Half-Life 2 (Xbox)

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Half-Life 2 Half-Life 2 was ported to Xbox by Valve in 2005. The engine and its maps have been modified to meet the console's hardware specs. Despite this, the game can sometimes struggle to run properly on the console with the framerate occasionally dropping to below 20s.

Key differences between Xbox and PC

  • Runs on a unique branch of Source Source 2004. All entity and movement quirks are included, such as func_ladder and propflying.
  • Locked at 720x480 (NTSC) or 720x576 (PAL) render resolution with optional widescreen support (Wikipedia icon Anamorphic widescreen) and a framerate of 30 FPS.
  • Uses file streaming and a unique filetype known as XZP. GCFScape is able to open these archives.
  • Many maps have been modified and split in order to improve performance.
  • Different content filetypes: Audio and Video were converted to Xbox-specific filetypes.
  • Unique save file structure
  • Has proprietary texture and scene formats

See also