Map Obfuscator
Map Obfuscator is a map obfuscation tool created by Omnicoder. It helps deter the decompilation or theft of maps by running them through the map obfuscator before release.
The Obfuscator will rename map entities and make following the logical flow of your map difficult.

List of Map Obfuscators

Infinite Improbability Drive for BSPs
The BSP obfuscator renames entities to numeric strings making it hard to follow the logic of a map.
The BSP obfuscator works in a way that the user has to drag and drop their desired map onto the executable where it will then obfuscate it and create a new file giving it the suffix "_proc", so a obfuscated map will be named <mapname>_proc.bsp
Infinite Improbability Drive for VMFs

The VMF obfuscator does the same things as the BSP obfuscator, although users can optionally enable a option that moves nonpositional point entities to 0,0,0.
The VMF obfuscator can be operated in the same way as the BSP obfuscator, although a version of the tool with a GUI is included alongside the command line variant.
Important information
For all intents and purposes, none of these obfuscators work.
All of their protection is easily circumvented by any decompiler and in addition the VMF obfuscator just straight up doesn't work.
Only the BSP obfuscator works to a certain degree. It only messes with the textures of solid brushes while map entites and displacements are completely unaffected.
See Also
External links