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ai_goal_patrol is a point entity available in Dark Messiah of Might and Magic Dark Messiah of Might and Magic. It is used to make NPCs patrol between info_node_hints or make them wander around the map.


Name (targetname) <string>
The name that other entities refer to this entity by, via Inputs/Outputs or other keyvalues (e.g. parentname or target).
Also displayed in Hammer's 2D views and Entity Report.
See also:  Generic Keyvalues, Inputs and Outputs available to all entities

Movement type (movetype) <integer>
How the NPC should move around while under the influence of this entity.
  • 1: Walk
  • 2: Run
  • 3: Custom Move—Use Custom Animation
Patrol Modes (patrolmode) <integer>
Which patrol mode the NPC should use.
  • 1: Idle
  • 2: Wander Around
  • 3: Node to Node Cycling
  • 4: Node to Node Ping-Pong
Radius for wander state (wanderradius) <float>
The radius for which the NPC will find nodes to move to. Only used if Patrol Modes is set to Wander Around.
Custom Move Animation (m_iszCustomMove) <string>
Custom move animation to use for the NPC if Movement type is set to Custom Move.
Node 1 (goal1) to Node 15 (goal15) <targetname>
Nodes the NPC will go to depending on the patrol mode. In Wander Around mode, Node 1 is used as the center of the Radius for wander state keyvalue.


Actor(s) to affect (actor) <target_name_or_class>
The targetname or classname of any NPCs that will be included in this goal. Wildcards are supported.
Search Type (SearchType) <choices>
What the Actor(s) to affect keyvalue targets by.
  • 0: Entity Name
  • 1: Classname
Start Active (StartActive) <boolean>
Set if goal should be active immediately.



Make the goal active if it wasn't already. NPCs will begin taking orders.
Make goal inactive.
UpdateActors  !FGD
Tell the goal entity to re-check Actor(s) to affect in case any disappeared, or any new NPCs spawned.[confirm]