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Stubs are extremely short articles that do not have a sufficient amount of useful information. Stubs are often created by people who cannot find the topic they are looking for. In that case, please add what little information you do know, instead of leaving a page blank.
Stubs should be expanded to provide relevant or useful information, as quickly as possible.
To mark an article as a stub, insert the {{Stub}} template in it.
See Category:Stub categories for a list of all stub categories.
This category has the following 18 subcategories, out of 18 total.
- Black Mesa level design (2 P)
- Camera (14 P)
- GoldSrc Level Design (22 P)
- GoldSrc Modeling (empty)
- GoldSrc SDK FAQ (empty)
- HL2DM level design (1 P)
- Hr/Glossary (10 P)
- Level Design/Source 2 (4 P)
- Portal Continuity (4 P)
- Publicity & Publication (17 P)
- Svengine engine branch games (empty)
- VMT Editor (8 P)
Pages in category "Stubs"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,646 total.
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- $allowdiffusemodulation
- $allowrootlods
- $alpha
- $alwayscollapse
- $blendtintbybasealpha
- $burning
- $calctransitions
- $clampworldspace
- $collisionmodel
- $forcephonemecrossfade
- $halflambert gbuffer off
- $layertint1
- $maxeyedeflection
- $maxfogdensityscalar
- $metalness
- $motionrollback
- $mraotexture
- $multipass
- $no draw
- $noforcedfade
- $parallax
- $parallaxmap
- $root
- $warpindex
- A Frayed Stitch in Time
- Absence
- Action: Source
- Add Non-Steam Game
- Adding Ammo To Weapons
- Adding Credits To Your Map
- Adding More Detail to a map (Black Mesa)
- AddOutput (Source 2)
- Admin Slowhacking
- Adrenaline Gamer
- Advanced elevators
- Afraid of Monsters
- Aftershock
- Ai ally speech manager
- Ai goal fightfromcover
- AI Visually Interesting
- Airlock
- Akella
- Alien Swarm Mapper's Reference
- Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop
- Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop/Scripting
- Alpha
- Particle System Operators/Alpha Fade Out Simple
- Particle System Operators/Alpha Random
- Amalgam
- AngularImpulse
- ANIMATE (macro)
- Animated cursor
- Animated follower
- Animating and compiling a Posture
- Animation Events
- User:Another OWL/Sandbox/Future version of the article
- Antfarm: Source
- Aperture Desk Job
- Aperture Tag: The Paint Gun Testing Initiative
- Apex Legends
- Applying Materials
- Apprehension
- Areaportal
- Arena (level design)
- Arms Race (HL:A chapter)
- Artifact
- Asw ammo rifle
- Asw debrief info
- Asw emitter
- Asw holdout mode
- Asw holdout spawner
- Asw info message
- Asw marine
- Asw polytest
- Asw trigger fall
- Asw vehicle jeep
- Attachment points for HL2
- Authoring your first weapon entity
- AVIKit
- Base Tint
- Base.fgd/Source 2004
- Baseportalcombatweapon
- Batch Compiler
- BEE2
- Binary VDF
- Black Consequences
- Black Mesa (Source)/Black Mesa Inbound
- Black Mesa (Source)/Endgame
- Black Mesa Inbound
- Black Mesa Sky List
- Black Operations
- Black Sheep
- Blade Symphony
- Boomer
- Bot
- Bot hint sniper spot
- Valve Developer Community:Bot tasks
- Botrix
- BrainBread
- Breachcharge projectile
- Breaking and Entering
- BrushForge
- BSP (GoldSrc)
- BSP (Quake II)
- BSP (Quake)
- BSP (Source)/Game-Specific
- BSP Content Extraction
- BSP Content Extraction (GoldSrc)
- BSP Decompilation
- BSP Decompiler 005
- BSP Initialization
- BSP2
- Bspguy
- BSPSource
- Budget
- C BaseEntity
- Calc position (GoldSrc)
- Calc ratio (GoldSrc)
- Calc subvelocity (GoldSrc)
- Calc velocity path (GoldSrc)
- Calc velocity polar (GoldSrc)
- User:Campaignjunkie/Pacing
- Campo Santo
- Can't find steam app user info
- Cannot build default cubemaps error
- Captivity
- Capture the flag
- Causality Effect
- CBaseAnimating
- CBaseAnimating (GoldSrc)
- CBaseAnimatingOverlay
- CBaseCombatCharacter
- CBaseEntity (GoldSrc)
- CBasePlayer
- CCExporter
- CFuncBrush
- CG
- Changing the viewmodel bob
- Character (shader)
- Cheap
- Chell
- Chisel
- Civil Protection
- Cl downloadfilter
- Classname
- ClickandBuy Preview bugs
- Client plugins
- ClientPutInServerOverride
- CLight
- Clipnode
- CNodeEnt
- CNPC EnemyFinder
- CNPC EnemyFinderCombineCannon
- Particle System Operators/Color Random
- Combine Overwatch
- Comparison of BSP decompilers (GoldSrc)
- CompileBlockLOS
- CompileClip
- CompileFog
- CompileNonSolid
- CompilePassBullets
- CompileSlime
- CompileWater
- Compiling under VS2022
- Concept
- Configuring Hammer for Half-Life
- Context
- ConVar
- Counter-Strike (Xbox) engine branch
- Counter-Strike 2 Workshop Tools/Level Design/Smartprops
- Counter-Strike 2 Workshop Tools/Materials
- Counter-Strike 2 Workshop Tools/Materials/Material Creation
- Counter-Strike 2 Workshop Tools/Materials/Material Creation/Csgo Complex
- Counter-Strike 2 Workshop Tools/Reference
- Counter-Strike 2 Workshop Tools/Weapon Finishes
- Counter-Strike 2/Dedicated Servers
- Counter-Strike Neo
- Counter-Strike Nexon
- Counter-Strike Online
- Counter-Strike: Condition Zero
- Counter-Strike: Condition Zero engine branch
- Counter-Strike: Global Offensive/Authoring Tools
- Counter-Strike: Global Offensive/Dedicated Servers
- Crafty
- Crate
- Creating a 50 Cal Machine Gun
- Creating a squadslot
- Creating an Effectscript model
- Creating an NPC