Bot Behavior Trees

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This page documents information about a game or software, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, that is no longer available for purchase or download digitally.
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Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Level Creation

In Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, bots can be given a Behavior Tree to follow. A behavior tree dictates how the bot senses things (vision, hearing, damage sensing), moves, attacks, and does other actions.

Behavior trees are text files which use Valve's proprietary KeyValues3 format (.kv3), which is a text-based format with somewhat strict syntax. They typically use the bt_ prefix, to signify that file is a Behavior Tree. They are stored in csgo/scripts/ai. One can create and use their own behavior trees, see below.

Officially, behavior trees are used for the game modes CS:GO Co-op Strike Co-op Strike, CS:GO Guardian Guardian and CS:GO/CS2 Deathmatch Deathmatch.

Behavior trees were first added to the game on September 16, 2019. Since September 1, 2020, behavior trees can be packed into BSP files.

Using Behavior Trees

There are some ways to use behavior tree files in-game.

  • The ConVar mp_bot_ai_bt determines a behavior tree that all respawning bots on the server (both T and CT!) will use. Its value is a string representing the path to a .kv3 file, starting from csgo/. If there are player respawns, killing a bot is sufficient to make them use a newly set file, otherwise restarting the game or round with mp_restartgame 1 or endround should also do it. If a behavior tree file has been modified and if a bot had already loaded it, it is also necessary to flush the loaded files using mp_bot_ai_bt_clear_cache to make changes apply. As soon as a bot (re)spawns, there will be error messages containing [AI BT] if any used file has errors and the bot does not use any behavior tree.
    PlacementTip.pngExample:The following line is used for official Deathmatch and can be found in csgo/cfg/gamemode_deathmatch.cfg:
    mp_bot_ai_bt "scripts/ai/deathmatch/bt_default.kv3"
  • For CS:GO Co-op Strike Co-op Strike, info_enemy_terrorist_spawn entities have the KeyValue behavior_tree_file that can be used to specify a behavior tree file only for bots spawning at this entity.

Related Console Commands

ConVar Default Value Description
cv_bot_ai_bt_debug_target -1 Draw the behavior tree of the given bot.
cv_bot_ai_bt_hiding_spot_show 0 Draw hiding spots.
cv_bot_ai_bt_moveto_show_next_hiding_spot 0 Draw the hiding spot the bot will check next.
mp_bot_ai_bt "" Use the specified behavior tree file to drive the bot behavior (see above).
mp_bot_ai_bt_clear_cache ConCommand Clears the cache for behavior tree files.

File Format

To briefly summarize the file syntax:

  • The game ignores consecutive whitespace characters and does not differentiate between them, so a file can be written in one line, but please don't. Newlines are used to increase readability, see the examples below.
  • KeyValues are limited by curly brackets { } and contain key-value pairs with the format key = value key = value ... where values can have different data types, such as integer (1), float (1.0), string ("1") and especially KeyValues themselves.
  • Arrays are limited by squared brackets [ ] and their elements (no matter the data type) are separated by commas ,, for example: [ {...}, {...}, {...} ]
  • Inline comments start with //, multiline comments start with /* and end with */.
See also:  KeyValues3

The first line of a .kv3 file is always a header specifying the KV3 version. For Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, use this header:

<!-- kv3 encoding:text:version{e21c7f3c-8a33-41c5-9977-a76d3a32aa0d} format:generic:version{7412167c-06e9-4698-aff2-e63eb59037e7} -->

The rest of the file is one KeyValues, enclosed by curly brackets { }. For Behavior Tree files, this KeyValues contains the keys config and root. The config key determines a general bot configuration with the bot's "skill". Its value should contain the full path to such a file, including the file extension. Valve has already provided three such config files, namely

  • "scripts/ai/deathmatch/bt_config.kv3",
  • "scripts/ai/guardian/bt_config.kv3" and
  • "scripts/ai/coop/bt_config.kv3".

Generally speaking, we must add the following:

<!-- kv3 encoding:text:version{e21c7f3c-8a33-41c5-9977-a76d3a32aa0d} format:generic:version{7412167c-06e9-4698-aff2-e63eb59037e7} -->
	config = "scripts/ai/<path to bt_config>/<bt_config_name>.kv3"

Next, add the root key with a Behavior Node as value. The game "executes" the root node regularly.[Clarify]

<!-- kv3 encoding:text:version{e21c7f3c-8a33-41c5-9977-a76d3a32aa0d} format:generic:version{7412167c-06e9-4698-aff2-e63eb59037e7} -->
	config = "scripts/ai/<path to bt_config>/<bt_config_name>.kv3"
	root = 
		<Behavior Node>

Behavior Nodes are once again KeyValues but with a type key whose value determines its node type. There are different types of nodes, namely

  • direct #Actions that the bot will perform, such as type = "action_pull_trigger", "action_use", "action_jump" or "action_wait",
  • four #Combinators that determine how multiple nodes are executed, for example in a sequence or parallel,
  • #Decorators mostly for generating/getting/storing data, such as decorator_sensor, decorator_random_int or decorator_memory.
  • #Conditions for comparing data and branching.
<!-- kv3 encoding:text:version{e21c7f3c-8a33-41c5-9977-a76d3a32aa0d} format:generic:version{7412167c-06e9-4698-aff2-e63eb59037e7} -->
	config = "scripts/ai/<path to bt_config>/<bt_config_name>.kv3"
	root = 
		type = <Node Type>
		<parameter> = <value>
		child = 
			<Behavior Node>

The format of each Behavior Node depends on its type, because most Behavior Nodes use their specific parameter names, value types and uses.

