
It is covered here for historical and technical reference.

Deathmatch is a game mode in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
This page is supposed to name technical details as well as useful commands and ConVars available for manipulation for this game mode.
A map is launched in this game mode by invoking game_type 1, game_mode 2 and map <mapname>
, or all in one command: map <mapname> dm
To play the Deathmatch variants Team vs Team or Free For All, you must also set sv_game_mode_flags to 4 or 32, respectively.
Game Mode Description
On official servers, this game mode is played as follows:
- The game is one perpetual round of 10 minutes where players respawn anywhere on the map.
- Players make a sound when spawning and are invulnerable for some seconds during which they can buy any primary weapon, any secondary weapon and/or the Zeus x27. The immunity also ends after moving or +attacking.
- Kills grant points, depending on the weapon type and if it is currently the bonus weapon.
- Players killing three enemies in a row are given a weapon_healthshot.
- A player wins by scoring the highest when the game ends.
Map Requirements

Actually, none.
In maps with no adjustments for Deathmatch, the game uses random spawns across the map. This is OK, and can save the mapper's time. If there are areas where no spawn should be generated, use func_block_dm_spawns brushes.
If you don't want random spawns, create an info_map_parameters entity with the Disable Autogenerated DM Spawns?
property set to Yes
and place info_deathmatch_spawn entites across the map.
A second option is to use the default spawn points info_player_(counter)terrorist (like in Competitive and so on) by setting the
Use Normal Spawns in Deathmatch?
property to Yes

Game Mode Settings
The Deathmatch Values refer to csgo/cfg/gamemode_deathmatch.cfg
Player Spawns
In Deathmatch, the spawning mechanism is mainly manipulated through the ConVar mp_randomspawn
, which again is controlled by an info_map_parameters entity.
Console Variable | Deathmatch Value | Description |
ConCommand | Removes all info_player_deathmatch entities and re-generates them: {| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="background:rgba(0,0,0,0.05) ;float:no;margin-bottom:1em;margin-left:0;padding-right:0.5em;border:1px solid rgba(255,255,255,0.1); border-left:solid 1px #8bb9e0; padding-left:1em;" |

can result in different deathmatch spawns!
function, defined in the cs_nav_mesh.cpp
| mp_randomspawn
| 1
| Whether the game should generate and use random spawns, i.e. info_deathmatch_spawns. Setting this to a value other than 0 has the same effect as dm_reset_spawns
but does not remove existing spawns. The value determines a team that will spawn at these entities. The other players spawn as usual (normally at info_player_(counter)terrorist entities).
- 0: None
- 1: Both teams
- 2: Terrorists
- 3: Counter-Terrorists
- other: None

| mp_randomspawn_dist
| 0
| If greater than 0, a randomly spawning player will, if possible, not be spawned at a spawn point where the smallest distance to another player is smaller than the value of this ConVar.
| mp_randomspawn_los
| 1
| If non-zero, a randomly spawning player will, if possible, not be spawned at a spawn point with direct line of sight to another player.
A player's spawn coordinate is chosen with the following priorities.
If a priority cannot be met, the next is used.
If there is an info_map_parameters entity with the keyvalue usenormalspawnsfordm 1
, then the right column is used, otherwise the left.
Default | "Use Normal Spawns in Deathmatch" |

Round Settings
Console Variable | Deathmatch Value | Description |
Number of base points to award for a kill in deathmatch. Cheaper weapons award 1 or 2 additional points. The knife awards 10 additional points. |
The time in minutes until the map is changed. If this time is up, the current round is the last. At its end, all players are stopped. |
If > 0: The number of kills at which the map ends if one team reaches it, no matter the game mode. When reached, all players are stopped. |
The length of a round in minutes. ![]() mp_timelimit , the round restarts like in Competitive and there is no proper deathmatch game ending. |
At the end of the match, perform a restart instead of loading a new map. |
Not set. Default: 25
The time in seconds that the end screen of the game is shown. |
Every player has their own default equipment that they are given post spawn, along with the knife in their loadout or weapon_knife or weapon_knife_t. If the player buys something, their entire (!) previous default equipment is replaced with what they are buying right now.

See weapon_healthshot for ConVars giving players a Medi-Shot.
Console Command | Description |
Players with this set to 1 will automatically receive a random primary and secondary weapon on spawn in deathmatch. |
Turns random weapons in deathmatch on/off and plays a sound. |
Bonus Weapon
There are bonus weapon periods. Active bonus weapon periods are visible as a HUD element on the left on all players' screens. It shows the current period's bonus weapon, remaining time and the amount of bonus points awarded to players making kills with the bonus weapon. There are sounds for the start and end of weapon bonus periods.
Console Variable | Deathmatch Value | Description |
Maximum time in seconds that the bonus time will last. |
Minimum time in seconds that the bonus time will last. |
Percent of the mp_dm_kill_base_score additionally awarded when someone gets a kill with the bonus weapon during the bonus period.
Determines whether players getting the bonus weapon in deathmatch are respawned with it or just given it directly. |
Maximum time in seconds that a bonus time will start after the round start or after the last bonus weapon period. |
Minimum time in seconds that a bonus time will start after the round start or after the last bonus weapon period. |
See also: item_dogtags.
Dogtags are not enabled by default. They are used in the Hunter-Gatherers and Bounty Hunter skirmish game mode.
- If
is greater than0
, killed enemies will drop dogtags that certain players can pick up. - Collecting dogtags awards extra points.
- Killing enemies with the bonus weapon makes them drop extra dogtags.
Console Variable | Default Value | Description |
Points to award players for picking up a dogtag in deathmatch. |
Additional dogtags to drop when making a kill with the bonus weapon. |
Who is eligible to pick up a dogtag:
The time in seconds that dogtags stay before despawning automatically. 0 : infinite.
Determines whether dogtags should despawn when their killer dies. |
Team Mode
The team mode is not enabled by default. It is used in the Team vs Team Deathmatch variant (using sv_game_mode_flags), but also in the skirmish game modes Hunter-Gatherers and (unused) Team Deathmatch.
- Killing enemies is worth team victory points.
- Killing enemies with the Deathmatch bonus weapon awards additional victory points.
- The first team to hit the mp_fraglimit with their victory points wins (or the team with the most victory points at the end of the mp_timelimit).
Console Variable | Default Value | Description |
In deathmatch, enables team DM visuals and scoring. (0: personal, 1: team mode, 2: ) Todo: what does 2 do?
Team deathmatch victory points to award for killing an enemy. |
Team deathmatch victory points to award for kills with bonus weapons. |
Team deathmatch victory points to award for collecting enemy dogtags. |
Console Variable | Deathmatch Value | Description |
Uses the specified behavior tree file to drive the bot behavior. |
When set, players can buy when immune, ignoring buytime. 0 = default. 1 = both teams. 2 = Terrorists. 3 = Counter-Terrorists. |
How many seconds after respawn immunity lasts. Set to negative value to disable immunity. |
How solid are teammates: 0 = transparent; 1 = fully solid; 2 = can stand on top.
Determines whether teammates are considered enemies, however not making them solid. With this set to 1 , the game plays more like free for all.
If set, clients won't slam the player model render settings each frame for immunity [mod authors use this]. |
If set to 1, each player has infinite primary and reserve ammo, meaning they can shoot forever without reloading. If set to 2, each player has infinite reserve ammo, meaning they will have to reload. |