This article's documentation is for the "GoldSrc" engine. Click here for more information.


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(only in GoldSrc)(not in Source(except'in Source 2004))
Used to set the current working directory for the QC script.

Icon-Important.pngImportant:(in all games since Source 2006) For Source Source, starting directory is inferred to be QC file location, with $pushd and $popd being used to change the directory instead.


$cd "path/to/files/"

The default working directory will be the folder of the .qc file.


  • The path should be a full or relative path on the file system.


//brass shell model for GoldSrc

$cd "." // use same directory as QC file $modelname "shell.mdl" $cdtexture "." // look for textures in same folder as QC file $body "Shell" "shell"

$sequence "idle" "shell"