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Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

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Counter-Strike Global Offensive - Background.jpg
This article is about PC version of the game. For the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 version of the game, with differences between the PC and Console version , see Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (Console) .
This page documents information about a game or software that is no longer available for purchase or download digitally.
It is covered here for historical and technical reference.
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Software Cover - Counter-Strike Global Offensive.jpg
Valve Corporation
Hidden Path Entertainment
Valve Corporation
Release date(s)
August 21, 2012 
Steam AppID
Written in
Mod support
System requirements
  • Win 7 or later
  • Dual-core CPU
  • 4 GB RAM
  • 32 GB disk space
  • DirectX 9.0c capable
    with 512MB VRAM
Latest version only. For details, see below
Retail[1], Steam
Official website
Official Website (Archived)
Steam Steam page (Archived)
Previous game
Next game

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is the sequel to Counter-Strike: Source, running on the CS:GO engine branch. Originally started as a port of Counter-Strike: Source for the Xbox 360, it was later expanded and eventually turned into a new Counter-Strike game.

Technology-wise, Cascaded Shadow Maps has been implemented, wherein outdoor lighting (which was previously handled by a light_environment entity and produced only static lighting) now casts harsh, directional shadow maps similar to env_projectedtexture.

A console version of CS:GO (for Xbox 360 & PlayStation 3) is also available, but it has not received any major updates since 2013, while the PC version of the game has been delisted in favor of Counter-Strike 2 Counter-Strike 2, which is the Source 2 port and remaster of CS:GO. CS2 also remake various CS:GO maps such as Inferno, while other features and maps introduced with CS:GO were removed.

Development and Updates

On December 6, 2018, the game became free-to-play and introduced a new battle royale game mode called "Danger Zone".

On September 27, 2023, the long-awaited sequel to CS:GO, Counter-Strike 2 Counter-Strike 2, which runs on Source 2 engine, featuring improved graphics, redesigned maps and improved gameplay. Counter-Strike 2 was released as a free update to CS:GO, replacing and moving it to a beta branch (csgo_legacy), initially called csgo_demo_viewer for viewing old CS:GO demos, but later renamed to "Legacy CS:GO Version", partially because Valve recognizing that some users are unable to run CS2 due to their hardware or operating systems are incompatible with the game.

With the release of CS2, which has replaced CS:GO on Steam, the development of major updates for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive has been officially discontinued. Additionally, all of the game’s 147 achievements have been removed server-side. While the game is still playable by downloading the mentioned beta branch, as of January 1, 2024, CS:GO no longer receive security updates or bug fixes. This will likely leave the game vulnerable to remote code execution (RCE) exploits, other security risks, and unresolved bugs. With the launch of CS2, matchmaking servers for CS:GO have also been shut down, making the game playable only offline with bots, on community servers, or by connecting via IP address.

Meanwhile, when it's come to console port, the Xbox 360 version was also discontinued early in March - June 2023 for unknown reason before the Xbox 360 Marketplace store shutdown in July 2024 (but demo version can still be playable). However, multiplayer are currently still functional on the Xbox 360 version. The servers for the PlayStation 3 version was also quietly shut down in 2018, but remains playable and can be purchased.


Counter-Strike: Global Offensive has:

FXAA anti-aliasing
Simple post-processing effect aimed to remove jaggies on geometry and other objects at the cost of image quality, but are much faster than other anti-aliasing method, such as MSAA.
FXAA can be also used with MSAA (such as 2X) at the same time. This benefits most lower-end PC that struggles to run MSAA 4X or higher, it also benefits models, transparent textures, and other objects that MSAA was unable to remove jaggies or staircase effect on them.
Real-time dynamic shadows from skybox (Cascaded Shadow Maps)
env_cascade_light provides dynamic, high-resolution cascade shadow mapping for the outdoor light of light_environment.
Lightmapped Ambient Occlusion
VRAD can now bake ambient occlusion into the lightmaps for a map, leading to enhanced realism.
Bump mapped decals
LightmappedGeneric decals now support bump maps.
Scaleform (officially called Scaleform GFx)
A vector graphics rendering engine used to display Adobe Flash Adobe Flash-based UI and HUD for games. CS:GO used Scaleform for the in-game HUDs and the main menu until 2018.
VPK version 2
New version of VPK file format. Later backported to all Source 2013 Source 2013 games.

Newer Features

Later features introduced to CS:GO and the CS:GO engine branch CS:GO engine branch.