Warning.pngWarning:Typos within parameter names won't necessarily cause compile errors, unless crucial parameters are missing.

Some nodes allow to define new global variables. Their input names should contain both double and single quotes:

type = "action_set_global_counter"
input_name = "'Test'" // Note those quotation marks.
input_value = 1

Some nodes support convars as input. Their names should start with @ symbol:

type = "action_choose_bomb_site_area"
input = "@mp_guardian_target_site"
output = "BombSiteArea"

Bot Configuration

Todo: Explain parameters in bt_config

These parameters define general bot reaction and combat behavior for every bot skill ( low, fair, normal, tough, hard, very_hard, expert, elite, default ), like a botprofile.db.

Default format is:

<!-- kv3 encoding:text:version{e21c7f3c-8a33-41c5-9977-a76d3a32aa0d} format:generic:version{7412167c-06e9-4698-aff2-e63eb59037e7} -->
	<skill level>
		<Variables from table below>
		attack = <Attack table>

List of Parameters

Variable Description
look_around_awareness_yaw_range Max angle to horizontal rotate viewcamera from this viewpoint.
look_around_awareness_pitch_range Max angle to vertical rotate viewcamera from this viewpoint.
look_around_focus_interval Delay between next viewcamera rotation.
look_around_lerp_time Time to rotate viewcamera to next position.
look_around_lerp_bias Smooths viewcamera movement.
reaction_time Delay before reaction on event.

Attack Table

Attack table defines handling of different weapon types.


attack =
	// duration, duration deviation, cadence, cooldown, cooldown deviation

	[ -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0 ],[ 0.95, 0.25, 0.5, 0.15, 0.05 ],[ 0.42, 0.07, 0.0, 0.15, 0.05 ],
	[ 0.22, 0.07, 0.0, 0.45, 0.15 ],[ 0.3, 0.0, 0.0, 0.95, 0.25 ],[ 0.22, 0.07, 0.0, 2.0, 0.0 ],
	// MACHINEGUN					C4								TASER
	[ 0.75, 0.15, 0.0, 0.3, 0.1 ],[ -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0 ],	[ -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0 ],
	[ -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0 ],[ -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0 ],[ -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0 ],
	[ -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0 ],[ -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0 ],[ -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0 ],
	// TABLET						MELEE							SHIELD
	[ -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0 ],[ -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0 ],[ -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0 ],
	[ -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0 ],[ -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0 ]


This is a list of all nodes on November 9, 2021.

Every node has a type parameter which determines its functionality and which other parameters it considers. Parameters might have a default value, in which case it is optional to specify them; if a parameter doesn't have a default value and if it is not specified, there will be an error message in the console.

Warning.pngWarning:For each node, the game will ignore all parameters with no warning if they don't belong to it; it will only regard some specificly named parameters and those names depend on its type. While testing, this can make it hard to spot parameter names that sound plausible but don't actually have an effect (like source/input/input_location but only one of them is an actual parameter) or ones with typos within their names.

Most nodes can have the following parameters that are omitted in the following lists:

  • child - Supported by #Decorators and #Conditions. Its value should be another node which will or will not be executed, depending on node type and context. By default most decorators execute their child function automatically, unless otherwise specified.
  • children - Supported by #Combinators (Except subtree!). Its value should be an array of nodes, similar to child.
  • negated - Supported by #Decorators and #Conditions. Set to 1 to invert its return value (success or not), for example a node of the type condition_is_empty will succeed if something does not exist; If this node has the parameter negated = 1, it will instead succeed if something does exist.
  • Complete node parameters and descriptions, check for inaccuracies.
  • Define variable types for parameters.
  • Explain all parameters.


Type Parameters Description
parallel int_flag? succeed_after_first Executes all child functions in one script tick until a child function returns false condition or until all child functions return true condition. "succeed_after_first" ends execution after first child function returns true condition.
selector Executes child functions as sequence until meeting child with true condition.
sequencer Executes child functions as sequence until meeting child with false condition.
subtree string file, string name, array params Executes behavior tree from file. "params" array goes in "key", "value" format in brackets. e.g.
key = "ThrowUtility"
value = 1


