Talk:Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

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cl_m4a1s "0/1"

Hello dear developers of my favorite game.

  I would very much like to make a proposal on the replacement of the M4A1 silencer. For many years, I have a problem that I believe is not only with me but with other players. Namely the accidental removal of the M4A1 silencer. I would very much like to have the following command in the game, for example:

cl_m4a1s "0" cl_m4a1s "1"

This would give the player a choice whether or not to use the silencer change. I very much hope you think about this opportunity, many players will be pleased.

                                                            Thank You :)


User:Lxm6 and others - I'm making this topic to avoid an edit war over this:

Many of the things that have been recently added to the list of bugs on this page are either not bugs or are out-of-place on this page. Specifically addressing ones that are on the page currently:

Warning.pngWarning:Level of detail (LOD) is broken. See YouTube video for the issue.

This is out of place. It should be on $lod (and I've put it there). It could also be mentioned in the transcluded "limitations" section, under level design.

Note.pngNote:Randomization of textures work differently which makes maps more difficult to port from Counter-Strike Counter-Strike.[confirm] See YouTube video for the issue.

This does not need mentioning here. Texture randomization is a feature that exists in GoldSrc, but not in Source. If you want to mention this somewhere, Porting GoldSrc content to Source is the proper place.

Icon-Bug.pngBug:Bots don't work well with randomized obstacles without workarounds.[confirm] See YouTube video for the issue.   [todo tested in ?]

This is not a bug. Navmeshes are static by design and do not dynamically respond to objects very well. The proper place would be either in the level design limitations section below, NextBot, or Nav Mesh.

Icon-Bug.pngBug:Bots don't work well with randomized bomb plant size in the CS:GO/CS2 Wingman Wingman.[confirm] See YouTube video for the issue.   [todo tested in ?]

This is a highly specific bug, one not worth mentioning here. Its proper place is on func_bomb_target. I have added it there.

Icon-Bug.pngBug:Some problems with maps over 700 MiB... This may cause Failed to find a dedicated server error.[confirm] See YouTube video for the issue. Link to Appuals page.   [todo tested in ?]

This is a bug with workshop maps. It'd be best placed either below, in the level design limitations section, or on a page for the workshop.

Icon-Important.pngImportant:Things have different heights in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Counter-Strike: Global Offensive than in other games like Counter-Strike Counter-Strike. For Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Counter-Strike: Global Offensive dimensions, see Counter-Strike: Global Offensive/Mapper's Reference. For Counter-Strike Counter-Strike dimensions, see GoldSrc Dimensions#Counter-Strike.[confirm] See YouTube video for the issue.

This is not a bug with CS:GO, or even a bug. The height of the player changed between GoldSrc and Source. Like the texture randomization, this would be best placed at Porting GoldSrc content to Source.

The impression I get from these is that they are highly specific bugs that aren't relevant to the average mapper - you have to go way out of your way to find them. As such, they're best left on pages relevant to the topic, where a mapper would search for them, rather than on this generic page. Additionally, while I appreciate your bountiful contributions to the wiki, it might be best to verify and understand the actual impact of bugs before adding them, rather than just seeing something in a youtube video and adding it. Thanks! 9yz (talk) 12:53, 1 May 2023 (PDT)

They moved 1 bug themself.
They said nothing if they will remove outdated bugs from dozens or more of pages instead of one.
They don't vocalize consequences of their actions yet again.
Lxm6 (talk) 13:07, 1 May 2023 (PDT)
I don't see a section named Bugs. I support this change: 1 Lxm6 (talk) 13:10, 1 May 2023 (PDT)