three values are the same - the color obtained from deferred rendering light source will be used.

Defines style and behaviour for speculars, there are 3 available values - 0, 1, and 2.

Defines gloss scale. Works differently depending on $specmap_mode value.
Examples of $specmap_mode - 0.

Examples of $specmap_mode - 1.

Examples of $specmap_mode - 2.

Use the alpha channel of the $bumpmap or $normalmap as a specular mask. $specmap_texture will be used as an additional mask or glossiness mask if $specmap_mode is set. This allows a blendable specular mask on LightmappedGeneric.
Todo: Check to see if parameters such as $envmapmask or $basealphaenvmapmask and others affect newlight specular.

See also