Type Parameters Description
decorator_bot_service array memory_to_expire(variable? domain (GroupID or AllBots), flag key (ShortTermAttackMemory, ShortTermDamageMemory, ShortTermAreaDamageMemory, ShortTermInvestigateMemory, LongTermMemory, DamageThroughSmokeMemory, Threats), int time, int distance), array tagged_entities_to_expire, int_flag? basic_chatter_enable, vector? input_chatter_enemies, int chatter_outnumbered_threshold Kinda main bot behavior function? Usually contains all subtree routines.
decorator_buy_service array output Returns array of items that bot will buy.
decorator_dec_global_counter variable input_name Decreases input variable by 1.
decorator_find_utility_strat vector input_location, int distance_threshold, vector output_location, vector output_angles, string output_weapon Unused.
Warning.pngWarning:Release Notes for 21/10/2021 say about it but it doesn't exist in code?
decorator_hiding_spot_service variable? domain (GroupID or AllBots), vector output_hiding_spot, int distance_threshold, int expiration_time Keeps track of visible hiding spots. Used in conjunction with action_move_to to make a bot check hiding spots as they move throughout the level.
Note.pngNote:Also keeps track of checked hiding spots in domain. Bots sharing the same domain will not check hiding spots for some time if another bot has already checked them.
decorator_invert Unused. Valve scripts usually use negated = 1 flag in node parameters. However, action nodes don't support negated, so this node can be used as a workaround.
decorator_maybe float chance Executes child function with specified chance (1 - 100%, 0.7 - 70% etc).
decorator_memory vector? input, memory? output, string output_domain Saves entities in the input array to output array.
decorator_need_healing int health_threshold Executes child function if bot health is lower than health_threshold.
decorator_picker_blocked_by_smoke vector? input, int distance_threshold Removes entities from the input array that are not covered by smokes.
decorator_picker_dedup vector? input, memory? against, int distance_threshold Removes entities from the input array that are within distance_threshold to entities in against array.
decorator_picker_grenade_type array input, array types (EXPLOSIVE, FLASH, FIRE, DECOY, SMOKE, SENSOR, SNOWBALL) Removes grenade entities from the input array that are not in types array.
decorator_picker_max_score array input Picks the first entity in the input array. By default entities are sorted by the order they appear on the server.
Note.pngNote:decorator_ranker_dist can be used before this node to pick the closest entity instead.
decorator_picker_nearby array input, int cutoff_distance Removes entities from the input array that are beyond the cutoff_distance.
decorator_picker_random_by_distance array input, int distance_min, int distance_max Removes entities from the input array based on the distance distribution. Entities closer to distance_min are less likely to get removed, while entities closer to distance_max are more likely to get removed.
decorator_picker_reaction_time variable? input_domain (GroupID or AllBots), memory? input, vector? output Executes child function after delay, that depends of bot skill reaction time?
decorator_picker_visible array input, int_flag? check_fov Removes obscured entities from input array. Will check bot FOV only, unless check_fov is set to 0.
decorator_picker_weight_as_distance array input Removes the entities whose distance to the bot running the tree is greater than the entities "weight". "weight" is an internal notion mostly used for hearing sounds. It should only be used when sensing "NOISE".
decorator_random_approach_point vector output Returns a random visible point in navmesh that's ideally an "entrance" to the area the bot is currently in.
Tip.pngTip:Can be used to make a bot look around randomly, as seen in "...\modules\bt_look_around.kv3".
decorator_random_int int min, int max, int output Returns a random int in the range of min to max.
decorator_ranker_dist array input Sorts entities in the input array based on distance.
decorator_remove variable? input_domain (GroupID or AllBots), memory? input, array? remove Removes selected entities from input memory.
decorator_remove_key variable? input Removes input variable from script scope.
decorator_repeat Executes child function in loop. Stops looping if child function fails.
decorator_route_service array config (array routes, array strategies), vector? output_waypoint, string output_waypoint_name, string output_domain Unused.
decorator_run_once int max_attempts = 1, variable? domain (e.g. domain = "'CoordinatedBuy'") Executes child function limited amount of times. domain can be set to make only one bot run it.
decorator_sensor flag entity_type_filter (ALL, PLAYERS, HUMAN_PLAYERS, NOISE, DAMAGE, AREA_DAMAGE, CLASSNAME, GRENADE), function? shape(flag type (sensor_shape_fov, sensor_shape_sphere), int radius), flag team_filter (ANY, CT, TERRORIST, SAME, OPPOSITE, ENEMY), int_flag orphan_only, int_flag priority, string class_name, vector? output Returns entities detected by sensor.
Icon-Bug.pngBug:When sensing grenades with team_filter set to "ENEMY" it incorrectly returns terrorist grenades, regardless of team the bot is on. "OPPOSITE" filter can be used as a workaround.  [todo tested in ?]
decorator_set_barrier domain input_domain, variable input_name, navzone? input_location Unused.
decorator_set_reaction_time array? input Executes child function after delay, that depends of bot skill reaction time?
decorator_succeed Node succeeds (returns true condition) even if child function failed.
decorator_tag_entity array input, array output, flag operation_type (BT_DECORATOR_TAG_ENTITY_CLEAR, BT_DECORATOR_TAG_ENTITY_SET), int expiration_time Adds or removes the first entity in input array to output array for specified amount of seconds. input entity will be tagged as long as the child function is being executed.
decorator_tag_threshold array entity_input, array tagged_entities_input, int amount, flag check_type (BT_DECORATOR_TAG_THRESHOLD_AT_MOST, BT_DECORATOR_TAG_THRESHOLD_AT_LEAST) Compares entities in entity_input against entities in tagged_entities_input using check_type. If it passes, executes child function. (If at least/most x entities from entity_input are in tagged_entities_input, execute child function)
decorator_token_service variable? domain, string output_token_name, string output_token_domain, function config(array tokens, array assignments) In CS:GO Guardian Guardian Mode: defines bot GroupID, then executes child functions.
decorator_try_lock variable? domain (e.g. domain = "'DefuseIfCovered'") Locks the domain for the duration of executing the child function, meaning only one bot at a time will be executing this.
decorator_wait_success int timeout Waits for child to return true or finish executing. If child never returns true, stops waiting after timeout seconds.


