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Class hierarchy

CBaseAnimating is the C++ class from which all entities with models inherit, even if they don't actually move.

Icon-Important.pngImportant:Following Keyvalues / Inputs / Outputs are available for all entities that inherit this class, but may be overwritten by game code.

Keyvalue handling

Doesn't override CBaseEntity's KeyValue function so no special keys are present. Keyfields ↓, Input keys ↓, Outputs ↓


m_nBody <FIELD_INTEGER> (body)

m_nHitboxSet <FIELD_INTEGER> (hitboxset)

m_nSequence <FIELD_INTEGER> (sequence)

m_flPlaybackRate <FIELD_FLOAT> (playbackrate)

m_flCycle <FIELD_FLOAT> (cycle)

m_iszLightingOrigin <FIELD_STRING> (LightingOrigin)

m_iszLightingOriginRelative (not in Left 4 Dead series)<FIELD_STRING> (LightingOriginHack)

m_bSuppressAnimSounds (in Portal 2)<FIELD_BOOLEAN> (SuppressAnimSounds)

Note.pngNote:The modelscale key is present in all games before Left 4 Dead, it's not in Left 4 Dead 2 and then since Alien Swarm ModelScale key is present (the casing doesn't affect anything)

m_flModelScale (not in Left 4 Dead)<FIELD_FLOAT> (modelscale)

Note.pngNote:m_flFadeScale along with m_fadeMinDist/m_fadeMaxDist were removed from CBaseAnimating and moved to CBaseEntity class so they are available to all entities

m_flFadeScale (removed since Left 4 Dead)<FIELD_FLOAT> (fadescale)


Input keys

m_nSkin <FIELD_INTEGER> (skin)

m_nBody <FIELD_INTEGER> (SetBodyGroup)

m_nBody ↑
Note.pngNote:m_fadeMinDist/m_fadeMaxDist were removed from CBaseAnimating and moved to CBaseEntity class so they are available to all entities

m_fadeMinDist (removed since Left 4 Dead)<FIELD_FLOAT> (fademindist)

m_fadeMaxDist (removed since Left 4 Dead)<FIELD_FLOAT> (fademaxdist)

Input functions

Ignite <FIELD_VOID> linked function: InputIgnite

description todo

IgniteLifetime <FIELD_FLOAT> linked function: InputIgniteLifetime

description todo

IgniteNumHitboxFires (removed since Left 4 Dead 2)<FIELD_INTEGER> linked function: InputIgniteNumHitboxFires

description todo

IgniteHitboxFireScale (removed since Left 4 Dead 2)<FIELD_FLOAT> linked function: InputIgniteHitboxFireScale

description todo
Note.pngNote:Since Left 4 Dead 2 following two inputs call the same function that Ignite input calls

IgniteNumHitboxFires (in all games since Left 4 Dead 2)<FIELD_INTEGER> linked function: InputIgnite

description todo

IgniteHitboxFireScale (in all games since Left 4 Dead 2)<FIELD_FLOAT> linked function: InputIgnite

description todo

BecomeRagdoll <FIELD_VOID> linked function: InputBecomeRagdoll

description todo

SetModel (only in Team Fortress 2)<FIELD_STRING> linked function: InputSetModel

description todo

SetCycle (only in Team Fortress 2)<FIELD_FLOAT> linked function: InputSetCycle

description todo

SetPlaybackRate (only in Team Fortress 2)<FIELD_FLOAT> linked function: InputSetPlaybackRate

description todo

SetLightingOriginHack (not in Left 4 Dead series)<FIELD_STRING> linked function: InputSetLightingOriginRelative

description todo

SetModelScale (removed since Left 4 Dead)<FIELD_VECTOR> linked function: InputSetModelScale

description todo

SetLightingOrigin <FIELD_STRING> linked function: InputSetLightingOrigin

description todo


m_OnIgnite <COutputEvent> (OnIgnite)

m_OnFizzled (in Portal 2)<COutputEvent> (OnFizzled)

Other fields

Keyless fields

m_flGroundSpeed <FIELD_FLOAT>

m_flLastEventCheck <FIELD_TIME>

m_bSequenceFinished <FIELD_BOOLEAN>

m_bSequenceLoops <FIELD_BOOLEAN>


m_bClientSideAnimation <FIELD_BOOLEAN>

m_bClientSideFrameReset <FIELD_BOOLEAN>

m_nNewSequenceParity <FIELD_INTEGER>

m_nResetEventsParity <FIELD_INTEGER>

m_nMuzzleFlashParity <FIELD_CHARACTER>

m_hLightingOrigin <FIELD_EHANDLE>

m_flDissolveStartTime <FIELD_TIME>

m_fBoneCacheFlags <FIELD_SHORT>

m_flFrozen (in all games since Left 4 Dead 2)<FIELD_FLOAT>

m_flFrozenThawRate (in all games since Left 4 Dead 2)<FIELD_FLOAT>

m_flFrozenMax (in all games since Left 4 Dead 2)<FIELD_FLOAT>

m_hLightingOriginRelative (not in Left 4 Dead series)<FIELD_EHANDLE>

m_flModelWidthScale (only in Left 4 Dead)<FIELD_FLOAT>

Array fields

m_flPoseParameter[24] <FIELD_FLOAT>

m_flEncodedController[4] <FIELD_FLOAT>

Custom fields


Entity debugging


Additional information added to ent_text overlay by this class

  • Sequence: (<sequence number>) <sequence name>
  • Activity: <activity name> (only if there is one)
  • Cycle: <cycle> (<animation time>)

exact format:

"Sequence: (%3d) %s",GetSequence(), GetSequenceName( GetSequence() )
"Activity %s", GetSequenceActivityName(GetSequence()) (only if there is one) 
"Cycle: %.5f (%.5f)", (float)GetCycle(), m_flAnimTime.Get()