Category:Hidden categories
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Categories can be marked as hidden with the __HIDDENCAT__
magic word. Take the categories below as examples of how and when to use the magic word for categories.
Registered users can toggle their visibility in Preferences, Appearance tab with Show hidden categories checkbox.
This category has the following 200 subcategories, out of 620 total.
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- Akella games (empty)
- Android games (empty)
- Ca/Dictionary/Notices (7 P)
- CD ??? CBaseAnimating (1 P)
- CD BossZombiePlayerBot (7 P)
- CD C BaseParticleEntity (1 P)
- CD CActAnimating (GoldSrc) (1 P)
- CD CAI ActBusyGoal (1 P)
- CD CAI ExpresserHost (1 P)
- CD CAI LeadGoal (1 P)
- CD CAmmoPack (2 P)
- CD CASW Pickup Weapon (18 P)
- CD CASW Weapon Blink (1 P)
- CD CBaseAbility (1 P)
- CD CBaseCSGrenade cs (5 P)
- CD CBaseCSGrenadeProjectile (8 P)
- CD CBaseDoor (1 P)
- CD CBaseFilter (18 P)
- CD CBaseFire (2 P)
- CD CBaseHeadcrab (3 P)
- CD CBaseHelicopter (3 P)
- CD CBaseHL2MPCombatWeapon (1 P)
- CD CBaseHLBludgeonWeapon (2 P)
- CD CBaseMountedWeapon (4 P)
- CD CBaseNPCMaker (1 P)
- CD CBaseObjectUpgrade (1 P)
- CD CBaseParticleEntity (9 P)
- CD CBasePlayerWeapon (GoldSrc) (14 P)
- CD CBaseRifle (1 P)
- CD CBaseShotgun (1 P)
- CD CBaseTFBotHintEntity (3 P)
- CD CBaseTrigger (GoldSrc) (3 P)
- CD CBaseUpgradeItem (3 P)
- CD CBaseViewModel (1 P)
- CD CBaseVPhysicsTrigger (2 P)
- CD CBeam (2 P)
- CD CBreakable (GoldSrc) (1 P)
- CD CCaptureZoneShim (1 P)
- CD CCarriedPropWeapon (1 P)
- CD CCSGameRulesProxy (1 P)
- CD CCurrencyPack (1 P)
- CD CCycler (2 P)
- CD CCycler (GoldSrc) (1 P)
- CD CEnvShooter (1 P)
- CD CEnvSoundscape (2 P)
- CD CExtraMapEntity (4 P)
- CD CFlexExpresser (1 P)
- CD CFunc Dust (2 P)
- CD CFuncAreaPortalBase (2 P)
- CD CFuncBrush (7 P)
- CD CFuncConveyor (1 P)
- CD CFuncMoveLinear (1 P)
- CD CFuncNavAttributeRegion (1 P)
- CD CFuncNavCost (2 P)
- CD CFuncRespawnRoomShim (1 P)
- CD CFuncTankGun (2 P)
- CD CFuncTrackChange (1 P)
- CD CFuncTrackTrain (1 P)
- CD CFuncVPhysicsClip (1 P)
- CD CGenericActor (1 P)
- CD CGrenade (GoldSrc) (1 P)
- CD CHalloweenPickup (1 P)
- CD CHealthKit (1 P)
- CD CHL1 Player (1 P)
- CD CHLSelectFireMachineGun (3 P)
- CD CItem (GoldSrc) (4 P)
- CD CItemAmmo (10 P)
- CD CLight (1 P)
- CD CLogicAutosave (1 P)
- CD CMapInfo (1 P)
- CD CMissile (2 P)
- CD CMoveableCamera (2 P)
- CD CNPC Crow (2 P)
- CD CNPC EnemyFinder (2 P)
- CD CNPC PlayerCompanion (3 P)
- CD CPhysBox (1 P)
- CD CPhysConstraint (5 P)
- CD CPhysicsProp (18 P)
- CD CPointCombineBallLauncher (1 P)
- CD CPointEntity (GoldSrc) (9 P)
- CD CPointTemplate (1 P)
- CD CPropButton (1 P)
- CD CPropDoorRotating (1 P)
- CD CPropVehicleDriveable (1 P)
- CD CRagdollProp (empty)
- CD CRotButton (1 P)
- CD CRulePointEntity (3 P)
- CD CSceneEntity (1 P)
- CD CServerOnlyPointEntity (9 P)
- CD CSpatialEntity (1 P)
- CD CSprite (2 P)
- CD CSquadMonster (GoldSrc) (1 P)
- CD CTeam (2 P)
- CD CTeamSpawnPoint (1 P)
- CD CTFBaseBoss (1 P)
- CD CTFBaseProjectile (1 P)
- CD CTFItem (1 P)
- CD CTFJar (1 P)
- CD CTFProjectile Arrow (1 P)
- CD CTFProjectile SpellBats (5 P)
- CD CTFProjectile Throwable (2 P)
- CD CTFRobotDestructionLogic (1 P)
- CD CTFRocketLauncher (3 P)
- CD CTFRuneTemp (1 P)
- CD CTFWearable (2 P)
- CD CTFWrench (1 P)
- CD CTriggerAreaCapture (1 P)
- CD CTriggerHurt (2 P)
- CD CTriggerOnce (2 P)
- CD CTriggerWeaponUpgrade (1 P)
- CD CWeaponCitizenPackage (1 P)