Type Parameters Description
condition_barrier domain input_domain, variable input_name, navzone? input_location Unused.
condition_distance_less vector input, int distance_threshold_min, int distance_threshold_max Returns true, if distance to input position is less than somewhere between the distance_threshold_min and distance_threshold_max.
condition_has_parachute Returns true, if bot has parachute in inventory.
condition_inactive array input(memory? key), int round_start_threshold_seconds, int sensor_inactivity_threshold_seconds Returns true, if bot doesn't have any memory and sensor input within timing.
condition_is_airborne Returns true, if bot is mid-air.
condition_is_at_bomb_site Returns true, if bot is at bombsite zone.
condition_is_empty int_flag? global, any input Returns true, if input variable is empty or doesn't exist.
condition_is_equal any source, any destination Returns true, if source variable is equal to destination input.
condition_is_greater any source, any destination Unused. Returns true, if source variable is greater than destination input.
condition_is_greater_equal any source, any destination Unused. Returns true, if source variable is equal or greater than destination input.
condition_is_inv_slot_empty flag slot (KNIFE, PISTOL, RIFLE, GRENADES) Returns true, if input equipment slot is empty.
condition_is_less any source, any destination Unused. Returns true, if source variable is less than destination input.
condition_is_less_equal any source, any destination Unused. Returns true, if source variable is equal or less than destination input.
condition_is_reloading Unused. Returns true, if active weapon is in reloading state.
condition_is_weapon_equipped string weapon Returns true, if bot has active weapon with weapon classname.
condition_is_weapon_suitable vector input, string weapon Unused. Returns true, if weapon with weapon classname is suitable at the range to the input entity. Snipers are not considered suitable below 160.0 units, while shotguns are not considered suitable past 600.0 units.
Icon-Bug.pngBug:Works exactly the same as condition_is_weapon_equipped.[confirm]  [todo tested in ?]
condition_out_of_ammo Returns true, if active weapon is out of ammo.
condition_owns_item string item, array items_one_of Returns true, if bot has item with input classname.


