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Half-Life 2

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Half-Life 2
Software Cover - Half-Life 2.jpg
Sierra Entertainment (initial retail)
Electronic Arts (GotY edition)
Valve Corporation (digital)
Release date(s)
November 16, 2004 
Steam AppID
Written in
Mod support
Yes (custom folder, sourcemods, Steam Workshop)
System requirements
  • Win Vista, 7 or later
  • 1.7 GHz and/or Dual-core
  • 1 GB RAM
  • 6.5 GB disk space
  • NVIDIA GeForce 6xxx series, ATI Radeon X1600, Intel HD Graphics 3000
    with 128 MB VRAM
New Engine only. For details, see below
Retail, Steam
Official website
Previous game
"Welcome. Welcome to City 17. You have chosen, or been chosen, to relocate to one of our finest remaining urban centers."

Half-Life 2 (abbreviated as HL2) defines a new benchmark in gaming with startling realism and responsiveness. Powered by then-new Source technology, Half-Life 2 features the most sophisticated in-game characters ever witnessed, advanced AI, stunning graphics and physical gameplay. This was the first game requiring installation of Steam when it came out back in 2004.

Half-Life 2 is the sequel to the 1998 Half-Life. A sequel to Half-Life 2 was released in 2006, titled Half-Life 2: Episode One, followed by Episode Two in 2007, being the last Half-Life 2 episode. A virtual reality prequel was released in 2020, titled Half-Life: Alyx.

Half-Life 2 was later ported for the Xbox console in 2005, as well as for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 in 2007, bundled under The Orange Box.

A major update (Half-Life 2 20th Anniversary Update), has been released on November 16, 2024 to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the game. It adds Steam Workshop support, developer commentary, fixing various bugs, and both episodes (Episode One, Episode Two), aswell as Lost Coast now accessible directly on Half-Life 2 menu. There are also many other changes to the graphics, such as "Very High" shaders that enable Bicubic lightmap filtering, and option to use classic fire/blood particle effect.[1]

Note.pngNote:Since November 16, 2024, any user who owns Half-Life 2 Half-Life 2 (or any HL2 series game) can play:
Half-Life 2: Episode One Half-Life 2: Episode One
Half-Life 2: Episode Two Half-Life 2: Episode Two
Half-Life 2: Lost Coast Half-Life 2: Lost Coast
Half-Life Deathmatch: Source Half-Life Deathmatch: Source
Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Half-Life 2: Deathmatch
Note.pngNote:If you encounter issues (such as some textures rendered as white/black or completely transparent), or unable to use certain feature of a mod when playing a Source mod (example: MMod, Cinematic Mod, etc.) which mounts Half-Life 2 files, or installing a custom addon/mod (outside Steam Workshop) made prior to the update, you might need to downgrade the game to "steam_legacy - Pre-20th Anniversary Build", and/or wait for developers to make the game or mod compatible with changes after 20th Anniversary Update. This is because 20th anniversary update make changes to engine, shaders (such as adding bicubic lightmaps), and many other changes.


This section only features changes exclusive to Half-Life 2 (and partially Half-Life: Source or mods base directly on Half-Life 2 instead of SDK 2013), such as the recent 20th anniversary update. For features introduced in Source 2013 SP branch, see this page. For Source engine features, see Source engine page.

VGUI High DPI support (also in Team Fortress 2 branch Half-Life: Source)
VGUI are now properly scalable on higher resolutions such as 4K (3840x2160).
Wikipedia icon Bicubic lightmap filtering (also in Team Fortress 2 branchHalf-Life: Source)
Introduced in 2024, bicubic filtering is used on lightmaps when r_lightmap_bicubic is enabled, smoothing out aliasing caused by the lower resolution of lightmaps. It can be also enabled by setting the Shader detail to "Very High".
Radial fog (also in Team Fortress 2 branchMapbaseLeft 4 Dead engine branchAlien Swarm engine branchPortal 2 engine branchCS:GO engine branchStrata Source)
Unlike planar-based fog, radial fog does not strengthen or weaken the apparent amount of fog in a particular spot when you rotate the camera.
You can either use radial fog or planar-based fog by changing env_fog_controller "Use Radial Fog (fogRadial)" KeyValues.
Half-Life 2 only uses radial fog in certain maps, mostly large area such as Canals (in Water Hazard), or Coast (in Highway 17 and Sandtraps). Maps that use radial fog also have their fog value & distance changed.
Continue music playback after loading levels (also in Half-Life: Source)
Introduced in HL2's November 26, 2024 Update, music will continue to play after the next level is loaded, instead of stopping completely like in previous versions. Can be toggled using save_transition_music console command.