Phong reflections on Lightmapped materials
LightmappedGeneric and WorldVertexTransition now support diffuse Phong reflections.
Vertex lighting for bumpmapped static props
Static props with bump maps can now receive vertex lighting, better blending them into the environment. All static props also now receive better lighting.
Anisotropic reflection emulation
Brush shaders can now emulate anisotropic specular reflections using new parameters.
Bump map blending for LightmappedGeneric
Two bump maps can now be blended together for high-frequency and low-frequency bumpmap variation on the LightmappedGeneric shader.
A displacement shader that can blend four different materials together by luminance.
Prop combination
VBSP now supports combining selected static props during map compilation, increasing performance and lowering draw calls.
Increased engine and compiler limits
The engine now supports more entities, more models, and more displacements.
Todo: Document all of the increased limits.
New first-person weapon lighting.
First-person weapon view now support more detailed lighting.
Static prop scaling
Panorama UI
Introduced in 2018, replacing Scaleform, Valve's new Custom GUI interface that resembles modern web design and authoring (HTML5/CSS/JS). Using .XML and JavaScript files, developers can create dynamic and clean HUDs and menus and even high-quality in-game intractable panels.
Direct3D 9Ex / Windows Aero DirectX Extensions (also in Source 2013)
Introduced in April 2019 update, D3D9Ex improves performance depending on GPU hardware and drivers.
Other improvements
Todo: Document these, this is just the tip of the iceberg.
Todo: Celisej: soon add more.


For the list of issues, see this page and GitHub Issues. Since Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is no longer being actively developed and has been replaced by Counter-Strike 2 (which relies on same GitHub bug report page as CS:GO), bugs report related to CS:GO will be marked as closed.


  • Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (csgo)
    • Can be only obtained through csgo_legacy beta branch, which would requires 60GB free space (as CS2 is required to be installed alongside CS:GO Legacy).

Game modes

Official Game Mode Match length Penalties for
Description of official Gameplay
Csgo icon competitive.png Competitive
  • Long Match
  • Short Match
20-90 minutes Yes The classic game mode: Two teams of 5 players fight in a best of 30 rounds (Short Match: 16). In Bomb Defusal scenarios, Terrorists must plant a bomb at a target and defend it until it explodes - Counter-Terrorists must either stop them from planting or defuse the bomb before it detonates. In Hostage Rescue scenarios, Counter-Terrorists must find and escort a hostage - Terrorists must stop them. There are skill groups for ranked matchmaking so that ideally players are matched with enemies of a similar skill level. In unranked matchmaking, these skill groups are also regarded but not adjusted.
Csgo icon wingman.png Wingman 10-30 minutes Yes Like Competitive, but adjusted for 2v2 and for a smaller map or a map section, best of 16 rounds, rounds are shorter.
Csgo icon casual.png Casual 10-20 minutes No Like Competitive but not binding ("casual"), with simplified and shortened gameplay: best of 15 rounds, shorter freezetime per round, no friendly fire, no team collision, free armor and free defuse kit/cutters.
Csgo icon deathmatch.png Deathmatch
  • Team vs Team
  • Free For All
  • Classic
10 minutes No This is a single 10 minute round with instant respawns. The player's goal is to eliminate as many enemies as possible with whatever weapon they wish to use. Weapons are free and only rifles, SMGs, heavy weapons, pistols and the Zeus x27 may be bought. Players have a short invulnerability period to buy weapons before moving.
Csgo icon dangerzone.png Danger Zone 3-15 minutes No A Battle Royale mode played on big maps where players win by being the last man (or team) standing. The game starts with all players choosing an insertion point at which they rope down from a helicopter. There is a Danger Zone that starts from the map's borders and advances, making the playable area smaller and smaller and inflicting damage to players touching it. This game mode features numerous unique weapons and entities.
War Games
Csgo icon skirmish armsrace.png Arms Race 5-10 minutes No This is a single extended round with instant respawn. All players start with the same weapon and get a new one each time they kill an enemy. The progression of unlocked weapons ends with the knife. The first player to get two kills with every weapon plus a kill with the golden knife wins the match.
Csgo icon demolition.png Demolition 10-20 minutes No This is a fast paced mix of bomb planting and gun progression. There is no buying, you start with a rifle and if you get a kill that round, you get a progressively weaker weapon in the next round. Best of 20 rounds.
Csgo icon skirmish flyingscoutsman.png Flying Scoutsman 10-20 minutes No Like Casual but every player has a fixed loadout: A Scout and a knife. There is low gravity and no inaccuracy in mid-air, allowing higher and longer jumps and precise shooting, too.
Csgo icon skirmish retakes.png Retakes 5-10 minutes No Each round, 3 Terrorists spawn on a bomb site with a bomb being planted and 4 CTs spawn at fixed locations around it. Each player can choose a loadout card at round start.

Built-in Maps


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New weapons include: Molotov grenades, which create a pool of fire in the ground, Decoy grenades, which create fake weapon sounds, and a taser melee weapon, the Zeus x27.

Later update of CS:GO also introduced weapons such as R8 Revolver, and much more.

