TeamSpen's Hammer Addons

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Teamspens hammer addons logo.png

TeamSpen's Hammer Addons TeamSpen's Hammer Addons are a set of tweaks and enhancements for Hammer Hammer, developed by TeamSpen210. They include a modified FGD for every game, based on a unified system that allows changes to easily be applied to multiple games. A postcompiler is also included, adding support for several custom internal entities along with other useful features.

While development is mainly focused on Portal 2 Portal 2, the addons include FGDs for every Valve Valve title, as well as some non-Valve games. The postcompiler will also work with any Source Source game, provided the game does not make extensive changes to the map format.

Note.pngNote:TeamSpen's Hammer Addons is included with Portal 2: Community Edition Portal 2: Community Edition


  • Improved FGDs, with rearranged base classes better matching the engine's layout, entities and keyvalues that are normally missing, additional helpers, and various other tweaks
  • Nearly every point entity is now represented as an icon sprite, instead of the default colored cube.
  • Portal 2 entities such as prop_portal and prop_indicator_panel have new custom models, accurately representing their in-game appearance
  • The Targetname base class is now BaseEntityPoint/BaseEntityBrush
  • Automatic packing of custom content detected in the map, or specified in comp_pack entities.
  • Several other comp_ entities that allow doing normally impossible things, like positioning entities outside the map or renaming an entity in a specific copy of an instance.
  • Static Prop Combine support for all games, generally more reliable than Valve's implementation
  • In games supporting VScript, an Init Code field is added to all entities, which can be used to directly write code that's executed inside the entity's script scope on spawn.
  • Additionally, backtick ( ` ) characters used in Init Code and the RunScriptCode input will be converted to quotes in-game, allowing strings to be passed.
  • For Portal 2 Portal 2, a set of comp_vactube_ entities are added to automate the creation of vactube systems.


Supported games

Valve games

Third party games/mods

External links