Type Parameters Description
action_acquire_items array items, int_flag? remove_all_items Equips bot with items from array, e.g. { type = "action_acquire_items" items = [ "weapon_awp" ] }.
action_aim vector input, int_flag? acquire_only, flag? ready Rotates bot towards input point. Uses aim penalties set in the bot config. Can overshoot the target. Forces the bot to scope with scoped weapons.
Note.pngNote:acquire_only should be set to 1 if you don't intend to track your target.
Warning.pngWarning:Bot will never unscope unless they switch weapons. Equipping the same weapon as the one bot is currently holding will also reset the scope.
action_aim_projectile vector input, vector output Calculates angles for throwing at input position?
Icon-Bug.pngBug:Doesn't actually take the grenade trajectory into account.  [todo tested in ?]
action_assign_guardian_loadout string input_token_name, array assignments(string token, array loadout(array items, array wave_numbers, int wave_numbers_min, int wave_numbers_max, int weight)) In CS:GO Guardian Guardian mode: Chooses bot spawn loadout.
action_attack vector input, flag? output (e.g. output = "Attacking"), flag? ready (e.g. ready = "AimReady") Forces bot to fire. Uses spray duration settings from bot config.
Note.pngNote:ready flag usually should be controlled automatically with action_aim node.
action_buy Bot buys random weapons.
action_choose_bomb_site_area int input, navzone? output Gets bombzone nav position from index. Supports convars.
action_choose_guardian_bomb_plant_location vector? output Chooses plant position in navmesh? Guardian mode only?
action_choose_random_waypoint navzone? input, vector output Chooses a random navmesh tile from the input navzones and returns its center as a vector position.
action_choose_random_waypoint_within_radius vector origin, vector output, float radius Chooses a random navmesh tile within specified origin and radius and returns a random point within it as a vector position.
action_choose_team_spawn_area navzone? output Gets all navzones with spawnpoints?
action_combat_positioning vector input, flag? is_attacking Bot side steps to dodge attacks or closes distance on the enemy. Uses settings from the bot config.
Note.pngNote:is_attacking flag usually should be controlled automatically with action_attack node.
action_commit_suicide Kills bot.
action_compare_global_counter variable? input_name (e.g. input_name = "'Test'"), int input_value Compares value from variable input_name to input_value.
action_coordinated_buy flag team_filter (ANY, CT, TERRORIST, SAME, OPPOSITE, ENEMY),
int save_threshold,
flag? id_no_purchase (e.g. id_no_purchase = "DidNotPurchase"),
array purchases(array items, string id)
Forces all of the bots that match the team_filter to buy items from purchases array and assigns appropriate id to them. Node will return false and be skipped if there's not enough bots in the specified team to fulfill all purchases. Bots that do not make a purchase are assigned with id_no_purchase. You can check what id bots are assigned with by using condition_is_empty.
Warning.pngWarning:One bot using this node will make all of the bots that match the specified team_filter make purchases! Use in conjunction with decorator_run_once and domain set to something.
Icon-Bug.pngBug:Bots that did not match the team_filter are still assigned "id_no_purchase" erroneously.  [todo tested in ?]
Icon-Bug.pngBug:Bots further down the purchases array inherit items to purchase from bots before them. See #Coordinated Buy (Alternative Buying Method)  [todo tested in ?]
action_crouch Forces bot to crouch.
action_custom_buy array item_aliases Unused.
action_drop_active_weapon Unused. Forces bot to drop active weapon.
action_equip_item string item, array items_one_of Forces bot to select item with classname from input.
action_equip_weapon string weapon (classname or BEST) Force bot to select item with classname from input or "best" weapon in inventory.
action_flee_area_damage vector? input, vector output, int max_search_range, int threat_min_keep_distance Returns safe spot from that position within search radius.
action_hide float max_range, vector output Unused. Returns a random hiding spot within search radius.
Warning.pngWarning:Does NOT check if it's already occupied!
action_inspect_current_weapon Unused. Forces bot to play inspect animation.
action_jump Forces bot to jump.
action_look_at vector input_angles, vector input_location Rotates the bot to specified input_angle, like setang. If omitted, rotates the bot so that it looks to the coordinates input_location. Otherwise, an error occurs.
action_move_to vector destination,
vector? hiding_spot,
vector? threat,
int damaging_areas_penalty_cost,
int nearest_area_distance_threshold,
int hiding_spot_check_distance_threshold,
int arrival_epsilon,
float additional_arrival_epsilon_2d,
int_flag? auto_look_adjust
Forces bot to move at destination point.
Icon-Bug.pngBug:Move type will reset to running after jumping.  [todo tested in ?]
Icon-Bug.pngBug:When teammate collision is on, bots will not try to repath around their teammates if they block their way. Instead they'll constantly try to path through their teammate until they move out of their way.  [todo tested in ?]
action_parachute_positioning Forces bot to move diagonally ignoring the navmesh. Changes direction every few seconds.
action_pull_trigger int ratio Forces bot primary attack.
action_reload Forces bot to reload weapon.
action_say string phrase, flag? high_priority Forces bot to say radio command phrase. List of phrases is located in botchatter.db
action_secondary_attack Unused. Forces bot secondary attack.
action_select_areas_within_radius vector input, float radius, navzone? output Returns navzones within specified origin and radius?
action_set_global_counter variable? input_name, int input_value Sets input value to variable input_name.
action_set_global_flag variable? name, int expiration_time_min, int expiration_time_max Sets global variable name to 1 for specified time?
action_set_value_float variable? key, float value Sets float value to variable key.
action_set_value_vector variable? key, vector value Sets vector value to variable key.
action_standup Unused. Forces bot to uncrouch.
action_teleport vector destination Teleports bot to destination position.
action_use Forces bot "+use"
action_wait float wait_time_min, float wait_time_max Freezes bot AI and script execution for defined amount of time.

Reserved Variables

Those variables are defined in game code. They can be used to get some information about game mode and bot and as conditions.

Variable Description
int NumberOfTerrorists Number of players in T team.
int NumberOfAliveTerrorists Number of alive players in T team.
int NumberOfCounterTerrorists Number of players in CT team.
int NumberOfAliveCounterTerrorists Number of alive players in CT team.
int GuardianWaveNumber Wave number in CS:GO Guardian Guardian Mode.
int AccountBalance Amount of player money.
float? BlindnessPercentage Amount of blindness applied by flash grenade.
??? BombIsBeingDefused Returns ??? when bomb is being defused.
variable? LastCoopSpawnPointName Targetname of last spawn point spawned that bot in CS:GO Co-op Strike Co-op Strike.
Vector LastCoopSpawnPointLocation Origin point of last spawn point spawned that bot in CS:GO Co-op Strike Co-op Strike.
int AmmoCount/weapon_name Remained amount of ammo in weapon with classname "weapon_name" (clip + reserve).
int AmmoCount/current Remained amount of ammo in active weapon (clip + reserve).


To get these behavior trees running, see #Using Behavior Trees.

Simple Actions

One of the simplest behavior trees that you can give a bot is the following. When the bot spawns, it will keep jumping on the same spot and not react on anything. Like in the old days.