  • Half-Life 2 content (hl2)
  • Half-Life 2: Episode One content (episodic)
  • Half-Life 2: Episode Two content (ep2)
  • Half-Life 2: Lost Coast content (lostcoast)
  • Half-Life 2 Complete (hl2_complete)
    • On Steam, the game will be launched with hl2_complete, allowing users to switch to HL2, EP1, EP2 and Lost Coast through the menu (similar to The Orange Box The Orange Box on Xbox 360 & PlayStation 3). Running hl2.exe directly will instead launch hl2, with old UI font and without option for switching games through menu.
  • Source shared (hl2)
  • Source 2013 Singleplayer engine branch

Other versions of Half-Life 2


Half-Life 2 has a demo version, available for free. The demo consists of excerpts of the Point Insertion and Ravenholm chapters (d1_trainstation_01 and d1_trainstation_02) and "We Don't Go To Ravenholm..." (d1_town_01, d1_town_02 and d1_town_03).

Note.pngNote:If you already own the game, to enter the demo mode, use the -demo command line options.

Half-Life 2: Update

Main article:  Half-Life 2: Update

Half-Life 2: Update is the mod developed by Fillip Victor, which improves Half-Life 2 by fixing bugs and featuring graphical improvements. It also includes Community Commentary, featuring Update developers and YouTubers (community).

This mod is no longer actively updated since 2015 and does not feature any new updates, bug fixes and features from Steam Deck update, Anniversary Update introduced in original Half-Life 2.

Half-Life 2 RTX

Main article:  Half-Life 2 RTX

A ray-traced version of Half-Life 2 is currently under development by Orbifold Studios, and promoted by Wikipedia icon Nvidia, using Nvidia's RTX Remix tool. A demo version featuring only Ravenholm and Nova Prospekt was released in March 18, 2025.

This version aims to remaster the entire game with new ray-traced lighting, real-time reflections, PBR textures, and a lot more without changing the core gameplay, similar to Portal RTX.


Half-Life 2 has 13 chapters (excluding Credits). In the demo version of the game, only two Point Insertion maps (d1_trainstation_01 and d1_trainstation_02) and "We Don't Go To Ravenholm..." (d1_town_01, d1_town_02 and d1_town_03) is playable.

Episodes chapters

Half-Life 2: Episode One has 5 chapters (excluding Credits), and 7 chapters for Episode Two.



Main article:  Half-Life 2 Credits
Half-Life 2 Credits

These are the official credits for "Half-Life 2" as released in October 2004:

  • Viktor Antonov
  • Ted Backman
  • Kelly Bailey
  • Jeff Ballinger
  • Matt Bamberger
  • Aaron Barber
  • Yahn Bernier
  • Ken Birdwell
  • Derrick Birum
  • Chris Bokitch
  • Steve Bond
  • Matt Boone
  • Charlie Brown
  • Julie Caldwell
  • Dario Casali
  • Yvan Charpentier
  • Jess Cliffe
  • John Cook
  • Greg Coomer
  • Kellie Cosner
  • Scott Dalton
  • Kerry Davis
  • Jason Deakins
  • Ariel Diaz
  • Quintin Doroquez
  • Martha Draves
  • Laura Dubuk
  • Mike Dunkle
  • Mike Dussault
  • Rick Ellis
  • Dhabih Eng
  • Miles Estes
  • Adrian Finol
  • Bill Fletcher
  • Moby Francke
  • Pat Goodwin
  • Chris Green
  • Chris Grinstead
  • John Guthrie
  • Leslie Hall
  • Damarcus Holbrook
  • Tim Holt
  • Brian Jacobson
  • Erik Johnson
  • Jakob Jungels
  • Iikka Keranen
  • Eric Kirchmer
  • Marc Laidlaw
  • Jeff Lane
  • Tom Leonard
  • Doug Lombardi
  • Randy Lundeen
  • Scott Lynch
  • Ido Magal
  • Gary McTaggart
  • John Morello II
  • Bryn Moslow
  • Gabe Newell
  • Tri Nguyen
  • Jake Nicholson
  • Martin Otten
  • Kristen Perry
  • Bay Raitt
  • Alfred Reynolds
  • Dave Riller
  • Danika Rogers
  • David Sawyer
  • Aaron Seeler
  • Nick Shaffner
  • Taylor Sherman
  • Eric Smith
  • David Speyrer
  • Jay Stelly
  • Jeremy Stone
  • Mikel Thompson
  • Kelly Thornton
  • Carl Uhlman
  • Bill Van Buren
  • KayLee Vogt
  • Robin Walker
  • Josh Weier
  • Doug Wood
  • Matt T. Wood
  • Matt Wright


