Csgo Complex

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Csgo Complex is a commonly used shader in Counter-Strike 2, usually used on props, non blendable textures, or emissive textures. Page is loosely organized based on how it appears in Material Editor.
Material Variables
- Color (Image Input) - Diffuse color texture for this layer. Typically you will want to remove any baked in lighting information from this texture.
- Image Suffix: _color
- Color Tint (Color Input) - Multiplies the specified color over the entire layer.
- Tex Coord Center (Ranges: 0.000 - 1.000) - Controls where the center of the texture should be.
- Left Box - U coord, sets X position.
- Right Box - V coord, sets Y position.
- Tex Coord Scale (Ranges: 0.000 - 100.000) - Adjusts the U and V scale for this layer.
- Left Box - U coord, sets X scale.
- Right Box - V coord, sets Y scale.
- Tex Coord Rotation (Range: -360.000 - 360.000) - Rotates the texture.
- Tex Coord Offset (Ranges: 0.000 - 1.000) - Offsets the UVs for this map by the specified values.
- Left Box - U coord, sets X offset.
- Right Box - V coord, sets Y offset.
- Tex Coord Scroll Speed (Ranges: -10.000 - 10.000) - Will make the texture continually move in the direction set. Setting both will move the texture diagonally.
- Left Box - U coord, scrolls the texture on the X axis.
- Right Box - V coord, scrolls the texture on the Y axis.
- Scale TexCoord U By Model Scale Axis - When the model is scaled in Hammer, depending on the axis set here, will scale the texture proportionally on the so there's no squashing or stretching of the texutre.
- UV.u*model.x
- UV.u*model.y
- UV.u*model.z
- Scale TexCoord V By Model Scale Axis - When the model is scaled in Hammer, depending on the axis set here, will scale the texture proportionally on the so there's no squashing or stretching of the texutre.
- UV.v*model.x
- UV.v*model.y
- UV.v*model.z
- Tint Mask (Image Input) - Grayscale mask texture that controls which areas should be color tinted. Black = no tinting. White = full tinting. You can specify the color tint directly using the 'color tint' attribute in the material - or more usefully use the 'color' attribute in Hammer to adjust the color tint on a per-instance basis.
- Image Suffix: _mask

Texture Animation (Appears When Texture Animation is Toggled)
- Animation Grid - [Clarify]
- Num Animation Cells - [Clarify]
- Animation Time Per Frame - [Clarify]
- Animation Time Offset - [Clarify]
- Animation Frame - [Clarify]
Translucent (Appears When Toggled)
Controls how transparency looks on the material. Alpha Test is hard edge and only 0 or 1 in terms of what is and isn't see through. Translucency is a range, and can be semi see through.
- When Alpha Test is Enabled
- Alpha Test Reference (Range: 0.010 - 0.990)
- Alpha Test Reference (Range: 0.010 - 0.990)
For 'alpha test' (1bit) alpha textures this adjusts the cutoff point between 100% transparent and 100% opaque. Useful, particularly, when the alpha test surface is disappearing at lower mip levels.
- Anti Aliased Edge Strength (Range: 0.000 - 1.000)
- When Translucent is Enabled
- Opacity Scale (Range: 0.000 - 1.000)
- Translucency (Image Input)
- Image Suffix: _trans
- Normal (Image Input)
- Image Suffix: _normal
- Roughness (Image Input)
- Image Suffix: _rough
Controls color tinting of the specular highlites. The tint color is based on the underlying diffuse color texture. Typically used for metal materials but is useful on all surfaces when used sparingly.
- Metalness - Controls the metalness for the whole texture. (Range 0.000 - 1.00)
- Metalness (Image Input)
- Image Suffix: _metal

Decal Texture (Appears When Toggled)
- Decal (Image Input)
- Image Suffix: _decal
- Decal Translucency (Image Input)
- Image Suffix: _trans
Ambient Occlusion
- Ambient Occlusion (Image Input)
- Image Suffix: _ao
- Use Secondary Uv For Ambient Occlusion - Whether to use the secondary UV for the ambient occlusion