<!-- kv3 encoding:text:version{e21c7f3c-8a33-41c5-9977-a76d3a32aa0d} format:generic:version{7412167c-06e9-4698-aff2-e63eb59037e7}-->
	config = "scripts/ai/deathmatch/bt_config.kv3"
	root =
		type = "action_jump"

To make it a bit more useful, the bot should shoot at the same time. This can be done with a parallel node:

<!-- kv3 encoding:text:version{e21c7f3c-8a33-41c5-9977-a76d3a32aa0d} format:generic:version{7412167c-06e9-4698-aff2-e63eb59037e7}-->
	config = "scripts/ai/deathmatch/bt_config.kv3"
	root =
		type = "parallel"
		children =
				type = "action_pull_trigger"
				type = "action_jump"

But this bot still won't stop pulling the trigger even though it is out of ammunition. To address this, we can add a condition_out_of_ammo node. The following bot will jump and shoot continuously but stop as soon as it has no more ammunition:

<!-- kv3 encoding:text:version{e21c7f3c-8a33-41c5-9977-a76d3a32aa0d} format:generic:version{7412167c-06e9-4698-aff2-e63eb59037e7}-->
	config = "scripts/ai/deathmatch/bt_config.kv3"
	root =
		type = "condition_out_of_ammo"
		negated = 1
		child =
			type = "parallel"
			children =
					type = "action_pull_trigger"
					type = "action_jump"

Coordinated Buy

This simple script showcases how to use action_coordinated_buy node to make your bots strategize.

<!-- kv3 encoding:text:version{e21c7f3c-8a33-41c5-9977-a76d3a32aa0d} format:generic:version{7412167c-06e9-4698-aff2-e63eb59037e7} -->
	config = "scripts/ai/deathmatch/bt_config.kv3"
	root =
		type = "decorator_repeat"
		child =
			type = "selector"
			children =
					// with the "domain" set only one bot on the server will run this per round.
					type = "decorator_run_once"
					domain = "'CoordinatedBuy'"
					child =
						type = "sequencer"
						children =
								// set a global variable to make our teammates wait for the coordinated buy.
								type = "action_set_global_counter"
								input_name = "'WaitForCoordinatedBuy'"
								input_value = 1
								type = "action_wait"
								wait_time_min = 3
								wait_time_max = 3
								// continue with the sequencer even if we weren't able to coordinate any buy.
								type = "decorator_succeed"
								child =
									// when used in a selector coordinated buys that can't be fulfilled will be skipped.
									type = "selector"
									children =
											type = "action_coordinated_buy"
											// team that should coordinte a buy. Works the same as in "decorator_sensor".
											team_filter = "SAME"
											// all of the bots on the specified team must have at least this much money.
											// should be set to the minimum amount of money required to purchase the needed items
											// in this case the minimum amount of money would be 500, as that's needed
											// to buy the "SetupSmokeAndFlashbang1".
											save_threshold = 2000
											// advised to only be used in fully pve modes,
											// due to being assigned to the other team as well.
											id_no_purchase = "DidNotPurchase"
											// array with purchases.
											// in this case it needs at least 4 bots on the team in order to go through.
											purchases =
													// items to buy.
													// (WARNING: due to the previously mentioned bug it is
													// highly advised to use alternative methods for buying items).
													items = [ "weapon_flashbang" ]
													// a variable with this name will be saved on that bot.
													// check with "condition_is_empty".
													id = "SetupFlashbang1"
													items = [ "weapon_smokegrenade", "weapon_flashbang" ]
													id = "SetupSmokeAndFlashbang1"
													items = [ "weapon_smokegrenade" ]
													id = "SetupSmoke1"
													items = [ "weapon_smokegrenade" ]
													id = "SetupSmoke2"
											// this node needs less bots and less money to go through.
											type = "action_coordinated_buy"
											team_filter = "SAME"
											save_threshold = 1000
											id_no_purchase = "DidNotPurchase"
											purchases =
													items = [ "weapon_flashbang" ]
													id = "SetupFlashbang1"
													items = [ "weapon_smokegrenade", "weapon_flashbang" ]
													id = "SetupSmokeAndFlashbang1"
											// this node will always go through as long as there's at least 2 bots on the team.
											type = "action_coordinated_buy"
											team_filter = "SAME"
											save_threshold = 0
											id_no_purchase = "DidNotPurchase"
											purchases =
													// items array can be completely empty, id is still going to be assigned.
													items = [  ]
													// ids don't need to be unique, they are saved as a local variable on
													// the bot that bought them.
													id = "SetupNoGrenades"
													items = [  ]
													id = "SetupNoGrenades"
								type = "action_set_global_counter"
								input_name = "'WaitForCoordinatedBuy'"
								input_value = 0
				// Wait 4 seconds for the coordinated buy to be done.
					type = "decorator_run_once"
					child =
						type = "decorator_wait_success"
						timeout = 4
						child =
							type = "action_compare_global_counter"
							input_name = "'WaitForCoordinatedBuy'"
							input_value = 0
				// now check for the ids with "condition_is_empty"
				// to make specific bots do the setups you want!
					type = "condition_is_empty"
					input = "SetupFlashbang1"
					negated = 1
					child =
						type = "action_look_at"
						input_angles = "0.000000 -4.096003 0.000000"
					type = "condition_is_empty"
					input = "SetupSmokeAndFlashbang1"
					negated = 1
					child =
						type = "action_look_at"
						input_angles = "0.000000 -175.519958 0.000000"
					type = "condition_is_empty"
					input = "SetupSmoke1"
					negated = 1
					child =
						type = "action_look_at"
						input_angles = "0.000000 -89.543930 0.000000"
					type = "condition_is_empty"
					input = "SetupSmoke2"
					negated = 1
					child =
						type = "action_look_at"
						input_angles = "0.000000 90.496025 0.000000"
					type = "condition_is_empty"
					input = "SetupNoGrenades"
					negated = 1
					child =
						type = "action_jump"
					type = "condition_is_empty"
					input = "DidNotPurchase"
					negated = 1
					child =
						type = "action_crouch"
				// be sure to make a backup behavior
				// if there's a possibility that none of the coodrinated buys can be fulfilled
					type = "subtree"
					file = "scripts/ai/modules/bt_look_around.kv3"
					name = "LookAround"