  • Robert Guillaume - Dr. Eli Vance
  • Robert Culp - Dr. Wallace Breen
  • Lou Gossett, Jr. - Vortigaunt
  • Michelle Forbes - Dr. Judith Mossman
  • Merle Dandridge - Alyx Vance
  • Mike Shapiro - Barney Calhoun
  • Mike Shapiro - Gman
  • Harry S. Robins - Dr. Isaac Kleiner
  • Jim French - Father Grigori
  • John Patrick Lowrie - Citizens\Misc. characters
  • Mary Kae Irvin - Citizens\Misc. characters
  • Ellen McLain - Overwatch

Voice Casting:

  • Shana Landsburg\Teri Fiddleman

Voice Recording:

  • Pure Audio, Seattle, WA
  • LA Studios, LA, CA

Voice recording scheduling and logistics:

  • Pat Cockburn, Pure Audio


  • SDL

Crack Legal Team:

  • Liam Lavery
  • Jason Holtman
  • Karl Quackenbush
  • Kristen Boraas
  • Kevin Rosenfield
  • Alan Bruggeman
  • Dennis Tessier

Thanks to the following for the use of their faces:

  • Jamil Mullen
  • Art Min
  • Larry 'The Count' Heard
  • Ted Cohrt
  • Roger Guay
  • Frank Sheldon
  • Travis Dunlop
  • Daniel Dociu
  • Van Crowder
  • Joey Paresa
  • Chau Luu
  • Kim Harris-Jones
  • Michael S. Smith
  • Joe Cairo
  • Naomi Cotton
  • Sandro Consi
  • Lakeetra Gilbert
  • Erdin Grcic
  • Kanisha Speyrer
  • Warren Slough

Special thanks to everyone at:

  • Alienware
  • ATI
  • Dell
  • Falcon Northwest
  • Havok
  • and Don Kemmis, SLK Technologies


  • For more Half-Life 2 bugs, see this GitHub page.

This section only list various bugs that are commonly encountered.

Unresolved bugs


Resolved bugs

Missing lighting on LDR / LDR with Bloom
Previous version of Half-Life 2 from 2010 to 2023 lacks LDR lighting on multiple game levels (starting from Black Mesa East (d1_eli_01) until the end of Nova Prospekt). This means that if HDR is disabled (by selecting "None" or "Bloom only" in HDR settings), mat_fullbright will be set to 1, disabling lighting and making everything bright and flat (relevant GitHub issue). Because of this, HDR is required to play the game until this is fixed.
This issue is not affected in the previous version of the game (which uses an older version of Source (Source 2006) and all of the maps lighting are compiled in LDR only), and is fixed in Half-Life 2: Update, aswell as 20th Anniversary update.
Dropship NPC gun broken
There was a bug with the Dropship's gun that was unable to turn, this makes the Sandtraps chapter much easier.[2] This bug was introduced with Source 2007 engine branch and later, affecting both the console release of the game on X360/PS3 (remains unfixed) and later in 2010 with the Source 2009 engine update on Mac & PC release.
Fixed in the current Steam version since 2022's the Steam Deck update of Half-Life 2. However, there are many third-party Source mods (including Half-Life 2: Update, Synergy, etc...) which may or may not include this fix, plus the Source SDK Base 2013 code also does not include this fix by default; this page details how to fix it in your mod.

Other limitations

Icon-Important.pngImportant:The macOS (OS X) version of this game does not work on macOS Catalina (version 10.15) or later due to the removal of support for 32-bit-only apps.

As of May 26, 2010 (Mac), and later June 2010 on Windows, the branch of Source under which Half-Life 2 originally ran on Source 2006 no longer exists on Steam, and subsequently replaced by the updated Source 2009 (which later was upgraded again to Source 2013). Very old mods which base themselves directly on the game (as opposed to Source SDK Base) are unlikely to work any more.
This also meant that support for running Half-Life 2 on Windows 9x/ME/2000 have been also dropped.

The console port of the game for original Xbox, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 (on The Orange Box), no longer received any updates or bug fixes.

Technical notes

  • In the 2006 version of the game, being underwater at d1_canals_01, or in some area on that same map can cause performance drops. Fixed since 2010 with the engine update.
  • Although Source mods are often described as being "for Half-Life 2", they actually use the Source SDK Base. SDK Base is available to anyone who owns any Valve Source game and provides all of Half-Life 2's content (except maps and vcd scenes) on a static branch of the engine.
  • The Half-Life 2 Collectors Edition, which ships with the 2004 version of the game, does not require Steam to run or update (similar to the latest version), which means that it will run on older systems with Windows 2000 and earlier. Since around 2010 or 2013, Half-Life 2 no longer requires Steam to run after installing it through Steam, but features such as Achievements will be unavailable.
  • The 64-bit Windows version of Half-Life 2, which existed around 2005-2006, is no longer available.

