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$poseparameter is a QC command available in all Source Source games. It allows configuration of a blend sequence, by specifying the range of values ahead of time.

Tip.pngTip:The important parameters can be specified in the $sequence itself, via the blend option, making this parameter unnecessary.
Icon-Bug.pngBug:In sequences using the posecycle option, an invalid range is assumed when $poseparameter is not used to specify the pose parameter ahead of time. Therefore, when using posecycle, you need to use this parameter to tell StudioMDL how the pose parameter should affect the animation.  [todo tested in ?]


$poseparameter <$sequence name> <int min> <int max> [loop <int>] [wrap]
$poseparameter yaw -90 90 loop 360
$poseparameter vehicle_wheel_fl_spin -180 180 360
loop <int>
Defines a custom value to wrap at?
Todo: Purpose of this.
Tip.pngTip:If a third number is specified without loop being present, StudioMDL will add the loop argument implicitly.
Values less than min wrap around to max, and so on.

See also