Coordinated Buy (Alternative Buying Method)

Alternative buying method that avoids the duplicated item buying bug.

<!-- kv3 encoding:text:version{e21c7f3c-8a33-41c5-9977-a76d3a32aa0d} format:generic:version{7412167c-06e9-4698-aff2-e63eb59037e7} -->
	config = "scripts/ai/deathmatch/bt_config.kv3"
	root =
		type = "decorator_repeat"
		child =
			type = "selector"
			children =
					// with the "domain" set only one bot on the server will run this per round.
					type = "decorator_run_once"
					domain = "'CoordinatedBuy'"
					child =
						type = "sequencer"
						children =
								// set a global variable to make our teammates wait for the coordinated buy.
								type = "action_set_global_counter"
								input_name = "'WaitForCoordinatedBuy'"
								input_value = 1
								type = "action_wait"
								wait_time_min = 3
								wait_time_max = 3
								// continue with the sequencer even if we weren't able to coordinate any buy.
								type = "decorator_succeed"
								child =
									// when used in a selector coordinated buys that can't be fulfilled will be skipped.
									type = "selector"
									children =
											type = "action_coordinated_buy"
											// team that should coordinte a buy. Works the same as in "decorator_sensor".
											team_filter = "SAME"
											// all of the bots on the specified team must have at least this much money.
											// should be set to the minimum amount of money required to purchase the needed items
											// in this case the minimum amount of money would be 500, as that's needed
											// to buy the "SetupSmokeAndFlashbang1".
											save_threshold = 2000
											// advised to only be used in fully pve modes,
											// due to being assigned to the other team as well.
											id_no_purchase = "DidNotPurchase"
											// array with purchases.
											// in this case it needs at least 4 bots on the team in order to go through.
											purchases =
													// instead of setting up the items here
													// we'll buy them later
													items = [  ]
													// a variable with this name will be saved on that bot.
													// check with "condition_is_empty".
													id = "SetupFlashbang1"
													items = [  ]
													id = "SetupSmokeAndFlashbang1"
													items = [  ]
													id = "SetupSmoke1"
													items = [  ]
													id = "SetupSmoke2"
											// this node needs less bots and less money to go through.
											type = "action_coordinated_buy"
											team_filter = "SAME"
											save_threshold = 1000
											id_no_purchase = "DidNotPurchase"
											purchases =
													items = [  ]
													id = "SetupFlashbang1"
													items = [  ]
													id = "SetupSmokeAndFlashbang1"
											// this node will always go through as long as there's at least 2 bots on the team.
											type = "action_coordinated_buy"
											team_filter = "SAME"
											save_threshold = 0
											id_no_purchase = "DidNotPurchase"
											purchases =
													items = [  ]
													// ids don't need to be unique, they are saved as a local variable on
													// the bot that bought them.
													id = "SetupNoGrenades"
													items = [  ]
													id = "SetupNoGrenades"
								type = "action_set_global_counter"
								input_name = "'WaitForCoordinatedBuy'"
								input_value = 0
				// Wait 4 seconds for the coordinated buy to be done.
					type = "decorator_run_once"
					child =
						type = "decorator_wait_success"
						timeout = 4
						child =
							type = "action_compare_global_counter"
							input_name = "'WaitForCoordinatedBuy'"
							input_value = 0
				// alternative method for buying items that avoids the "duplicate buy" bug
					type = "decorator_run_once"
					child =
						type = "selector"
						children =
								type = "condition_is_empty"
								input = "SetupFlashbang1"
								negated = 1
								child =
									// bot will try to buy all of the items in this node
									type = "action_custom_buy"
									item_aliases =
								type = "condition_is_empty"
								input = "SetupSmokeAndFlashbang1"
								negated = 1
								child =
									type = "action_custom_buy"
									item_aliases =
								type = "condition_is_empty"
								input = "SetupSmoke1"
								negated = 1
								child =
									type = "action_custom_buy"
									item_aliases =
								type = "condition_is_empty"
								input = "SetupSmoke2"
								negated = 1
								child =
									type = "action_custom_buy"
									item_aliases =
				// now check for the ids with "condition_is_empty"
				// to make specific bots do the setups you want!
					type = "condition_is_empty"
					input = "SetupFlashbang1"
					negated = 1
					child =
						type = "action_look_at"
						input_angles = "0.000000 -4.096003 0.000000"
					type = "condition_is_empty"
					input = "SetupSmokeAndFlashbang1"
					negated = 1
					child =
						type = "action_look_at"
						input_angles = "0.000000 -175.519958 0.000000"
					type = "condition_is_empty"
					input = "SetupSmoke1"
					negated = 1
					child =
						type = "action_look_at"
						input_angles = "0.000000 -89.543930 0.000000"
					type = "condition_is_empty"
					input = "SetupSmoke2"
					negated = 1
					child =
						type = "action_look_at"
						input_angles = "0.000000 90.496025 0.000000"
					type = "condition_is_empty"
					input = "SetupNoGrenades"
					negated = 1
					child =
						type = "action_jump"
					type = "condition_is_empty"
					input = "DidNotPurchase"
					negated = 1
					child =
						type = "action_crouch"
				// be sure to make a backup behavior
				// if there's a possibility that none of the coodrinated buys can be fulfilled
					type = "subtree"
					file = "scripts/ai/modules/bt_look_around.kv3"
					name = "LookAround"