Self Illum (Appears When Toggled)
- Self Illum Mask (Image Input) - Mask texture that controls what portions of the surface are illuminated.
- Image Suffix: _selfillum
- Self Illum Tint - A color multiplier applied over the masked self illuminated areas.
- Self Illum Scale - How bright the self illumination is. A value of 1 will effectively make the surface fullbright in the areas indicated by the self illum mask. Values greater than 1 will boost the self illum effect - pushing the color values towards white.
- Self Illum Scroll Speed - [Clarify]
- Left Box - [Clarify], U Coord
- Right Box - [Clarify], V Coord
- Self Illum Albedo Factor - How much the albedo will color the emission.
- Self Illum Brightness (Range: 0.000 - 10.000) - How bright the emission is. The emission can be further boosted in hammer under the objects properties.
Detail Texture (Appears When Toggled)
- Detail (Image Input)
- Image Suffix: _detail

- Detail Normal (Image Input)
- Image Suffix: _normal

- Detail Normal Strength - [Clarify] (Range: 0.000 - 1.000)
- Detail Blend Factor - [Clarify] (Range: 0.000 - 1.000)
- Tex Coord Scale - Adjusts the U and V scale for this layer.
- Left Box - [Clarify], U coord, multiplier, any number.
- Right Box - [Clarify], V coord, multiplier, any number.
- Tex Coord Rotation - Rotates the texture. Range is -360 to +360
- Detail Mask (Image Input)
- Image Suffix: _detailmask
- Detail Tex Coord Offset - [Clarify]
- Left Box - [Clarify], U Coord (Range: 0.000 - 1.00)
- Right Box - [Clarify], V Coord (Range: 0.000 - 1.00)
- Detail Blend To Full - [Clarify] (Range: 0.000 - 1.00)
- Use Secondary Uv For Detail Mask - [Clarify]
- Use Secondary Uv For Detail Texture - [Clarify]
- Fog Enabled - Choose whether or not material is affected by fog.
Texture Address Mode
- Address Mode U - [Clarify]
- Wrap - [Clarify]
- Mirror - [Clarify]
- Clamp - [Clarify]
- Border - [Clarify]
- MirrorOnce - [Clarify]
- Address Mode V - [Clarify]
- Wrap - [Clarify]
- Mirror - [Clarify]
- Clamp - [Clarify]
- Border - [Clarify]
- MirrorOnce - [Clarify]
Transmission (Appears When Toggled)
- Transmissive Color (Image Input)
- Image Suffix: _color

Shader Features
- Do Not Cast Shadows - Disables shadows being cast from this material.
2-Sided Rendering
- Render Backfaces - Disables culling on backfaces.
- Don't Flip Backface Normals - Doesn't flip the backfaces normals, when Render Backfaces is enabled.
- Disable Z Buffering - [Clarify]
- Depth Bias - [Clarify]
- Occlusion Culling Bounds Scale - [Clarify]
- When Enabled: Adds a variable multiplier with a range of 1.000 - 100.000
- Disable Z Prepass - [Clarify]
- Alpha Test - [Clarify]
- Translucent - [Clarify]
- Additive Blend - [Clarify]
Per-Instance Tint Mask
- Tint Mask - When enabled, adds a Tint Mask section to the Color variable.
- Anistropic Gloss - [Clarify]
- Self Illum - [Clarify]
- Metalness Texture - When enabled, adds an image input to the Metalness variable.
- Transmissive Backface Ndotl - Enables the use of lighting passing through the backfaces of the mesh this material is applied to, while also lighting up the same mesh as well.
- Use Albedo for Transmissive - [Clarify]
- Disable Transmissive Shadows - [Clarify]
- Cloth Shading - [Clarify]
Detail Texture
- Detail Texture - [Clarify]
- None - [Clarify]
- Mod2x - [Clarify]
- Overlay - [Clarify]
- Normals - [Clarify]
- Overlay and Normals - [Clarify]
Secondary UV
- Secondary Uv - Enable use of the second UV, if one exists on the model. This can then be used for Ambient Occlusion, Detail Texture, or Decal Texture.
- Texture Animation - [Clarify]
- Texture Animation Mode - [Clarify]
- Sequential - [Clarify]
- Random - [Clarify]
- Scripted - [Clarify]
Decal Texture
- Decal Texture - Enables Decal Texture Variable.
Decal Blend Mode
- Decal Blend Mode - [Clarify]
Vertex Color
- Paint Vertex Colors - Allows the material to be painted with Vertex Colors inside Hammer.
- Ignore Face Normals for Lighting - [Clarify]