System Requirements

Windows (Old Engine):

Windows (New Engine):

  • OS: Vista, 7 or later
  • CPU:1.7 GHz and/or Dual-core
  • Disk space: 15 GB
  • GPU (pre-20th): NVIDIA GeForce 6 series, ATI Radeon X1600, Intel HD Graphics 3000 (with 128MB VRAM)
  • GPU (post-20th): NVIDIA GeForce 200 series, ATI Radeon 4000 series, Intel HD Graphics 4000 (with 128MB VRAM)
  • Direct3D 9.0 compatible video card (with atleast DirectX 8.0 or higher feature level) and 128MB VRAM
  • Other: If you play the previous version of the game (from 2010 to 2023, or New Engine pre-20th anniversary) and run on DirectX 8.0 mode or having HDR disabled, the game will have issues with fullbright lighting due to Valve forgot to compile the maps with both LDR + HDR lighting. This issue has been fixed with 20th anniversary update. Also, if your game runs on DirectX 8 level by default, visit this page for fix.
Note.pngNote:The latest version is no longer compatible with XP since the 2022 Steam Deck update.
User using Windows XP can downgrade to previous version of the game by using the previous beta branch (dated from Sep 2019). But please note that this older branch does not include all the bug fixes that were introduced with Steam Deck update.

Users with Collector's Edition copies (which runs on Source 2004), can still play the game without Steam (or on Windows 98/ME/2000 which no longer support Steam and newer versions of HL2).

Note.pngNote:Original disk requirements are 6.5 GB prior to 20th Anniversary Update, which installs Half-Life 2: Episode One and Half-Life 2: Episode Two content alongside Half-Life 2 and thus increase disk space requirements.

Additionally with 20th anniversary update, the highest settings will be more demanding to run on older hardware due to changes to 3D skybox in some maps (Sandtraps, d2_coast_10) aswell as LOD being disabled.

Note.pngNote:Due to Steam dropped support on Windows XP/Vista, users need run the game without Steam by running the hl2.exe executable directly.


  • OS X 10.5.8, 10.6.3 (up to 10.14.6)
  • CPU: 2.0 GHz and/or Dual-core
  • RAM: 1 GB
  • Storage: 15 GB
  • GPU: NVIDIA GeForce 8xxx series, ATI Radeon X1600, Intel HD Graphics 3000
    OpenGL 2.1 compatible
  • Audio: OpenAL compatible
  • Other: HDR is required to be enabled (steam_legacy/previous branch only)
Note.pngNote:Mac version are no longer supported after macOS Catalina (10.15), due to this game only have 32-bit binaries, meaning that Half-Life 2 will not work out of the box. Valve later removed macOS binaries in June 12, 2024.

User can manually build Intel 64-bit/Apple Silicon version of HL2 by following this guide. Additionally, the above 64-bit/Apple Silicon version currently does not work with 20th anniversary update yet.


  • OS: Ubuntu 12.04, SteamOS 1.0 or later
    Other Linux distros supported.
  • CPU: 2.0 GHz and/or Dual-core
  • RAM: 1 GB
  • Storage: 15 GB
  • GPU: NVIDIA GeForce 8xxx series, ATI Radeon X1600, Intel HD Graphics 3000
    OpenGL 2.1 compatible
  • Audio: OpenAL compatible
  • Other: For steam_legacy/previous branch, HDR would be required.
Note.pngNote:The system requirements for Half-Life 2 Half-Life 2 on Linux are unofficial, based off Windows/Mac info, as well as other Source games that support Linux, such as Portal 2.

See also

  • Half-Life 2 level design
  • Half-Life 2: Update - a fan-made Steam-released mod aimed at bug-fixing and giving the game a mild visual upgrade. It is no longer recommended for most users since most of the bug fixes have already been fixed in Half-Life 2 itself, and Half-Life 2: Update does not include any new fixes introduced in later versions of Half-Life 2.
  • Synergy - a fan-made Steam-released co-op mod that allows users to play the entire Half-Life 2's campaign with multiplayer.
  • Category:Source mods

External links


2. User:leonidakarlach (June 10, 2024). YouTube logo Half-Life 2 - The one Dropship gun bug that ruins the Sandtraps chapter (Now fixed). YouTube.
Note.pngNote:The bugs shown on the video are recorded from Half-Life 2: Update Half-Life 2: Update (both unpatched and unofficially patched), but these also applies to original version of Half-Life 2 Half-Life 2 (since 2007 for consoles, 2010 for PC, was fixed on PC in 2022).
  Retrieved June 10, 2024.