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J.A.C.K. ("Just Another Creation Kit", initially Volatile Hammer Editor[1], previously Jackhammer, and commonly just Jack) is a map editor for games with a Quake-style BSP architecture. J.A.C.K. is heavily based on
Hammer, improving upon the experience from
Hammer 3.5 by adding many quality of life features inspired by those found in
Hammer 4.x,
Q3Radiant, and more[Clarify]
J.A.C.K. is available for free on its website. A paid version, with some extra features (including auto-update), is also available on Steam.

As J.A.C.K. exclusively uses Valve220 notation for exported MAP files (being the first editor to extend it for use with Quake II and
Quake III), a supported compiler is required. The following up-to-date compilers are recommended:
GoldSrc - VHLT v34 or VHLT forks
Quake (and
Hexen II) - ericw-tools
Quake II - see Quake MAP (file format)
id Tech 3 -
NetRadiant-Custom's Q3MAP2, or VeraVisions's VMAP
General Features
- Cross-platform editing (Windows and Linux)
- Large memory addressing (64-bit)
- Extensible via plugins
- Supports various game formats and resources
- Customizable color schemes
- Realtime texture effects (transparency, animation, scrolling)
- Improved decal rendering (Half-Life)
- Embedded shader editor (Quake III)
- Large map support (up to 262144 x 262144 units)
- Multiple VisGroups per object
- Textures bound to game configurations
- Loads resources on demand
- Dynamic sky rendering
- Supports curved surfaces (patches) from Quake III engine
2D View Features
- Background images with adjustable offset, scale, luminance, and filtering
- Selection while dragging in 3D view
3D View Features
- Selection while dragging objects
- Display of origins for models and sprites
- User camera placement, movement, deletion, saving, and loading
Entity Editing Features
- Smart mode improvements with preview of assigned key values
- Support for Hexen II
- VMF format import and export (beta)
- Triangulation of non-planar faces
- Incremental saving with version numbering
- Improved entity report with hidden entity management
- Advanced patch texturing functions
Other Features
- Tabs in Texture Browser
- Ability to hide triggers and unknown entities
- Texture axes locking during vertex manipulation
- Selection center display in status bar
- Tear-off mode for submenus
- Support for deformVertexes autosprite and autosprite2 in Quake 3 shaders
- Many more minor improvements
Additional Features (from previous versions)
- Compile maps within the editor (non-blocking)
- Automatic selection in 3D view
- Improved snap to grid functionality
- Preserve internal connections during copy/paste and clone operations
- Model viewer integration
- Extended FGD format for entity descriptions
- Autosave functionality
- Update checking
- Multilingual support (English, Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Polish)
- Precise model selection in 3D view
- Loading and rendering of portal (*.prt) and hull (*.p0-p3) files
- Assigning random yaw to entities
- Multiple texture fitting
- Texture replacement with scaling
- Context menus for entity creation
For more details, refer to the changelog[2].
- J.A.C.K. was used to make three of the four deathmatch maps that were added in
Half-Life's 25th Anniversary Update.
Contamination and
Rocket Frenzy were built using the free version (1.1.1064), and
Pool Party was built using the Steam version (1.1.2800).
J.A.C.K. comes with FGDs for the following games, which have been updated to take advantage of newer features:
Compilers are also included (except for VHLT on the Steam version), but are outdated; see note above.
See Category:GoldSrc FGDs and Category:Non-Valve engine FGDs for additional supported games.
External links
- Home page
- Website
- Download page
- Steam page
- HLFX Topic of first alpha.
- HLFX Topic of first announcement (Volatile Hammer Editor).
- List of J.A.C.K. features on official website.