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VPKEdit VPKEdit is an open source MIT-licensed tool that can extract from, preview the contents of and write to vpk archives, BSP paklumps, and many other pack file formats, as well as create new VPKs of any version. It currently supports previewing text formats, image formats, audio formats, VTF files, and MDL files without having to extract the file from the archive. Incremental file operations like adding or removing files are supported for all formats.

The VPKEdit VPKEdit tool is powered by an open-source vpk editing library libvpkedit. This library's code is stored in the same GitHub repository, written in C++20 and also under the MIT license.

A CLI version called vpkeditcli aims to eventually replicate the behavior of the vpk CLI tool, although it currently only supports packing files into a VPK.


At minimum, it requires Windows 10 64-bit, or a modern version of Linux.


Simply download the tool from the latest release link below, and either run the installer or save the standalone version to a convenient location. The installer will automatically register the .bsp and .vpk extensions with the VPKEdit VPKEdit application, and deregister the extensions when it is uninstalled.


External links

See also