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$moss_enable is a material shader parameter available in Black Mesa Black Mesa.

Moss shader example with LightmappedGeneric, for $moss_texture used xen/moss00_d.
Moss shader example with VertexLitGeneric, for $moss_texture used models/props_xen/moss_test/bubblemoss.

This is procedural moss implementation, which is triplanar projection shader that allows you to project additional texture that mixes with normalmap. This shader available for VertexLitGeneric, LightmappedGeneric and Lightmapped_4WayBlend shaders. It was created during development of Xen for Black Mesa Black Mesa and was designed to simulate presence of moss on surface.

For VertexLitGeneric, it uses the specified texture. For LightmappedGeneric and Lightmapped_4WayBlend, instead of using the texture itself for moss, this shader takes color that most of the texture consists of and then applies color to the surface according to the parameters specified in .vmt. All parameters works in the same way for both shaders.

In Black Mesa Black Mesa it was used for models\props_xen\moss_test\sphereofchon.mdl and models\props_xen\moss_test\test_moss001.mdl models. Both using the models/props_xen/moss_test/bubblemoss texture. The final version of the game doesn't use this shader in any of the maps. May be incompatible with some shaders (as it was with $phong).

This shader was used in Black Mesa: Blue Shift Black Mesa: Blue Shift. Besides moss, it was also used for dust caps and other small details.

This shader also should be good for a snow layer.

Note.pngNote:There is no Hammer Hammer preview for this shader.
Icon-Bug.pngBug:$seamless_scale is not compatible with $phong shader.
Icon-Bug.pngBug:This shader doesn't blend with new specular and $phong.
Black Mesa Level Creation

Parameters and Effects

Toggle moss between enabled and disabled state. 1 - enabled, 0 - disabled.
For LightmappedGeneric, defines a diffuse texture that will use moss for color. For VertexLitGeneric, defines a diffuse texture that will use moss and mix with normalmap.

Defines direction for moss, the numbers can be negative. Works in the same way for VertexLitGeneric.

Inner angle value. With LightmappedGeneric, works properly only on displacement surfaces. Results depend on $moss_angle_phi and $moss_angle_falloff. Works in a similar way for VertexLitGeneric.

Outer angle value. With LightmappedGeneric, works properly only on displacement surfaces. Results depend on $moss_angle_theta and $moss_angle_falloff. Works in similar way for VertexLitGeneric.

Falloff value. With LightmappedGeneric, works properly only on displacement surfaces. Results depend on $moss_angle_phi and $moss_angle_theta. Works in similar way for VertexLitGeneric.

Moss blend factor. Use values from 0 to 1, others do not work correctly.

Scale for moss. Deprecated and non-functional. Use $seamless_scale instead.
Toggle moss scale between enabled and disabled state. 1 - enabled, 0 - disabled. Affects nothing at least in Black Mesa Black Mesa: Definitive Edition.
This parameter scales texture for this shader.

See also