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Class hierarchy

CBaseAnimating is the C++ class from which all entities with models inherit, even if they don't actually move.

Icon-Important.pngImportant:Following Keyvalues / Inputs / Outputs are available for all entities that inherit this class, but may be overwritten by game code.


::KeyValue method

Doesn't override CBaseEntity's KeyValue method so no special keys are present. Keyfields ↓, Input keys ↓, Outputs ↓


m_nBody <FIELD_INTEGER> (body)

the active $bodygroup

m_nHitboxSet <FIELD_INTEGER> (hitboxset)

the active $hboxset [confirm][Elaborate?]

m_nSequence <FIELD_INTEGER> (sequence)

m_flPlaybackRate <FIELD_FLOAT> (playbackrate)

m_flCycle <FIELD_FLOAT> (cycle)

m_iszLightingOrigin <FIELD_STRING> (LightingOrigin)

m_iszLightingOriginRelative (not in Left 4 Dead series)<FIELD_STRING> (LightingOriginHack)

m_bSuppressAnimSounds (in Portal 2)<FIELD_BOOLEAN> (SuppressAnimSounds)

m_flModelScale (not in Left 4 Dead)<FIELD_FLOAT> (modelscale)

Note.pngNote:The modelscale key is present in all games before Left 4 Dead, it's not in Left 4 Dead 2 and then since Alien Swarm ModelScale key is present (the casing doesn't affect anything)

m_flFadeScale (removed since Left 4 Dead)<FIELD_FLOAT> (fadescale)

Note.pngNote:m_flFadeScale along with m_fadeMinDist/m_fadeMaxDist were removed from CBaseAnimating and moved to CBaseEntity class so they are available to all entities


Input keys

m_nSkin <FIELD_INTEGER> (skin)

The active skin

m_nBody <FIELD_INTEGER> (SetBodyGroup)

m_nBody ↑
Note.pngNote:m_fadeMinDist/m_fadeMaxDist were removed from CBaseAnimating and moved to CBaseEntity class so they are available to all entities

m_fadeMinDist (removed since Left 4 Dead)<FIELD_FLOAT> (fademindist)

m_fadeMaxDist (removed since Left 4 Dead)<FIELD_FLOAT> (fademaxdist)

Input functions

Ignite <FIELD_VOID> linked function: InputIgnite

description todo

IgniteLifetime <FIELD_FLOAT> linked function: InputIgniteLifetime

description todo

IgniteNumHitboxFires (removed since Left 4 Dead 2)<FIELD_INTEGER> linked function: InputIgniteNumHitboxFires

description todo

IgniteHitboxFireScale (removed since Left 4 Dead 2)<FIELD_FLOAT> linked function: InputIgniteHitboxFireScale

description todo
Note.pngNote:Since Left 4 Dead 2 following two inputs call the same function that Ignite input calls

IgniteNumHitboxFires (in all games since Left 4 Dead 2)<FIELD_INTEGER> linked function: InputIgnite

description todo

IgniteHitboxFireScale (in all games since Left 4 Dead 2)<FIELD_FLOAT> linked function: InputIgnite

description todo

BecomeRagdoll <FIELD_VOID> linked function: InputBecomeRagdoll

description todo

SetModel (only in Team Fortress 2)<FIELD_STRING> linked function: InputSetModel

description todo

SetCycle (only in Team Fortress 2)<FIELD_FLOAT> linked function: InputSetCycle

description todo

SetPlaybackRate (only in Team Fortress 2)<FIELD_FLOAT> linked function: InputSetPlaybackRate

description todo

SetLightingOriginHack (not in Left 4 Dead series)<FIELD_STRING> linked function: InputSetLightingOriginRelative

description todo

SetModelScale (removed since Left 4 Dead)<FIELD_VECTOR> linked function: InputSetModelScale

description todo

SetLightingOrigin <FIELD_STRING> linked function: InputSetLightingOrigin

description todo


m_OnIgnite <COutputEvent> (OnIgnite)

m_OnFizzled (in Portal 2)<COutputEvent> (OnFizzled)

Other fields

Keyless fields

m_flGroundSpeed <FIELD_FLOAT>

m_flLastEventCheck <FIELD_TIME>

m_bSequenceFinished <FIELD_BOOLEAN>

m_bSequenceLoops <FIELD_BOOLEAN>


m_bClientSideAnimation <FIELD_BOOLEAN>

m_bClientSideFrameReset <FIELD_BOOLEAN>

m_nNewSequenceParity <FIELD_INTEGER>

m_nResetEventsParity <FIELD_INTEGER>

m_nMuzzleFlashParity <FIELD_CHARACTER>

m_hLightingOrigin <FIELD_EHANDLE>

m_flDissolveStartTime <FIELD_TIME>

m_fBoneCacheFlags <FIELD_SHORT>

m_flFrozen (in all games since Left 4 Dead 2)<FIELD_FLOAT>

m_flFrozenThawRate (in all games since Left 4 Dead 2)<FIELD_FLOAT>

m_flFrozenMax (in all games since Left 4 Dead 2)<FIELD_FLOAT>

m_hLightingOriginRelative (not in Left 4 Dead series)<FIELD_EHANDLE>

m_flModelWidthScale (only in Left 4 Dead)<FIELD_FLOAT>

Array fields

m_flPoseParameter[24] <FIELD_FLOAT>

m_flEncodedController[4] <FIELD_FLOAT>

Custom fields


Entity debugging


Additional information added to ent_text overlay by this class

  • Sequence: (<sequence number>) <sequence name>
  • Activity: <activity name> (only if there is one)
  • Cycle: <cycle> (<animation time>)

exact format:

"Sequence: (%3d) %s",GetSequence(), GetSequenceName( GetSequence() )
"Activity %s", GetSequenceActivityName(GetSequence()) (only if there is one) 
"Cycle: %.5f (%.5f)", (float)GetCycle(), m_flAnimTime.Get()