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Vice is Valve's tool for ICE encryption, a trick used mainly to protect weapon script files from modification by server admins. Only its source code is included in the SDK. The compiled executable must be placed in the SDK's bin\<engine>\bin\ folder to run.

Tip.pngTip:You can find and set the encryption key for your mod in your GameRules' GetEncryptionKey() function. All keys must be eight characters long! Valve keys can be found on ICE page.


vice [-quiet] [-nopause] [-encrypt key] [-decrypt key] [-newext name] file ...

Don't print anything out, don't pause for input.
Don't pause for input.
Encrypt files with given key.
Decrypt files with given key.
New output file extension.


Todo: Is this still a problem today?

Most users who try Steam will get a problematic SteamAppId error. This is due to Steam filesystem update inconsistency. It stripped one word from the gameinfo.txt and didn't notify anyone. In order to use these Steam applications you must go to the root folder of your mod or the game you want to modify, and change ToolsAppID to AppID. This will allow you to use both versions of vice and a few more programs like mdldecompiler. You must also make sure that your mod or game is selected in vconfig. If you edit your mod's gameinfo file and have Half-Life 2 selected in vconfig you will not be doing much.

If you are decrypting Valve games and not your own mods, then you will have to make this change each time you want to use vice or any other applications that give the same message. For each time you run say, Day of Defeat: Source, it creates a new GameInfo.txt file that still include Tools.


See also

External links