Adding your logo to the menu

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TF2's logo (in the original version shown here) is 512x128px.

Instead of displaying your mod's name as a string of characters, you can have a logo image. To do this:

  1. Add gamelogo 1 to the top of gameinfo.txt (same block as game, type, etc.).
  2. Create <mod>\resource\GameLogo.res, a text file, with this template:
		ControlName	EditablePanel
		fieldName	GameLogo
		xpos		0
		ypos		0
		zpos		50
		wide		400
		tall		100
		autoResize	1
		pinCorner	0
		visible		1
		enabled		1
		offsetX		-20
		offsetY		-15

		ControlName	ImagePanel
		fieldName	Logo
		xpos		0
		ypos		0
		zpos		50
		wide		400
		tall		100
		visible		1
		enabled		1
		image		../logo/TF2_Logo
		scaleImage	1		

The path of the image field is relative to materials\vgui\. As you can see in the example above, the TF2 logo is actually stored in materials\logo\!

Do not include a file extension in the path.

Tip.pngTip:Removing your text from the gameinfo.txt under the name title will remove the font title and will only provide the logo.
Tip.pngTip:When creating your logo, use the UnlitGeneric shader, do not generate mipmaps, and disable LOD.
Tip.pngTip:If your game logo has an alpha channel (transparency) then add "$alphatest" "1" to your game logo's .vmt otherwise it'll look opaque in game.