User talk:Fitzroy doll/entities
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Wow thanks this looks very useful :) Bookmarked --:Jenkins08 11:13, 18 April 2009 (UTC)
Unknown entities: HL2, EP1 and EP2
Using batch commands, I have tested every Base and HL2 fgd entity in HL2, EP1, and EP2. This generated the following lists. If an entity is in the list, then the ent_info command could not create the entity. In some cases, this will be due to the entity being available only during vbsp compile and not during runtime (such as prop_static). In other cases it is because the entity does not exist in that version of the game. At this point I do not attempt to differentiate between the two and am simply dumping this here for reference.
Unknown entities at runtime:
- ai_goal_injured_follow
- ai_goal_operator
- ai_npc_eventresponsesystem
- color_correction
- color_correction_volume
- env_cubemap
- env_particle_performance_monitor
- env_projectedtexture
- env_rotorwash
- env_screeneffect
- env_sprite_oriented
- env_tonemap_controller
- env_viewpunch
- filter_activator_mass_greater
- filter_combineball_type
- filter_enemy
- func_bulletshield
- func_detail
- func_fish_pool
- func_reflective_glass
- func_tank_combine_cannon
- func_viscluster
- game_gib_manager
- hammer_updateignorelist
- info_darknessmode_lightsource
- info_lighting
- info_no_dynamic_shadow
- info_overlay
- info_overlay_transition
- info_particle_system
- info_radar_target
- info_radial_link_controller
- info_target_helicopter_crash
- info_target_vehicle_transition
- logic_achievement
- logic_active_autosave
- logic_branch_listener
- logic_playerproxy
- logic_scene_list_manager
- move_track
- npc_advisor
- npc_antlion_grub
- npc_blob
- npc_clawscanner
- npc_combine_cannon
- npc_crabsynth
- npc_enemyfinder_combinecannon
- npc_fastzombie_torso
- npc_fisherman
- npc_hunter
- npc_hunter_maker
- npc_magnusson
- npc_mortarsynth
- npc_puppet
- npc_spotlight
- npc_zombine
- point_bonusmaps_accessor
- point_combine_ball_launcher
- point_devshot_camera
- point_flesh_effect_target
- point_gamestats_counter
- point_posecontroller
- point_proximity_sensor
- point_push
- point_velocitysensor
- prop_coreball
- prop_detail
- prop_scalable
- prop_static
- prop_vehicle_cannon
- prop_vehicle_choreo_generic
- script_tauremoval
- test_sidelist
- trigger_serverragdoll
- vgui_slideshow_display
- weapon_brickbat
- weapon_striderbuster
Unknown entities at runtime:
- env_cubemap
- env_particle_performance_monitor
- env_rotorwash
- env_sprite_oriented
- filter_activator_mass_greater
- func_bulletshield
- func_detail
- func_reflective_glass
- func_tank_combine_cannon
- func_viscluster
- hammer_updateignorelist
- info_lighting
- info_no_dynamic_shadow
- info_overlay
- info_overlay_transition
- info_particle_system
- info_radar_target
- info_target_helicopter_crash
- info_target_vehicle_transition
- logic_achievement
- logic_active_autosave
- move_track
- npc_advisor
- npc_blob
- npc_combine_cannon
- npc_crabsynth
- npc_enemyfinder_combinecannon
- npc_hunter
- npc_hunter_maker
- npc_magnusson
- npc_mortarsynth
- npc_puppet
- npc_spotlight
- point_bonusmaps_accessor
- point_flesh_effect_target
- point_gamestats_counter
- point_velocitysensor
- prop_detail
- prop_scalable
- prop_static
- script_tauremoval
- test_sidelist
- vgui_slideshow_display
- weapon_brickbat
- weapon_striderbuster
Unknown entities at runtime: