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Bug:Does not work correctly in some games (need to use separate %CompileClip brushes instead):
Confirm:A custom VBSP which applies CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP and CONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP instead of CONTENTS_GRATE (without applying SURF_NODRAW and SURF_NOLIGHT, unlike %CompileClip) would probably function as intended in these games.
[todo tested in ?]
Confirm:Seems to act oddly in regards to casting lightmap shadows; see talk page.
For models, see $contents grate.
Adding this VMT parameter to a material to make VBSP flag the brush contents as CONTENTS_GRATE, causing the brush to be non-solid to hitscan traces, such as bullets. Useful for foliage or metal grates.

Example code:
if ( ( propVal = GetMaterialVar( matID, "%compileClipYesDraw" ) ) && StringIsTrue( propVal ) )
// like %compilePassBullets, but works in CS:S and TF2
// NOTE: This has effects on visibility too!
textureref[i].contents &= ~CONTENTS_SOLID;