is a point entity available in
Half-Life 2 series.
Combine Dropship - click to enlarge.
The dropship is capable of carrying a container which can deploy NPCs, as well as many other objects. It has special commands specifically for Striders and APCs.
Tip:A dropship's landing point doesn't have to be close to its last path_track. The dropship will b-line to the landing point, adjusting for landing along the way.
Bug:In any engine after the Orange Box (including console ports such as Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3), and by default, on the Source 2013 SDK, the dropship's container gun no longer rotates. There are ways to hack the original functionality with a func_tank, but this does not perfectly emulate the original behavior. This should be accounted for in level design to prevent spawn camping. A proper programming fix for it can be found here: Fixing the Dropship gun. The issues can be seen here:
While this bug has been fixed in
Half-Life 2 and
Garry's Mod and
Portal after Steam Deck update, most Source mods (especially older one) does not include this fix. (tested in:
- Name (targetname) <string>
- The name that other entities refer to this entity by, via Inputs/Outputs or other keyvalues (e.g.
or target
Also displayed in Hammer's 2D views and Entity Report.
- Land target name (LandTarget) <targetname>
- Land target name.
- Crate Gun Range (GunRange) <float>
- If the dropship's carrying a crate with a gun on it, it'll only shoot targets within this range.
- Name of Template NPC 1. (NPCTemplate) <targetname>
- Name of Template NPC (2-6) (NPCTemplate(2-6)) <targetname>
- Name of dustoff point for NPC (1-6) (Dustoff(1-6)) <targetname>
- Name of the APC to drop (APCVehicleName) <targetname>
- Invulnerable (Invulnerable) <boolean>
- Sets if the entity can be destroyed.
- Crate Type (CrateType) <choices>
- Sets the vehicle/crate type and its contains.
Literal Value |
-3 |
Jeep (No crate)
-2 |
APC (No crate)
-1 |
Strider (No crate)
0 |
Roller Hopper
1 |
Soldier Crate
2 |
- Name of Rollermine Template (RollermineTemplate) <targetname>
- If this dropship drops any rollermines due to the 'DropMines' input being fired, it will use this template for the rollermines it creates. If left blank, ordinary rollermines will be dropped.
- Initial Speed (InitialSpeed) <string>
- The speed that the entity should try to reach as soon as it spawns
- Target path_track (target) <targetname>
- The name of a path_track that this NPC will fly to after spawning.
Wait for input before dropoff : [32768]
Wait Till Seen : [1]
Gag (No IDLE sounds until angry) : [2]
Fall to ground (unchecked means *teleport* to ground) : [4]
Drop Healthkit : [8]
Efficient - Don't acquire enemies or avoid obstacles : [16]
No Rotorwash : [32]
Await Input : [64]
Wait For Script : [128]
Long Visibility/Shoot : [256]
Fade Corpse : [512]
Think outside PVS : [1024]
Template NPC (used by npc_maker, will not spawn) : [2048]
Do Alternate collision for this NPC (player avoidance) : [4096]
Don't drop weapons : [8192]
- LandLeaveCrate <integer>
- Land, drop soldiers, and leave the crate behind. Specify the number of troops to drop off in the parameter.
- LandTakeCrate <integer>
- Land, drop soldiers, but don't leave the crate behind. Specify the number of troops to drop off in the parameter.
- SetLandTarget <targetname>
- Set my land target name.
- DropMines <integer>
- Drop Rollermines. Specify the number of mines to drop in the parameter.
- DropStrider
- Drop the Strider you're carrying. Now.
- DropAPC
- Drop the APC you're carrying. Now.
- Pickup <targetname>
- Pickup an entity.
- SetGunRange <float>
- Set my crate gun's range.
- NPCFinishDustoff <string> !FGD
- Hover <targetname>
- Hover over a named target entity until told to fly to a path.
- StopWaitingForDropoff
- Stop waiting for the dropoff. Dropoff as soon as possible.
- MoveTopSpeed
- The helicopter will immediately move at top speed toward its current goal, or in its current orientation if it's on top of its goal.
- MoveSpecifiedSpeed <float>
- The helicopter will immediately move at the specified speed (you provide this as parameter override in units per second) towards its current goal.
- ChangePathCorner <targetname>
- Tell the helicopter to move to a path corner on a new path.
- SelfDestruct
- Self Destruct.
- Activate
- Activate. Use to wake up a helicopter that spawned with the 'Await Input' spawnflag on.
- SetTrack <targetname>
- Set a track for the helicopter to adhere to. The helicopter will do nothing if it's on the same path, and will move to the closest point on the specified track if it's on a different path.
- FlyToSpecificTrackViaPath <targetname>
- The helicopter will first fly to the closest point on the path if it's on a different path. Then it'll fly along the path to the specified track point.
