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概括性的地图制作系列 讨论你的想法——帮助我们写你需要的文章和想法 |
弹药 | 生物 | 蚁狮 | 光束和激光 | 线缆和绳子 | 动态的天空与云雾 | 颜色理论 | 战斗 | 联合军 | 门 | 尘土、雾、烟 | 升降机 | 关卡转换 | 环境光效、太阳、天气、室外 | 爆炸 | 火焰 | 植被 | 玻璃和窗户 | 梯子 | 光效 | 优化 | 物理 | 视网膜扫描仪 | 声效和音乐 | 特效 | 地形 | 火车 | 机枪塔 | 水 | 僵尸 |
- item_ammo_357 - .357 左轮手枪 的弹药。
- item_ammo_357_large
- item_ammo_ar2 - 联合军 AR2 步枪 的弹药。
- item_ammo_ar2_large
- item_ammo_ar2_altfire - AR2 的能量球。
- item_ammo_crate - 拥有无限特定种类弹药的弹药箱。
- item_ammo_crossbow - 十字弩 的弹药。
- item_ammo_pistol - 手枪 的弹药。
- item_ammo_pistol_large
- item_ammo_smg1 - SMG 的弹药。
- item_ammo_smg1_large
- item_ammo_smg1_grenade - SMG 的榴弹。
- item_box_buckshot - 霰弹枪 的弹药。
- item_rpg_round - RPG 的火箭弹。
- item_ammopack_full - Fully replenishes ammo to current class.
- item_ammopack_medium - Replenishes 50% of ammo.
- item_ammopack_small - Replenishes 25% of ammo.
- func_regenerate - Static object (usually used in spawn areas), replenishes all ammo.
- weapon_ammo_spawn - Reusable ammo pile that fully replenishes ammo.
- ammo_338mag - Bullets for the AWP .
- ammo_357sig - Bullets for the 228 Compact .
- ammo_45acp - Bullets for the 45 USP , Mac 10 and UMP45 .
- ammo_50ae - Bullets for the Desert Eagle .
- ammo_556mm - Bullets for the Galil , Famas , M4A1 , SIG SG552 and Krieg 552 .
- ammo_556mm_box - Bullets for the M249 .
- ammo_57mm - Bullets for the Five-Seven and P90 .
- ammo_762mm - Bullets for the AK-47 , GS/SG-1 and Scout .
- ammo_9mm - Bullets for the Dual Elites , Glock 18 , MP5 and TMP .
- ammo_buckshot - Bullets for the Benelli M3 and Benelli XM1014 .
Ammunition coding
- Adding New Ammotypes
- AmmoDef - defines types of hitscan ammunition
- Changing clip sizes - How to change the amount of ammo per magazine
- Changing max ammo in HL2 - How to change the maximum ammo the player can carry
- Magazine style reloads - How to implement a tactical-shooter style reload system where the player loses any ammo left in the magazine when reloading