VSIF2VCD is a command line scenes.image extractor/decompiler.
In the command line, type VSIF2VCD "game directory"
Game directory is where gameinfo.txt is located.
The game directory must include the following files:
- scenes/scenes.image
- maplist.txt - a text file listing all maps in the game, with Windows line separator.
- maps/<map name>.bsp or maps/<map name>_l_0.lmp - for each map in maplist.txt.
Because scenes.image stores scene names as CRC hashes, map files are needed for the decompiler to name extracted scene files correctly. Otherwise, scenes will be extracted with unreadable names like a00dba79.vcd
With the changes in SlawekNowy's github fork, VCDs can now be extracted via script files such as response_rules.txt and items_game.txt, located in the scripts folder where gameinfo.txt is located. It is no longer required to have a maplist and maps for extracting scenes.image vcds, but you should include it anyways as some vcds are only referenced in maps. Likewise, the opposite is also true. Some vcds are only referenced in script files in the scripts folder of the game you are trying to extract the scenes.image from.
If all maps were parsed correctly, you should see correctly-named scenes in your game's "scenes" directory, along with some hex-named scenes that weren't found on any map (if there are any).
- 1.1 (April 23, 2012)
- Replaced division with multiplication to possibly increase accuracy.
External links
- Download source code of SlawekNowy's github fork
- Download compiled build of SlawekNowy's github fork
- Download binaries and source code
- Author's Valve Developer Community and Steam profile