Default Deathmatch Behavior Tree

Found in csgo/scripts/ai/bt_default.kv3. This file is a good base to write an own bot.

<!-- kv3 encoding:text:version{e21c7f3c-8a33-41c5-9977-a76d3a32aa0d} format:generic:version{7412167c-06e9-4698-aff2-e63eb59037e7} -->
	config = "scripts/ai/deathmatch/bt_config.kv3"
	root =
		type = "decorator_bot_service"
		memory_to_expire =
				key = "ShortTermAttackMemory"
				time = 0.7
				distance = 0
				key = "LongTermMemory"
				time = 10
				distance = 500
				key = "ShortTermInvestigateMemory"
				time = 3
				distance = 200
		child =
			type = "decorator_buy_service"
			output = "ShouldBuy"
			child =
				type = "parallel"
				children =
						type = "decorator_repeat"
						child =
							type = "parallel"
							children =
								// memorize enemies through vision
									type = "subtree"
									file = "scripts/ai/modules/bt_memorize_enemies_vision.kv3"
									name = "MemorizeEnemiesVision"
								// memorize noises happening right now
									type = "subtree"
									file = "scripts/ai/modules/bt_memorize_noises.kv3"
									name = "MemorizeNoises"
								// record the nearest memorized event to investigate
									type = "subtree"
									file = "scripts/ai/modules/bt_memorize_nearest_investigation.kv3"
									name = "MemorizeNearestInvestigation"
						type = "decorator_repeat"
						child =
							type = "selector"
							children =
								// Buy if we have to
									type = "condition_is_empty"
									input = "ShouldBuy"
									negated = 1
									child =
										// sequencer: evaluate first to last child, in order
										type = "sequencer"
										children =
												type = "action_wait"
												wait_time_min = 3
												wait_time_max = 3
												type = "action_buy"
												type = "decorator_remove_key"
												input = "ShouldBuy"
								// Else: face the damage source if we're taking damage
									type = "decorator_sensor"
									entity_type_filter = "DAMAGE"
									output = "Damage"
									priority = 0
									child =
										type = "condition_is_empty"
										input = "Damage"
										negated = 1
										child =
											type = "action_aim"
											input = "Damage"
											acquire_only = 1
								// Else: attack if we see an enemy
									type = "subtree"
									file = "scripts/ai/modules/bt_attack.kv3"
									name = "Attack"
									type = "subtree"
									file = "scripts/ai/modules/bt_heal_if_needed.kv3"
									name = "HealIfNeeded"
								// Else: investigate the closest memorized event
									type = "subtree"
									file = "scripts/ai/modules/bt_investigate_closest_memorized_event.kv3"
									name = "InvestigateClosestMemorizedEvent"
								// Else: hunt
									// sequencer: evaluate first to last child, in order
									type = "sequencer"
									children =
											type = "action_equip_weapon"
											weapon = "BEST"
											type = "decorator_random_int"
											min = 0
											max = 1
											output = "BombSiteIndex"
											child =
												type = "action_choose_bomb_site_area"
												input = "BombSiteIndex"
												output = "HuntAreas"
											type = "action_choose_team_spawn_area"
											output = "HuntAreas"
											type = "action_choose_random_waypoint"
											input = "HuntAreas"
											output = "TargetHuntArea"
											type = "action_move_to"
											destination = "TargetHuntArea"
											movement_type = "BT_ACTION_MOVETO_RUN"
											route_type = "BT_ACTION_MOVETO_FASTEST_ROUTE"