Buy Menu

Pistol SMG Heavy Rifle Equipment Grenade


Knives Miscellaneous CS:GO Danger Zone Danger Zone CS:GO Danger Zone Melee CS:GO Co-op Strike Co-op Strike

Giving Weapons

To give yourself a weapon, you can use the cheat command give <entityname>, which should spawn a specified weapon inside the executing player, for example give weapon_awp. Knives and Danger Zone melees might instantly be removed by the game when they would spawn; To overcome this, one can use the command sequence give <entityname>; ent_fire <entityname> addoutput "classname weapon_knifegg" (in one line!) so that the entity "becomes" an entity that is not removed by the game in the same tick. Note that some weapons have a different classname after being given, e.g. give weapon_axe; ent_fire weapon_melee addoutput "classname weapon_knifegg".

Map driven item giving can be done with game_player_equip. To equip weapons using VScript, a game_player_equip entity can be created, used and removed.

Manipulating Weapons

Weapons can be manipulated via I/O, e.g. with ent_fire, and even more using VScript. All weapon entities support the inputs Kill, SetAmmoAmount <int>, SetReserveAmmoAmount <int>, ToggleCanBePickedUp, for example the command ent_fire weapon_ak47 kill removes all AK-47s in the map. To give some inspiration, if weapon is the VScript handle of a weapon entity, we can use weapon.Destroy() to kill it, weapon.GetOwner() == null to check whether it is dropped (true) or carried by a player (false), EntFireByHandle(weapon, "SetReserveAmmoAmount", "0", 0, null, null) to remove its reserve ammo and much more.

Note.pngNote:When the weapon is killed that a player has deployed, their viewmodel will be broken until they deploy another weapon.
Tip.pngTip:There are weapon classes whose entities initially have an identical classname keyvalue after being spawned, even though they were created from different classnames. This makes it impossible to target only one of these weapon classes in the I/O system such as MP5-SD and MP7 entities, because entities of both classes will have the classname "weapon_mp7" after being spawned, so firing I/O events to weapon_mp5sd won't have any effect because there is no entity with that classname. This problem can be bypassed in VScript: If we find an entity with the classname "weapon_mp7", we can identify whether it is actually an MP5-SD or an MP7 by checking whether entity.GetModelName() returns either "models/weapons/w_smg_mp5sd_dropped.mdl" or "models/weapons/w_smg_mp7_dropped.mdl". Other entities whose classname changes on spawn are the USP-S, CZ75-Auto, R8 Revolver, M4A1-S, Rescue Kit, Wrench, Hammer, Axe and all knives except weapon_knife and weapon_knifegg.


External links

System Requirements

Last updated: 9 Apr 2023

Minimum: (?) Recommended: (?)
  • Processor: Higher end Dual-core CPU or Intel i5/i7 1st gen
  • Graphics: GeForce GTS 450, GTX 460, Radeon HD 5500 or at least 512MB VRAM with DirectX 9.0c & Shader Model 3.0 support
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Storage: 32 GB, HDD (70GB if CS2 installed)
  • Sound card: Any
  • Windows: Windows 7 or later*
  • Mac: OS X 10.7 (Lion) or later (64-bit)**
  • Linux: Ubuntu 12.04/SteamOS 1.0 and later (64-bit)
  • Notes: For texture streaming, it is recommended for system with low amount of RAM and have a SSD.
  • Processor: Newer Intel Core i3/i5/i7 or AMD equivalent
  • Graphics: GeForce GTX 560 or AMD equivalent and newer, 1GB+ VRAM
  • Memory: 6-8 GB RAM or more
  • Storage: 40 GB or more, SSD (80GB if CS2 installed)
  • Sound card: Any
  • Windows: Windows 10 or later
  • Mac: N/A
  • Linux: N/A
Note.pngNote:Since the release of CS2, if you want to download CS:GO, you must have Counter-Strike 2 Counter-Strike 2 installed (which meant that you need to have 70GB free space to install CS:GO alongside CS2) then go to Steam Library, right click Counter-Strike 2 then Properties... > Betas > Set it to "csgo_legacy".
Note.pngNote:These are unofficial system requirements, as the one from Steam Store page are out of date as the latest version of CS:GO are more demanding to run.
Furthermore, CS:GO is no longer available, therefore the information covered above is for historical reference.
Note.pngNote:* Technically, this game is still playable on Windows XP and Vista (which were originally supported), however support for Steam for these operating systems has been dropped as of 2019, and CS:GO contains SteamWorks DRM, thus these operating systems are no longer supported from running CS:GO. Additionally, Steam also dropped support for Windows 7 - 8.1, but the game can be playable on these OS until the last version of Steam on these systems stops working in the future.
Note.pngNote:** Support for 32-bit systems, and older versions of macOS/OS X, have been dropped.
Note.pngNote:The performance in this game mostly relies more on CPU (Processor) than GPU (Graphics card).
System requirements may change over time depending how updates affected them.


1. Distributed only in Russia, Ukraine, and CIS countries by Buka Entertainment. A scans of an physical copies can be found here.