- FlyToPathTrack <targetname>
- The helicopter will fly to the given path_track.
- StartPatrol
- Start patrolling back and forth along the current track.
- StopPatrol
- Stop patrolling back and forth along the track. This will cause the helicopter to come to rest at the track which he's currently flying toward.
- ChooseFarthestPathPoint
- When tracking an enemy, choose the point on the path furthest from the enemy, but still in firing range.
- ChooseNearestPathPoint
- When tracking an enemy, choose the point on the path nearest from the enemy.
- StartBreakableMovement
- The helicopter is now allowed to disobey direct commands to go to particular points if it senses an enemy. It will move to the closest point (or farthest point, if ChooseFarthestPathPoint is used), on the path if it senses an enemy.
- StopBreakableMovement
- The helicopter can no longer disobey direct commands. It will continue to fly along it's patrol path or to it's specified target even if it senses an enemy.
- EnableRotorSound
- Starts the chopper's rotors making noise (normal behaviour)
- DisableRotorSound
- Stops the noise made by the rotors
- EnableRotorWash
- Makes the chopper exert a force on physics objects underneath its rotor, and produce a wind pattern on any water (normal behaviour)
- DisableRotorWash
- Turns off the forces and wind pattern
- SetAngles !FGD
- InputStartLeading !FGD
- InputStopLeading !FGD
- GunOn
- Allows the chopper to use its gun (normal behaviour)
- GunOff
- Prevents the chopper from using its gun
- MissileOn
- Starts the chopper firing rockets
Bug:Non-functional. [todo tested in ?]
- MissileOff
- Stops the chopper firing rockets
Bug:Non-functional. [todo tested in ?]
- OnFinishedDropoff
- Fires when the dropship has finished a dropoff.
- OnFinishedPickup
- Fires when the dropship has finished a pickup.
- OnCrateShotDownBeforeDropoff <float>
- Fires when the container was shot down before it dropped off soldiers. The parameter contains the number of soldiers that weren't successfully dropped off.
- OnCrateShotDownAfterDropoff <float>
- Fires when the container was shot down after it dropped off soldiers.
BaseNPC Outputs
- OnDamaged
- Fired when this NPC takes damage (!activator is the damage inflictor).
- OnDamagedByPlayer
- Fired when this NPC is hurt by a player (!activator is the attacker or vehicle driver [if friendly fire]).
- OnDamagedByPlayerSquad
- Fired when this NPC is hurt by a player OR by one of the player's squadmates (!activator is the attacker or vehicle driver [if friendly fire]).
- OnDeath
- Fired when this NPC is killed (!activator is the killer).
- OnDenyCommanderUse
- Fired when this NPC has refused to join the player's squad.
- OnForcedInteractionAborted
- Fired when the NPC aborts a forced interaction for some reason (target NPC died, couldn't be pathed to, etc.).
- OnForcedInteractionStarted
- Fired when the NPC starts a forced interaction.
- OnForcedInteractionFinished
- "NPCs in actbusies can no longer perform dynamic interactions."
Todo: What does this mean?
- OnHalfHealth
- Fired when this NPC reaches half of its maximum health.
- OnHearCombat
- Fired when this NPC hears combat sounds.
- OnHearPlayer
- Fired when this NPC hears the player.
- OnHearWorld
- Fired when this NPC hears a sound (other than combat or the player).
- OnFoundEnemy <targetname>
- Fired when this NPC establishes line of sight to its enemy.
- OnLostEnemy
- Fired when this NPC loses its enemy. Usually due to the enemy being killed/removed, or because this NPC has selected a newer, more dangerous enemy.
- OnLostEnemyLOS
- Fired when this NPC loses line of sight to its enemy.
- OnFoundPlayer <targetname>
- Fired when this NPC establishes line of sight to its enemy, and that enemy is a player.
- OnLostPlayer
- Fired when this NPC loses its enemy, and that enemy was a player. Usually due to the enemy being killed/removed, or because this NPC has selected a newer, more dangerous enemy.
- OnLostPlayerLOS
- Fired when this NPC loses line of sight to its enemy, and that enemy is a player.
- OnSleep
- Fired when this NPC enters a sleep state.
- OnWake
- Fired when this NPC comes out of a sleep state.
Dedicated Console Variables
Cvar/Command |
Parameters or default value |
Descriptor |
Effect |
g_debug_dropship |
0 |
: Draws boxes for debugging certain events.
- 0: Disabled
- 1: Takeoff?
- 2: Landing?
sk_dropship_container_health |
750 |
Health of the dropship's container. It explodes when it drops to 0 |
sk_npc_dmg_dropship |
5 |
Dropship container cannon damage. |