- See Category:Maya for tutorials.
Maya is a popular 3D modeling/animation/rendering suite from Autodesk (formerly from Alias). It is a powerful tool for modeling, texturing and animating props and characters. It also contains many advanced features which are not applicable to Source modding (dynamics, rendering, etc.). While Valve favors XSI for modeling and animating, some users may prefer Maya's rich feature set.
Source SDK plug-ins
0. Locate the plug-in files in the Source SDK directory, under 'maya' or 'sdktools\maya'.
1. If there is a directory there matching your Maya version, it is supported. Valve's plugins do not work on 64 bit versions of Maya.
2. Run runmaya.bat .
3. If this does not work, see if you need to edit runmaya.bat to match your system.
Find this
IF EXIST "%ProgramFiles(x86)%" GOTO x86 SET PATH=%ProgramFiles%\Autodesk\Maya%MAYAVER%\bin;%VPROJECT%\..\bin;%PATH% GOTO END :x86 SET PATH=%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Autodesk\Maya%MAYAVER%\bin;%VPROJECT%\..\bin;%PATH%
and replace it with this if you are running a 64 bit version of Windows:
SET PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\Maya2012\bin;%VPROJECT%\..\bin;%PATH%
or this if you are running a 32 bit version of Windows:
SET PATH=C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2012\bin;%VPROJECT%\..\bin;%PATH%
4. When Maya is loaded, go to Window>Settings/Preferences>Plug-in Manager and check the "loaded" and "auto load" boxes next to vsmaster.mll .
When you go to export you should see new choices:
- Valve DMX File
- Valve SMD Model
- Valve SMD Animated Model
- Valve SMD Physics Model
- Valve SMD Animation
Source FilmMaker: VPROJECT not set
If you get errors of the sort
// Error: file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SourceFilmmaker\game\sdktools\maya\\scripts\sfmValveSetup.mel line 333: VALVe:: VPROJECT not set, run SFM Launcher to set up environment
It may help to Reset Game Configurations via
Confirmation to reset variables
This edits Windows Environment Variables which should then have the same values as where your SFM is located, respectfully.
--Chopp 23:54, 11 November 2013 (PST)
L4D2 and runmaya.bat
If you load the L4D2 SDK and set your configurations with vconfig.exe, this batch file will not function. You will need to edit it as described here: Steam Forum Post
Tutorials :
- Installation Guide
- Export Guide
- Documentation
- Issues and Common Errors
- Maya Setting for Source
- Create Source Engine Mod
Prall's SMD Exporter
.smd Exporter by Prall
Prall's .smd Exporter works with Autodesk Maya 2011, there is also an improved version made by DT85: Waybackmachine mirror
Original download was on the steam discussion, but the link is dead and no wayback machine backup was made. Keeping it here for legacy reasons.
SourceMayaTools for Maya 2012+
- SourceMayaTools by Luna Ryuko
Based on CODMayaTools
How to install?
1.Copy to <USER>\Documents\maya\<Your maya version>\scripts
2.Open usersetup.mel (create one if it doesn't exist) and paste this
python("import SourceMayaTools");
3.Save and close the file and launch Maya
External links
- Autodesk Maya Official site.
- Autodesk Education Community Official education resources for students.
- Introduction to the Maya 8 User Interface Noesis Interactive video tutorial.
- Introduction to Custom Props for Source Powered Games with Maya Noesis Interactive video tutorial.